I would like to point out an example of how fusioncash doesn't uphold it's own standards despite it's strict requirements of us.
On the referral promo materials page....
https://www.fusioncash.net/creatives.phpScroll down and observe this...
Don't make false or exaggerated claims about FusionCash.
For example, you cannot claim "Easily make $15,000/month" or "Instant Payments", since those statements are misleading.
Then scroll down to the 125x125 banners and observe the third one on the right side of the page.
I copied the banner code to save you the trouble...
<a href="https://www.fusioncash.net/?ref=geekbasic"><img src="https://www.fusioncash.net/images/creatives/fc_125x125_3.gif" border="0" alt="Free Money at FusionCash!" title="Free Money at FusionCash!" /></a>
The banner literally says:
Free money
make hundreds
In hours
Cahs via paypal or check
The suggestion that you can make money gere alone is cringeworthy, but hundreds?! Whoah dude!
Now tell me, what the quality control really looks like here. Literally no positive updates for at least a decade. Amazing!