I just went to JW.org and in my previous posts i used the word indirectly.
BUT.....it looks like DIRECTLY can be correct.The name Jesus means Jehovah is Salvation and after A&E doomed the human race God immediately made provision when he sentenced the serpent.
YES Satan was responsible for what God did as well as A&E disobeying.
https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2002921And in an earlier link Jesus became king of Gods kingdom in 1914 when Satan and his angels were hurled out of heaven to the confines on the earth.
I thought i would bring this up too RE false religeon that teaches the hell theory.
Notice in book of Job how Satan is in heaven and God asks him where have you been and Job answers roving about in earth.
Also in Revelation where war breaks out in heaven and Satan and his angels are thrown out of heaven to the confines of the earth.
Looks like he never made it to the hell that false religeon teaches.
It also says at end of Revelation with final test of mankind after Jesus 1000 yr rein that Satan who was abyssed is let loose again and deceives many again and then he is totally destroyed forever and put out of existence....along with those that are on his side.
So much for the hell theory that Satan has blinded many with to make God look evil.I always wondered that when i was a child and i thank Jehovah for letting me understand the truth.
1 last thing brought up too many times.Satan has insulted Jesus as a babe when his father made him KING of KINGS for his kingdom.You have some here that cant seem to grasp that.Its the same as worshipping an idol.Many scriptures have been put up here how God feeels about being ccompared to a piece of wood etc.
Doesnt it make sense?A God creating the MARVELOUS universe being compared as a good luck charm in the form of a dead piece of plastic.How would you like to be compared to cow manure?
I rest my case.
Oh BTW,Jehovah told Moses,"No man can see me and live".
Makes sense eh?Lets just use the sun how powerfful it is,what must he look like?
Oh yeh and then theres millions of other stars!!!!!
It shows you the ignorance what chrisendom is putting into others heads guided by Satan.
Oh and dont forget to read 2nd chaptor of Mathew about that cute nativity scene that turned into a murderous spree.
And yet you have some watching Xmas movies in July!!!Gimme a break!!