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Topic: Check on Old Support Tickets  (Read 3837 times)


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2020, 04:08:00 pm »
Thank you, Calendria for the info.  I see what you mean about adding support information at this location.   

However, I only have one help ticket number.  That is because I went directly to this older page and submitted a help ticket there.  All of my other help tickets have been submitted through the newer  registrant/member webpage interface. And there is no associated ticket number, but you can see your own history of help tickets and their status. Typically when the Administrators respond they close the ticket. The site says if you still have questions to open a new ticket.  They must have changed it along the way for some reason but kept the older help ticket format to maintain the history of older tickets.

I tried to go to the location for which you provided a link and look for help tickets that someone else sent and what the response was but I won't know the ticket number for someone else's help tickets.

I wouldn't think that you would be able to see someone else's help tickets and responses without permission from the person who submitted them originally. There might be sensitive information in the help tickets that not everyone should have access to.

You do not have access to someone else's help tickets.  That is nothing to you.  You are confusing because you say you have tried to see other help tickets and their responses and then your last part of your post says you wouldn't think that would be accessible because it may contain personal information.  And I would think most times it would.  My help tickets have been with issues I had with the site or my account.  I don't think any of them contained any really private info.

At one time I think moderators posted in the forums and answered questions.  I remember one years ago where someone was complaining because they completed an offer and did not get the promised $8 for signing up for something and the moderator was really snippy and said well you should have only signed up if you were interested in the offer and if that were the case you would not really care if you got the $8.  I don't know why I remember that.  I guess because I was so shocked. lol  The people who signed up for the offer most likely done so because they were getting a discount for signing up.


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2020, 04:11:34 pm »
I have never opened a ticket.  Thanks to all my FC buddies, by the time I recognize a problem that should have a support ticket, someone has done it, and I don't feel the need.
Wow kj, that's amazing, I have submitted about 10-15 altogether and probably around 1-2 a year. It's usually just something that I most likely don't really need help with, but is important enough to me.

My help tickets have pretty much been the same.  Either something that did not credit, and back in the day it was always fixed, or something not working.  I did report an offer once.  And they said they were going to contact the company who put the offer up because they needed to know what had happened.  I have not needed help with anything in a long time.  If a part of the site does not work I just go on with something else.  Others will have an issue and somebody else can report it. :D


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #17 on: August 17, 2020, 04:41:04 pm »
Once Fusioncash fixes the website to accept my profile information and I can utilize Paypal (or even a check at this point), it will be very rare that I will need a support ticket for anything on this site.

Was the support ticket that you submitted Bostonphil about the website certificate answered? Or was it that since the website was fixed, you considered it answered?  Just curious so I understand correctly. No biggie as i was interested to know if they did respond and close the ticket.

You can go to "get help" above and see the tickets you have submitted and the status of anything not answered. And if it is answered it will show you the reply and also when it was answered.

Yes this page gives you a list but "This Page:   "

gives you options to add comments and update your request with further information.  Check it out.

Yes BUT someone posted once, and I don't know if it is true, that IF you add to your ticket that it puts it back at the end of the line. So unless it was absolutely necessary I probably would not do this.

True!  So if you want to add comments or just repeat yourself use the link below to "Add" to your existing ticket and you won't be pushed to the end of the line!


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #18 on: August 18, 2020, 06:41:44 am »
Once Fusioncash fixes the website to accept my profile information and I can utilize Paypal (or even a check at this point), it will be very rare that I will need a support ticket for anything on this site.

Was the support ticket that you submitted Bostonphil about the website certificate answered? Or was it that since the website was fixed, you considered it answered?  Just curious so I understand correctly. No biggie as i was interested to know if they did respond and close the ticket.

You can go to "get help" above and see the tickets you have submitted and the status of anything not answered. And if it is answered it will show you the reply and also when it was answered.

Yes this page gives you a list but "This Page:   "

gives you options to add comments and update your request with further information.  Check it out.

Yes BUT someone posted once, and I don't know if it is true, that IF you add to your ticket that it puts it back at the end of the line. So unless it was absolutely necessary I probably would not do this.

True!  So if you want to add comments or just repeat yourself use the link below to "Add" to your existing ticket and you won't be pushed to the end of the line!

So what someone else said a while back is wrong? Someone else had posted if you add to your ticket you get bumped to the end of the line. I don't really know either way. Just going by what somebody else said.


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #19 on: August 18, 2020, 10:02:55 am »
Countrygirl- I DO NOT want to see soneone else's account. I DO NOT want to see someone else's helpt tickets and I DO NOT want to see any private information for any person's account/profile.  I know it is none of my business that is why i said I wouldnt see it.

I am not confusing. I had simply asked Bostonphil if there was a response to the help ticket submitted about obscene postings.

I am trying to learn on here and asking about the site. I don't know everything there is to know about this site.

It was very helpful of Calendria to point out the other location for help tickets. However, I understood it to be a location where you could see not only your own help tickets but all help tickets. I understand now that is not the case. And I DO NOT want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information.

Anyway, help ticket numbers do not seem to be used anymore for members on the member interface. Maybe for corporate clients numbers are used but not members.  I have not had a ticket number provided for the tickets I have submitted under the main "GET HELP" tab at the top of the member page.

The link Calendria provided is under "Corporate" (which is in tiny letters at the bottom right-hand side of the website).  Nice to know about but I think it is older and only kept around for older ticket references.


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #20 on: August 19, 2020, 11:44:16 am »
Countrygirl- I DO NOT want to see soneone else's account. I DO NOT want to see someone else's helpt tickets and I DO NOT want to see any private information for any person's account/profile.  I know it is none of my business that is why i said I wouldnt see it.

I am not confusing. I had simply asked Bostonphil if there was a response to the help ticket submitted about obscene postings.

I am trying to learn on here and asking about the site. I don't know everything there is to know about this site.

It was very helpful of Calendria to point out the other location for help tickets. However, I understood it to be a location where you could see not only your own help tickets but all help tickets. I understand now that is not the case. And I DO NOT want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information.

Anyway, help ticket numbers do not seem to be used anymore for members on the member interface. Maybe for corporate clients numbers are used but not members.  I have not had a ticket number provided for the tickets I have submitted under the main "GET HELP" tab at the top of the member page.

The link Calendria provided is under "Corporate" (which is in tiny letters at the bottom right-hand side of the website).  Nice to know about but I think it is older and only kept around for older ticket references.

Maybe you should go back and read your post on the previous page. You stated you could not see the status of help ticket submitted by others. You said it more than once. This implies you have tried to see that info. Maybe the way you meant it when you typed it and the way it came across when I read it is different. It sounded like you were trying to see the status of other members tickets.  It is just common sense that you would not have access to the help tickets of other members.  I usually just look at mine thru the help tab at the top. I went back the other day and look at previous tickets since I joined the site.  I saw something one time that I accessed thru the email that was different but  it was basically the same info.  It never would have entered my mind to see help tickets somebody else had submitted.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2020, 11:46:08 am by countrygirl12 »


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #21 on: August 19, 2020, 03:20:24 pm »
Countrygirl- I DO NOT want to see soneone else's account. I DO NOT want to see someone else's helpt tickets and I DO NOT want to see any private information for any person's account/profile.  I know it is none of my business that is why i said I wouldnt see it.

I am not confusing. I had simply asked Bostonphil if there was a response to the help ticket submitted about obscene postings.

I am trying to learn on here and asking about the site. I don't know everything there is to know about this site.

It was very helpful of Calendria to point out the other location for help tickets. However, I understood it to be a location where you could see not only your own help tickets but all help tickets. I understand now that is not the case. And I DO NOT want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information.

Anyway, help ticket numbers do not seem to be used anymore for members on the member interface. Maybe for corporate clients numbers are used but not members.  I have not had a ticket number provided for the tickets I have submitted under the main "GET HELP" tab at the top of the member page.

The link Calendria provided is under "Corporate" (which is in tiny letters at the bottom right-hand side of the website).  Nice to know about but I think it is older and only kept around for older ticket references.
Unless you need the post to get to your 30 and make $3 dont even bother going back and forth with CG.

If she had the chance to read someones help ticket she wouldnt bat an eyelash.

Now U might wonder how do i know that?Simple.If someone uses the internet to dig up dirt on others dont you think if they could find something out 1 2 3 they would do it?

Again unless you enjoy controversy or need the posts put her on ignore.And if U need more proof,pull up her posts from months back and see what others think as well.

Glad i could help. ;D


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #22 on: August 20, 2020, 08:58:57 am »
Thank you, Donnamarg323.

 You are right. I don't want to go back and forth on this with Countrygirl.

Thank you for the helpful information, Donnamarg323.

This is the last thing to say about this and I had already said it in my last comment regarding the issue.

I don't want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information. Let me reiterate... I do not want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information.

One last time.... I don't want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information. 



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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2020, 07:42:00 am »
I sent a support ticket about 2 weeks ago because I have moved and need to change my address.  I kept getting an internal error and could not change the address.  So far they have not answered the support ticket yet.


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2020, 10:46:49 am »
I sent a support ticket about 2 weeks ago because I have moved and need to change my address.  I kept getting an internal error and could not change the address.  So far they have not answered the support ticket yet.

Under the "Get Help" tab, you can add to the support ticket and update..  I do this since I can't access my Survey tab, I keep asking them to fix it for me.


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2020, 04:31:52 pm »
I sent a support ticket about 2 weeks ago because I have moved and need to change my address.  I kept getting an internal error and could not change the address.  So far they have not answered the support ticket yet.

I've also opened a ticket a month ago for the same reason. Tried changing my address today, still get the same error. I will add to my ticket. (Fortunately, I can still access surveys)
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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #26 on: September 21, 2020, 02:25:01 pm »
Thank you, Donnamarg323.

 You are right. I don't want to go back and forth on this with Countrygirl.

Thank you for the helpful information, Donnamarg323.

This is the last thing to say about this and I had already said it in my last comment regarding the issue.

I don't want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information. Let me reiterate... I do not want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information.

One last time.... I don't want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information. 


lol  You obviously do because here we are and you keep doing it.  You need to go back and read what you wrote because you most certainly did say something about how you could not see other people's support tickets.  Of course you can't.  It is none of your business.

As for HB he needs to take his own advice. He loses sleep worrying about how many times I have been thanked, how often I log on to the site, and what I am doing, and where I am posting.  I am not sure if that is scary or flattering.  Guess I should be flattered that I take up so much space in his head and so much of his time. lol


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2020, 03:16:43 pm »
Thank you, Donnamarg323.

 You are right. I don't want to go back and forth on this with Countrygirl.

Thank you for the helpful information, Donnamarg323.

This is the last thing to say about this and I had already said it in my last comment regarding the issue.

I don't want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information. Let me reiterate... I do not want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information.

One last time.... I don't want to see anyone else's help tickets or private information. 


lol  You obviously do because here we are and you keep doing it.  You need to go back and read what you wrote because you most certainly did say something about how you could not see other people's support tickets.  Of course you can't.  It is none of your business.

As for HB he needs to take his own advice. He loses sleep worrying about how many times I have been thanked, how often I log on to the site, and what I am doing, and where I am posting.  I am not sure if that is scary or flattering.  Guess I should be flattered that I take up so much space in his head and so much of his time. lol
Well obviously you know so much RE me i guess you enjoy reading my posts.<NOT sure why>
Trust me,from you NOT wearing a mask i wouldnt touch you with a 500 long pole.So have NO fear!!Flatter yourself that im 1 of few that answers you.

My mission is accomplished here me sounding  the alarm about you being the offspring of a viper.......and it will continue when there is a need for it.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2020, 03:19:51 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2020, 04:44:54 am »
Jaspe, Donna is giving you good advice!     :pumpkin: :in-love: :pumpkin:


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Re: Check on Old Support Tickets
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2020, 10:31:13 am »
Jaspe, Donna is giving you good advice!     :pumpkin: :in-love: :pumpkin:

Anyone can scroll the posts in the past and figure out what CG is all about.

A sneaky liar sums her up pretty good with all her controversial BS!!

I understand none of us are perfect,but i KNOW shes a rat RE the Hitch0403 ordeal as well as some others and i know Hitch0403 and my support of him always posted what was supportive for the FC members whether they disagreed or not on any subject matter.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2020, 10:33:09 am by Donnamarg323 »

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