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  • Please Read: The Rules 4 131
Topic: Please Read: The Rules  (Read 266768 times)


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #420 on: April 03, 2013, 08:36:05 pm »
I just read these rules for the first time in a whileee, and am very thankful for you posting them.

I hadn't been aware of some of the things being against the rules, since I've seen them happening on the forum  :sad1:


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #421 on: April 21, 2013, 05:24:29 pm »
Pretty simple and understood! :icon_rr:


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #422 on: May 14, 2013, 04:07:28 am »
The rules are understood, Thank you.


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #423 on: May 20, 2013, 09:59:42 am »
Thank you so much for letting me know that information! I am still new here. Just finally figured out how to post a reply lol. I appreciate you looking out for us :]


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Re: The Rules v2.0 -- You MUST read!
« Reply #424 on: June 12, 2013, 07:11:48 am »
Netflix is not an instant charge. You must stay a member past the free trial and then you must pay for your first month. Everything can be avoided by reading the sites TOS that you visit, even here. Then you must wait an additional 30 days to credit until FC gets their credit.

No Netflix is not a instant charge but they do want you to give them your card info befor you get any service. Belive me I know. I am in the third month of the service, and I love it.


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #425 on: June 29, 2013, 12:28:17 pm »
All companies have up and downs, take the good with the bad but the rules are good to follow.


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #426 on: July 25, 2013, 06:40:14 pm »
Without rules life would be unfair.  Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you.


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #427 on: July 27, 2013, 12:10:52 pm »
1. Observe the golden rule -- Treat others as you would like to be treated

This one is pretty obvious. This means NO flaming, NO derogatory remarks to other members or staff. I know it is an online forum, but behind everyone's screen name is a real human with real feelings. So please respect everyone, even if you do not agree with them, or get along with them.

What if I break this rule? You will be banned for a minimum of 14 days and in a severe case your FusionCash account will be closed and all money will be forfeited.

2. Respect our advertisers -- Do not discuss cancellation or post disparaging remarks

This is a big one. We rely on the relationship between ourselves and the advertisers and companies we work with to be able to bring you the best offers that are out there. We need our members to understand that the advertisers are paying you to be a member. Please do offers that you are interested in, and not just do them because it has a 20 dollar payout. I hear people all the time whining about an offer that did not credit, but if they were truly interested in the offer it would not be that big of a deal because they wanted the product/service to begin with and the cash they get back from that is just something on the side. As long as you respect our advertisers, you may state your honest opinion of them – saying "This offer sucks!" or "This offer is a scam!" is not an honest opinion since it is speaking  out of anger.

What if I break this rule? You will be banned for a minimum of 7 days.

3. Do not paste links to other sites -- This means no referral links whatsoever

A rule that should probably be number one or number two on the list, because it seems to the be the one most broken. This forum is for FusionCash, not for you to see how many people you can get to your other site that you make money off of. It is not a forum for you to spam your link to your store, candle selling site, or any other site that you can make money off of others. If it is a video on YouTube, or a news story you wish to share with us, by all means share your link.  But you should not post links to sites that you own, or in which you have a vested interest. We do not need people sharing links that contains links to other sites where the original poster can gain money from other members. Any link found that contains referral links will be taken down immediately, and the poster will be promptly banned. If you have a link and you are unsure if you can post it, please send in a support ticket or an email to and I will be more than happy to look it over and let you know.

What if I break this rule? You will be banned from the forum and the website entirely, no questions asked, no second chances. People are taking advantage of this forum and it is no longer going to fly.

4. Understand that we cannot filter all of the content on the forums, so you may read or see something you don't like.

This isn't so much a rule as the others. We do believe in free speech, so if someone doesn't like the color purple and purple is your favorite color – sorry. We are not going to mute people's opinion of us or other subjects. Be respectful, observe the golden rule, and know that everyone is not going to share the same view you have.

What if I break this rule? You will be banned for a minimum of 14 days.

REMEMBER: Your use of the forums is a privilege, not a right, and we may revoke your access at any time and for any reason.


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #428 on: August 22, 2013, 06:48:05 am »
The point though is there are some offers that do not credit.  So what I am saying is I do not care how much or how little the offer is for.  All offers should credit if you compleat them and have proof that you compleated them.  FC should be responcible to ensure all of us that we are not waisting our time.  By them removing the Manual credit is saying to us Swim at your own risk and if you drown while we are sitting here watching we can not be held responcible.  Look at it this way when you go to the Beach there are life guards to make sure no one drowns.  If a life gaurd decided to just sit there and watch you drown who would be held responcable for your drowning?  I would say the life gaurd be cause he or she didn't do her job or even make any effort to help save you.  This is what FC is doing.

FC is'nt the one who got rid of Manual credit the advertisers did... that has always been on their end..... be lucky fc does do Manual credit for offers that pay a certain amount.. they don't have to do it at all... i for one would not pay someone for work they did if the people they did the work for said they did it wrong and was'nt going to pay me... sorry but it that were the case then everyone lets just sit back and stair at the screen..... it's work.. your using your eyes... ok now FC  pay us! lmaooo.... sorry but i just find this whole thing funny


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #429 on: August 23, 2013, 07:58:49 pm »
How many posts do we have to make a month to get the $3 credit??


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #430 on: September 11, 2013, 07:10:24 am »
1. Observe the golden rule -- Treat others as you would like to be treated

This one is pretty obvious. This means NO flaming, NO derogatory remarks to other members or staff. I know it is an online forum, but behind everyone's screen name is a real human with real feelings. So please respect everyone, even if you do not agree with them, or get along with them.

What if I break this rule? You will be banned for a minimum of 14 days and in a severe case your FusionCash account will be closed and all money will be forfeited.

2. Respect our advertisers -- Do not discuss cancellation or post disparaging remarks

This is a big one. We rely on the relationship between ourselves and the advertisers and companies we work with to be able to bring you the best offers that are out there. We need our members to understand that the advertisers are paying you to be a member. Please do offers that you are interested in, and not just do them because it has a 20 dollar payout. I hear people all the time whining about an offer that did not credit, but if they were truly interested in the offer it would not be that big of a deal because they wanted the product/service to begin with and the cash they get back from that is just something on the side. As long as you respect our advertisers, you may state your honest opinion of them – saying "This offer sucks!" or "This offer is a scam!" is not an honest opinion since it is speaking  out of anger.

What if I break this rule? You will be banned for a minimum of 7 days.

3. Do not paste links to other sites -- This means no referral links whatsoever

A rule that should probably be number one or number two on the list, because it seems to the be the one most broken. This forum is for FusionCash, not for you to see how many people you can get to your other site that you make money off of. It is not a forum for you to spam your link to your store, candle selling site, or any other site that you can make money off of others. If it is a video on YouTube, or a news story you wish to share with us, by all means share your link.  But you should not post links to sites that you own, or in which you have a vested interest. We do not need people sharing links that contains links to other sites where the original poster can gain money from other members. Any link found that contains referral links will be taken down immediately, and the poster will be promptly banned. If you have a link and you are unsure if you can post it, please send in a support ticket or an email to and I will be more than happy to look it over and let you know.

What if I break this rule? You will be banned from the forum and the website entirely, no questions asked, no second chances. People are taking advantage of this forum and it is no longer going to fly.

4. Understand that we cannot filter all of the content on the forums, so you may read or see something you don't like.

This isn't so much a rule as the others. We do believe in free speech, so if someone doesn't like the color purple and purple is your favorite color – sorry. We are not going to mute people's opinion of us or other subjects. Be respectful, observe the golden rule, and know that everyone is not going to share the same view you have.

What if I break this rule? You will be banned for a minimum of 14 days.

REMEMBER: Your use of the forums is a privilege, not a right, and we may revoke your access at any time and for any reason.


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #431 on: November 10, 2013, 07:23:31 pm »
This is some good advice and I am glad that I took the time out to read them.


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Re: The Rules v2.0 -- You MUST read!
« Reply #432 on: December 17, 2013, 04:35:37 pm »
Netflix is not an instant charge. You must stay a member past the free trial and then you must pay for your first month. Everything can be avoided by reading the sites TOS that you visit, even here. Then you must wait an additional 30 days to credit until FC gets their credit.
what if you have had netfilix can you still get the credit I been a member for them for 4months.


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #433 on: January 07, 2014, 03:13:49 am »
And how about If I refer only the link to my friends? there gonna take out me from this website?


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Re: Please Read: The Rules
« Reply #434 on: January 07, 2014, 03:14:34 am »
And how about If I refer only the link to my friends? there gonna take out me from this website?

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