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Topic: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!  (Read 4881 times)


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #30 on: September 04, 2020, 10:36:06 am »
I don't care that she wasn't wearing a mask, I do care about her ugly reaction to getting caught. Blaming everyone else and claiming to be set up and that she is owed an apology? Please. You got caught being a hypocrite, just own it.
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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2020, 05:01:09 pm »
WOW! more than I want to even talk about!!


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #32 on: September 04, 2020, 06:40:42 pm »
If you're wanting to talk about hypocrisy, don't start with this administration in office.  They have provided example after example after example!

Concrete examples with legitimate citations please...

Examples have been everywhere over the past 3 plus years.   No longer start the litany of them.  It does no good.  Most of the time, people don't even read and are too busy thinking of their response. I simply don't use my time and energy.  If you were really interested and open minded, you would know them by now.  You probably do, but I find most excuse and justify everything the man does for some inexplicable reason.  We have really set a low standard for the presidency.

So no specific examples then? Just being a parrot/echo chamber of the typical biased media? Thanks for the confirmation.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #33 on: September 04, 2020, 06:41:55 pm »
The biggest hypocrite is Trump.  He lies, he lies and he lies. 

Concrete examples with legitimate citations please...


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2020, 12:55:28 pm »
If you're wanting to talk about hypocrisy, don't start with this administration in office.  They have provided example after example after example!

Concrete examples with legitimate citations please...

Examples have been everywhere over the past 3 plus years.   No longer start the litany of them.  It does no good.  Most of the time, people don't even read and are too busy thinking of their response. I simply don't use my time and energy.  If you were really interested and open minded, you would know them by now.  You probably do, but I find most excuse and justify everything the man does for some inexplicable reason.  We have really set a low standard for the presidency.

So no specific examples then? Just being a parrot/echo chamber of the typical biased media? Thanks for the confirmation.

It's simple.  If you knew how to read and critically think at the same time, you would know exactly what I'm talking about.  I no longer have time for you types so stay with your head in the sand. It matters little to me any more.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #35 on: September 07, 2020, 01:08:12 pm »
I don't like her at all. I don't understand why we need to listen to her 2 senses all the time. I just don't get it. >:(


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #36 on: September 08, 2020, 11:52:17 am »
The worse part of Pelosi being caught breaking the rules is she now threw the owner and employees under the bus. She can't even apologize for breaking the rules.  Excuses all the time.  I hope she's gone Nov. 4 along with the rest of the people in Congress who think they're privileged and think they're better than us.

Just like the Philadelphia mayor who dined in a restaurant in NJ because he won't allow restaurants in his city open. DeBlasio doesn't wear a mask in public unless he's doing a photo op.

It's all about politics.  Just like some reporter yesterday that President Trump asked to remove his face mask briefly so he could hear him, & the reporter refused. Then in the media, the press made a big deal about it. THEN this morning there is a picture of that reporter all over social media, with him at that very same press event holding his mask in his hand, not social distancing, & speaking to other press like a foot away.  It's all BS.  & people keep falling for the propaganda. 


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #37 on: September 08, 2020, 11:57:34 am »
I don't like her at all. I don't understand why we need to listen to her 2 senses all the time. I just don't get it. >:(

We need to listen to her because she is the biggest fund raiser for the Democrat party... do you want your campaign financed by the Democrat party? Or do you want the Democrat party to primary you?  Every wonder why all the Democrats are lemmings & all have the same talking points, act the same way, even dress the same way... it's because of Nancy controlling the purse strings.   Interesting that some tables are being turned by the socialist party members like Sanders & AOC... she doesn't control them so much.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2020, 01:16:43 pm »
It's simple.  If you knew how to read and critically think at the same time, you would know exactly what I'm talking about.  I no longer have time for you types so stay with your head in the sand. It matters little to me any more.

The point is that I do know how to read and critically think at the same time. But suit yourself on your decision to not engage.

I will continue to call out B.S. and bias when I read it, but you are 100% free to believe what you wish to believe. That I suppose is one of the beautiful things about living in a free country. (Many of those freedoms will die with a Biden/Harris administration).


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #39 on: September 08, 2020, 03:12:40 pm »
Yep I saw this too. Hypocrite indeed.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #40 on: September 08, 2020, 04:40:36 pm »
Everyone has something to say bad about Nancy Pelosi, when 45 won't even wear a mask in public.  He is the biggest of all hyocrite in all of History.  She is not the President, he is the one who is suppose to set an example!

Hypocrite. "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” -Inigo Montoya

LOL. Good one, 1imaginarygirl!


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #41 on: September 08, 2020, 07:51:47 pm »
There is only 1 real hypocrite the human race should worry about.


He told Eve,You positively will NOT die after Jehovah warned them they would if they ate from Tree of Knowledge.

Sin was born and the penalty of sin is death says bible.A&E doomed the human race.Satan was the liar.A&E could have told Satan to take a hike like Jesus did.They didnt.

So while many of U worry about what party is correct in wearing a mask i remind U all we have bigger fish to fry.

It all started with the first lie ever told. The historical account in the Bible book of Genesis gives the details. It says: “As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.” (Genesis 2:17) That was Jehovah God talking to the first man, Adam. Now, compare this with Genesis 3:1-4, where Satan, speaking through the serpent, induced Eve to disobey God, saying: “You positively will not die.” So Satan contradicted what God had said. He thereby told the first lie, becoming “the father of the lie.”​—John 8:44; Revelation 12:9.

When you compare what Pelosi did to what Satan claimed,its like a pimple on a flys butt.

Staying home,wearing amask,social distancing and avoiding crowds has proven to slow virus down RE any political nonsense and is supported by God.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2020, 08:17:14 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #42 on: September 09, 2020, 03:31:55 pm »
There is only 1 real hypocrite the human race should worry about.


He told Eve,You positively will NOT die after Jehovah warned them they would if they ate from Tree of Knowledge.

Sin was born and the penalty of sin is death says bible.A&E doomed the human race.Satan was the liar.A&E could have told Satan to take a hike like Jesus did.They didnt.

So while many of U worry about what party is correct in wearing a mask i remind U all we have bigger fish to fry.

It all started with the first lie ever told. The historical account in the Bible book of Genesis gives the details. It says: “As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.” (Genesis 2:17) That was Jehovah God talking to the first man, Adam. Now, compare this with Genesis 3:1-4, where Satan, speaking through the serpent, induced Eve to disobey God, saying: “You positively will not die.” So Satan contradicted what God had said. He thereby told the first lie, becoming “the father of the lie.”​—John 8:44; Revelation 12:9.

When you compare what Pelosi did to what Satan claimed,its like a pimple on a flys butt.

Staying home,wearing amask,social distancing and avoiding crowds has proven to slow virus down RE any political nonsense and is supported by God.

What a timely post.   I recently read an article on George Orwell, who in his book 1984, wrote that those who wanted to control the people would target women & children first, mostly women as they were easy to manipulate with propaganda. Orwell had seen this first hand with the way the Communists in the Soviet Union initially gained control of the population, by targeting the women.

Satan & Communists target the women to manipulate with lies, & unfortunately they appear to be the ones who are easily persuaded.  I see similar to what is happening in America, I saw a study where something like 70% of the rioters are women... is it because they are ruled by impulse & emotion, who knows.   I do wonder why I see women having to get naked or take off their shirts/bras while protesting... you don't see men doing stuff like that, ever.  Like what is the point of that? & why the need to Twerk in front of the cops?

Eaters of the apple, bringers about of Communism...


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #43 on: September 09, 2020, 03:44:48 pm »
There is only 1 real hypocrite the human race should worry about.


He told Eve,You positively will NOT die after Jehovah warned them they would if they ate from Tree of Knowledge.

Sin was born and the penalty of sin is death says bible.A&E doomed the human race.Satan was the liar.A&E could have told Satan to take a hike like Jesus did.They didnt.

So while many of U worry about what party is correct in wearing a mask i remind U all we have bigger fish to fry.

It all started with the first lie ever told. The historical account in the Bible book of Genesis gives the details. It says: “As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.” (Genesis 2:17) That was Jehovah God talking to the first man, Adam. Now, compare this with Genesis 3:1-4, where Satan, speaking through the serpent, induced Eve to disobey God, saying: “You positively will not die.” So Satan contradicted what God had said. He thereby told the first lie, becoming “the father of the lie.”​—John 8:44; Revelation 12:9.

When you compare what Pelosi did to what Satan claimed,its like a pimple on a flys butt.

Staying home,wearing amask,social distancing and avoiding crowds has proven to slow virus down RE any political nonsense and is supported by God.

What a timely post.   I recently read an article on George Orwell, who in his book 1984, wrote that those who wanted to control the people would target women & children first, mostly women as they were easy to manipulate with propaganda. Orwell had seen this first hand with the way the Communists in the Soviet Union initially gained control of the population, by targeting the women.

Satan & Communists target the women to manipulate with lies, & unfortunately they appear to be the ones who are easily persuaded.  I see similar to what is happening in America, I saw a study where something like 70% of the rioters are women... is it because they are ruled by impulse & emotion, who knows.   I do wonder why I see women having to get naked or take off their shirts/bras while protesting... you don't see men doing stuff like that, ever.  Like what is the point of that? & why the need to Twerk in front of the cops?

Eaters of the apple, bringers about of Communism...
Adam was no better then Eve.Even tho she was the one who was deceived,Adam obviously loved her more then God or also wanted independence from Gods rule to decide for himself good and bad.


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Re: Nancy Pelosi - Biggest Hypocrite in all of History!!!
« Reply #44 on: September 09, 2020, 06:04:30 pm »
The hairdresser made the appointment and was aware of the rules for that state,  allowed her in, filmed it and released it to the media.  Complete setup.   If you call for an appointment, the business is responsible for informing you of the hours and rules.  Pelosi never forced them to service her.   The owner need to inform her hairdressers of the rules because her shop will receive the fines for not complying with the covid rules.

I agree

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