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Topic: Sorry, Tucker...  (Read 266 times)


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Sorry, Tucker...
« on: February 05, 2021, 06:17:48 am »
Your attempt to anger readers fell short on anyone within the financial industry. The peeps writing your story regarding the horrific invasion of privacy bestowed upon citizens of the United States by the big, bad Bank of America entity/people missed review of the the USA Patriot act (thanks to Dubya), FDIC Law and Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. Domestic Terrorists are not a protected class and bank/credit/money transfer companies are allowed to share information (without permission of the citizen) if there is any suspicion that the funds may be involved in the commission of money laundering, terrorist activity and/or the funding of terrorist activity. The large portion of my day is spent reviewing transactions to make sure that the money is not being used for illicit activity and, if so, filing the requisite suspicious activity reports, If the money is believed to be associated with terrorist activity and/or money laundering the report is put on a heightened status to the responsible law enforcement agency.

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