No. You pride yourself in talking about things that you know bits and pieces about. You pride yourself in half-truths that you honestly believe are the truth, but in reality are not.
And now you're going to throw out the "I'm older than you and I've seen things - so I know better than you" argument? Seriously??? Please - you can come up with something better than that!
Just like my admissions (they are there - you've seen them) that Trump is not 100% perfect and has many huge faults, I have also admitted that an extremely small percentage of clergy has done horrific things that deserve punishment.
But just like Trump, you will never concede anything good that the Catholic Church has done. That won't stop me from defending it from your lies and hatred.
I can tell you today and tomorrow and yesterday that I see that good every single day of my life and I am an active participant in helping to make that happen, so excuse me for defending against your half-truths and outright lies. But when you belittle me and what I do in effort to try to make things better for someone less fortunate you are belittling the very Bible that you claim to so reverently uphold and respect - regardless of whether you or your church has the God-Inspired correct interpretation of things.
Keep spewing your judgment & condemnation and I will keep praying for you and doing what I can to daily live out the Gospels.
And once again – do some research and see what Catholic Charities actually does before you spout lies about where money donated to that organization goes. I can give you a few links if you like, but you’ve already demonstrated a pretty good working knowledge of Google.
MY judgement?LOL!!!
The bible says in Revelation Babylon The Great will be destroyed!!That pertains to ALL of Christendom!!That is Gods judgement.
You have a problem why i bring up catholic teachings in the 60s?Lemme tell you they existed 100 fold!!!I had enuff discernment to know something was wrong.
The mortal/venial sin crap.Eat meat on Friday,miss mass.Meanwhile the clergy getting away with their sexual mis-conduct.A priest couldnt get married.LOL!!!!What a joke some of their doctrines were.
You should take advantage i saw ALL this back then and what they were about.
I notice today they dont seem to speak about hell or Satan.I wonder why.
“Babylon the Great Has Fallen!”
1. What does the second angel announce, and who is Babylon the Great?
IT IS the hour of God’s judgment! Listen, then, to the divine message: “And another, a second angel, followed, saying: ‘She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen, she who made all the nations drink of the wine of the anger of her fornication!’” (Revelation 14:
For the first time, but not the last, Revelation focuses attention on Babylon the Great. Later, chapter 17 will describe her as a voluptuous harlot. Who is she? As we shall see, she is a global empire, she is religious, and she is Satan’s counterfeit system that he uses in fighting against the seed of God’s woman. (Revelation 12:17) Babylon the Great is the entire world empire of false religion. She includes all religions that preserve the religious teachings and practices of ancient Babylon and that manifest her spirit.