You are partially correct.
The difference between you and I is that you follow a belief system which you believe to be true. And I follow a different belief system which I believe just as strongly to be true. Thank God that we live in a country where we can each have and express those differing beliefs. (Unfortunately, the self-righteousness and cancel culture that Joe Biden's political party advocates would prohibit that diversity in opinion if taken to the extremes that they are pushing - but that is another topic altogether).
I am willing to bet my afterlife on what I believe and I look forward to the day (not really a day or time - but in our individual existence after it has all been said and done) when you and I and our eternal souls can compare notes.
I know that you don't believe in that part, but if/when we get there you will HAVE to concede that point!
I am also called, in the here and now, to do what I can to make THIS life better for myself and for my children and for others that I love. Whether you believe in that part or not really is of no concern to me. I certainly wish you well, regardless.
The difference also between you and I is,i saw Trumps recent rant on how he was going to pardon those RE the 1/6/ BS.I would not be surprised if somehow he is involved in another disaster.But for that matter RE politics i wouldnt be surprised if POLITICS caused any unrest in this Satanic ruled world that you DONT see.I didnt have a need to bring that up now till you ranted on Joe.I know a great tribulation will happen with Christendom being destroyed by worldly governments.Again NOT sure how much Trumps influence will be part of that.
When you say you support bible,just what do you support?LOL!!!
What i put up here are NOT my teachings.The bible references back it all up.Im sorry your heart condition doesnt undertsand it.It really is ABC,but to many its based on what Satan told Eve,that she would be better off deciding for herself what was Good/bad.
Human history backs up the truth and thats why soon Jehovah will bring this Satanic/manmade system to an end.Lovingly God has warned this planet for over 100 yrs what we need to do to live forever in a peaceful world under paradisic conditions under his government with his son Jesus as king and many resurrected to hear the truth that have passed away in ignorance to be given a chance to live forever.
The first commandment Jesus said was to LOVE Jehovah.Its hard to believe MANY that dont know his name or accept it love him.They worship nameless gods and really are doing the deeds of the devil.
YOU support Satans world NOT the bible.God can judge your ignorance why you do as well he can judge me if I Love him.
Afterlife?LOL!!If man had an immortal soul there would have been NO need for Jesus to die and ransom his life.
And i remind you God has said he created the earth to be inhabited forver with righteous people that love and obey him and know that Jehovah is GOD.Psalms 83:18 KJV