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Topic: Asleep during an interview??  (Read 1119 times)


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Asleep during an interview??
« on: September 03, 2021, 10:34:17 am »
Was Biden sleeping during the interview with Stephanopolous? Maybe or maybe not.

It doesn't matter as much as him leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban making them the best armed military in the world. Or deserting Americans in Afghanistan or betraying our allies.

How does this man sleep at night? Does Alzheimer's make it easier for him to be calm and rested? 

BTW, what exactly was he building back better as he says? Was it the Taliban, because it sure wasn't the United States of America.


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Re: Asleep during an interview??
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2021, 07:29:46 am »
Was Biden sleeping during the interview with Stephanopolous? Maybe or maybe not.

It doesn't matter as much as him leaving billions of dollars worth of military equipment to the Taliban making them the best armed military in the world. Or deserting Americans in Afghanistan or betraying our allies.

How does this man sleep at night? Does Alzheimer's make it easier for him to be calm and rested? 

BTW, what exactly was he building back better as he says? Was it the Taliban, because it sure wasn't the United States of America.

Ha! Yesterday during a "video" conference with Australia and the UK, he called the PM by his first name but when it came to the Australian PM, he couldn't remember his name so he called him "the guy from down under."   That has to be insulting. How much longer are we to put up with this embarrassment of Biden? He has alienated most of our allies with the debacle in wasn't only Americans and SIVs left behind, but our allies didn't have advanced warning that he was pulling out immediately so they scrambled to get their people out.

...And now the controversy with Gen. Milley. Nine months into Biden's presidency and he hasn't done anything good; just made enemies of our allies and friends with our enemies while dividing this country even more through his blunders and hate for certain groups of people. But the problem is who wants Harris or Pelosi as president?????


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Re: Asleep during an interview??
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2021, 02:28:07 pm »
And the realization is because of 2020 being the worst year this country has ever had and "Guess who"was president then,the country voted the buffoon in!!!LOL!!

Oh im way ahead of all you Trump supporters who say the election was rigged....z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z .Now go tuck Biden in.

I dont vote!!!!

The bible said LONG ago man couldnt govern himself successfully apart from his Creator.Some will just never get it!!

« Last Edit: September 16, 2021, 04:10:38 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Asleep during an interview??
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2021, 04:02:15 pm »
I dont vote!!!!

Yet you continue to chastise those who voted a particular way or who are overly critical the other way. How does justify prohibiting its members from voting, but has no problem with them voicing obvious political opinions? Again, as in other cases - I am not asking that question to attack, but simply do not understand the mentality of not being allowed to vote by your church, but being allowed to voice or influence opinion. Just one of those things that seems very inconsistent to me.


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Re: Asleep during an interview??
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2021, 05:50:30 pm »
I dont vote!!!!

Yet you continue to chastise those who voted a particular way or who are overly critical the other way. How does justify prohibiting its members from voting, but has no problem with them voicing obvious political opinions? Again, as in other cases - I am not asking that question to attack, but simply do not understand the mentality of not being allowed to vote by your church, but being allowed to voice or influence opinion. Just one of those things that seems very inconsistent to me.
Jesus said before you try to remove the straw from someones eye,remove it from yours first so you can see better.

I speak out against Trump supporters cos they are fast to crush Biden when they seem to be ignorant of what went on in 2020 or 1/6/21.And too ignorant and try to overlook and defend it!!

Just keep quiet!!!Remember Jesus said what you want done to yourself also do unto others?

That is what irks me...the blindness.And you are right,i should remain neutral and keep my opinion on the ignorance to myself.

You seem to have a terrible memory to ask why JWs dont vote.They dont support a manmade/Satanic system and remain neutral and still try to obey laws that dont compromise Gods,be kind and pay taxes.

You know the scriptures what Jesus told Pilate.You know the world lies in power of wicked one....or do you?????

Just remember this.....ALL religeons DONT lead to the truth!!!Many examples of Jesus scolding others about their false doctrines.

Common sense should tell us all would a loving Creator have any part in what has gone down in this world in 6000 yrs of mans existence and then you are going to die and go to heaven/hell???


Yes scripture answers that too how Satan has blinded many with his political/religeous doctrine that many have fallen victim to.

Pretty much why JWs dont vote or hold political office,but are in subjection to mans laws as long as they dont compromise Gods laws until Gods kingdom rules earth from heaven.

Oh yeah that line is in Lords prayer....Let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.Many say it and dont have a clue what it means.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2021, 06:18:06 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Asleep during an interview??
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2021, 07:54:49 am »
And the realization is because of 2020 being the worst year this country has ever had and "Guess who"was president then,the country voted the buffoon in!!!LOL!!

Oh im way ahead of all you Trump supporters who say the election was rigged....z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z .Now go tuck Biden in.

I dont vote!!!!

The bible said LONG ago man couldnt govern himself successfully apart from his Creator.Some will just never get it!!

Ever hear the saying that if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain about anyone who was elected?  That's all I'm going to say.


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Re: Asleep during an interview??
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2021, 10:27:40 am »
And the realization is because of 2020 being the worst year this country has ever had and "Guess who"was president then,the country voted the buffoon in!!!LOL!!

Oh im way ahead of all you Trump supporters who say the election was rigged....z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z-z .Now go tuck Biden in.

I dont vote!!!!

The bible said LONG ago man couldnt govern himself successfully apart from his Creator.Some will just never get it!!

Ever hear the saying that if you don't vote, you don't have the right to complain about anyone who was elected?  That's all I'm going to say.
Pretty foolish statement.

I have the right to say Bush was president on 9/11....and he and war monger Cheyney supported a war in Afghanistan.

I have the right to say Trump was president in 2020 when the pandemic caused the worst yr EVER for this country.

I have the right to say Trump was president when he incited a riot on 1/6/21 on Washington.


I am quite proud to say I dont vote and supportt the nonsense that goes on with the political crap that goes on,but i also know what i see.“We Must Obey God as Ruler”

The apostles take a stand that sets a precedent for all true Christians

Based on Acts 5:12–6:7

« Last Edit: September 18, 2021, 11:57:29 am by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Asleep during an interview??
« Reply #7 on: September 18, 2021, 01:04:41 pm »
You seem to have a terrible memory to ask why JWs dont vote.They dont support a manmade/Satanic system and remain neutral and still try to obey laws that dont compromise Gods,be kind and pay taxes.

You misread, but in your defense, I did not clearly frame my question. I was not asking why JWs don't vote.

I was asking WHY if we start from the given that JWs aren't allowed to vote are you still allowed to voice such obvious and strong political opinions in favor of (or in defense of) one political philosophy and in strong opposition against another political philosophy. How is one different from the other is my question? Why is one an evil and the other is perfectly fine and JW sanctioned?


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Re: Asleep during an interview??
« Reply #8 on: September 18, 2021, 03:01:11 pm »
You seem to have a terrible memory to ask why JWs dont vote.They dont support a manmade/Satanic system and remain neutral and still try to obey laws that dont compromise Gods,be kind and pay taxes.

You misread, but in your defense, I did not clearly frame my question. I was not asking why JWs don't vote.

I was asking WHY if we start from the given that JWs aren't allowed to vote are you still allowed to voice such obvious and strong political opinions in favor of (or in defense of) one political philosophy and in strong opposition against another political philosophy. How is one different from the other is my question? Why is one an evil and the other is perfectly fine and JW sanctioned?
By NOT voting i didnt support Dems or Reps.I am guilty of intervening.That is based on my view how can Trump supporters keep bashing what Biden does after what he is guilty of?

Dont throw Gods rule under the bus cos I get pissed off seeing the ignorance when i should just let a lying dog sleep.

Bottom line is I still DONT vote and have knocked Biden for NOT helping out the situation in Russia and i have even said he woulda lost election if Pandemic didnt hit in 2020.

Im not afraid to speak truth.


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Re: Asleep during an interview??
« Reply #9 on: September 18, 2021, 06:51:44 pm »
I'm still confused and don't understand the difference between the two. But I'm not sure there really is one.


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Re: Asleep during an interview??
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2021, 07:09:43 pm »
I'm still confused and don't understand the difference between the two. But I'm not sure there really is one.
Staying neutral and staying out of it completely.

We are all human and yes it is sometimes hard to control our emotions.

Look at it this way,Jesus didnt support the political system but when he had to speak the truth or tell those what they were part of he didnt hold back either.He said if others werent interested in why his father sent him here just leave quietly and kindly.

I was opinionated RE why i speak up and Jesus would have scolded me and i always knew that.But when he said "no part of the world"thats what it means and you have to be very fine in conduct etc.

I guess being imperfect we all decide at the ttime what is good and bad.Im guilty of being not right all the time and like i said should just let a lying dog lie.

When the time comes and my life is on the line i hope i support Prov 27:11 about being wise and makiing Gods heart rejoice so he can make a reply to Satan who taunts him if we love and appreciate what Jehovah and Jesus did for the human race.

Can you even imagine being with the Jews and seeing God bury the Egyptians in the Red Sea and then many of them turning to false worship later on?There are many things now that support this Satanic system that many are a part of and the bible clearly says Jehovah is a jealous God and NO other gods existed before him.He has that right.

Read Rev 4:11

What God and Jesus did after A&E doomed the human race many are ignorant of or just dont care.

Its NOT EZ being a true Xtian in this world,but we are promised everlasting life/peace/happiness in a paradise earth under a righteous government from heaven.And yes only 144000 go to heaven and rule while billions will benefit the kingdom on earth.

Christendom doesnt have a clue.Why do you think for a generation in over 240 lands a warning has been sounded.

Math 24:14

And there will a resurrection of the righteous and unrighteousness who have died in ignorance to hear the truth.Remember what Jesus told the evil-doer that died along side of him.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2021, 07:29:02 pm by Donnamarg323 »

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