Where the hell does Barack Obama and Michele Obama come into it?
Read the link I provided if you missed it the first time. The Obamas [legitimately in my opinion] sang the praises of this wonderful children's author just a few short years ago. Now many of his books are being labeled as "racist". Surely, if that were truly the case, the former President and First Lady - who are not stupid people by
any stretch of the imagination and are champions of the cause against racism - would have recognized this then and never would have said the positive things they did about Dr. Seuss:
- "pretty much all the stuff you need to know is in Dr. Seuss"
- "We're all the same, so why would we treat somebody differently just because they don't have a star on their belly?"
- "We love Dr. Seuss in this house."
(all direct quotes attributed to either Michelle or Barack)
Seuss died in 1991. And as far as I can tell, nothing has changed since he first published these stories and illustrations long before that. Nothing new has been infused into these books, no new editions have been published, nobody maliciously inserted new racist language or artwork. Are you trying to tell me that in 2021, we have experienced a new revelation of racism in this man that Barack and Michelle so highly praised just six years before? Were they blind to his racism or did they just choose to sweep it under the rug and hope that nobody would notice?
Of course my earlier reference to the Obamas as racists was sarcasm, but it was meant to prove a point. The mob mentality of the cancel culture is absolutely destroying our civilization. But if we as a society are willing to dig up past history of things certain people said on social media years ago in order to propagate the whims of today's cancel culture and then viciously attack those people today, how is what I have done in declaring the Obama's racist
any different than that?
Again, racism will spill out of ugly, cowardly mouths yet again. Sad really.
The "really sad" part is where self-righteous people manufacture racism where none exists in effort to make themselves feel superior and more 'woke', yet refuse to address legitimate instances of racism or oppression where it clearly exists. I am struggling here and maybe some one else can help me. I cannot decide if this scenario is more akin to the boy who cried wolf or to the boy who proclaimed that the emperor had no clothes. In either case, it is a complete perversion of reality.