Yeah and too bad we didnt know the Japs were gonna bomb Pearl Harbor or Bin Laden planned 9/11
Its been 40 yrs since AIDS arrived.
Much sickness is part of this world.
Yes its good to be smart and preventive and it might serve many well.But the groaning in the world will never end till God decides ENUFF!!!He has been quite patient with the human race cos he knows HIS message still must be heard.
But as examples shown in the bible show,even HE has a timetable.
You are absolutely right!! This world is on God's timetable, not ours. But I think he is probably about fed up with all the evil in the world.
The bible says 1000 of our yrs is like 1 day to God. If mankind is 6000 yrs old this satanic/manmade ruling has been going on 6 days in Gods eyes.
But his original purpose was put on hold <rebellion in Eden>and time was needed to prove satan/manmade rulership doesnt work.And how RIGHT HE was looking at the past 6000 yrs.
Jesus died once for ALL time to ransom the human race back to living forever under the RIGHTFUL ruler of the universe Jehovah in Gods kingdom <government.>
God created the earth to be inhabited FOREVER by mankind under his rulership.
As Jesus said,if you are not for me then you are against me.And for Jesus would be obeying and loving his father Jehovah,NOT being independent and deciding for ourselves what is good and bad as satan claimed in Eden and also in book of Job.
The world is only 2000 yrs. old. 2000 before the birth of Christ and 2022 approx after Christ. The day=to years isn't as literal as you might think. It was just saying that God isn't bound by time.
The earth will end when God decides and at that point his elect (dead and living) will be in heaven. The non-elect will go to hell and then the earth will be burned up with a fervent heat.
you better go easy on what you are smoking or drinking.
Who Will Inherit the Earth?
JESUS answered this question in his Sermon on the Mount: ‘The meek will inherit the earth.’ Centuries earlier the psalmist David had said: ‘The meek will possess the earth.’ Of Jehovah God himself it is said: “The earth he has given to the sons of men.”—Matthew 5:5; Psalm 37:11; 115:16.Gods servants Noah and Abraham were on earth 1000s of years before Jesus became a man on earth.Jesus said before Abraham was born that he already existed as a spirit in heaven.The earth is only 2000 yrs old?LOL!!!Jesus was here 2000 yrs ago as a man.If he spoke of Noah 1000s of yrs before he became a man that certainly is a lot closer to 6000 yrs then the earth being 2000 yrs old.DUHHHHHHHH!!!!
Who in their right mind would ever wanna worship a god that would torment his creation in how hell is displayed in Christendom
Hopefully you dont have children.There are many stories RE abortions but just as many of monsters for parents how they have tortured and killed their offspring.
If your god is portrayed as you say <hell existence>hopefully you have no children.
Jesus said,there are many gods but only 1 God the father.Father means life-giver,so Jesus referred to this God that ONLY created life.He also said,I have made your name known,the only TRUE God and the one you sent forth Jesus Christ.
I love those scriptures.They answer ALL the questions who the TRUE God is and what his name is.
The bible also tells us Satan is the god of this world and that is backed up when he offered Jesus all the kingdoms of this world for an act of worship.
I get amused when all the politically minded are saying,just a few more days <referring to election day>and we will get our country back not realizing the devil is in charge.