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Topic: What would you do?  (Read 1175 times)


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2020, 06:37:50 am »
Wow!  What a terrible neighbor!!  Is your dog really barking excessively or is she just a crazy neighbor??  I would talk to the police about whether or not she can point her camera into your yard.  Seems like an invasion of privacy, but I'm not sure if there's anything legal you can do about it.  How attached are you to your home?  Maybe consider moving?  Good Luck!


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2020, 08:04:27 am »
I would find a way to control my dog barking if I had one.  Incessant barking is a annoying for sure.  Maybe some breeds bark more than others I don't know.  My father had a Doberman when I was a teenager and she stayed in the yard for a good part of the day and she hardly ever barked.  My bf has a German wirehaired pointer and she never barks.  Maybe you should train your dog to stop barking so much.  I don't disagree with the neighbor.


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2020, 09:32:23 am »
Wow!  What a terrible neighbor!!  Is your dog really barking excessively or is she just a crazy neighbor??  I would talk to the police about whether or not she can point her camera into your yard.  Seems like an invasion of privacy, but I'm not sure if there's anything legal you can do about it.  How attached are you to your home?  Maybe consider moving?  Good Luck!

No we never allow our dog to bark excessively but that is what she is telling the police. We are assuming that she has the camera into our yard for the simple fact of trying to catch our dog outside alone or barking excessively. Even the cop pretty much said that she doesn't have a leg to stand on. This woman is someone who is just trying to control the neighbor hood. She has gone 4 doors down to complain about someone using their leaf blower. She has gone over to another neighbor to stop playing her music so loud because she doesn't like Spanish music. She  obviously has issues.


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2020, 09:35:31 am »
seems to me that the camera pointed in your direction is invading your privacy.    Other than to get a lawyer I don't know what to do about it

tjshorty that is what I was thinking as well but I guess it's not UGH

There is nothing you can do.  We were walking through a parking lot a while back and somebody took our picture.  I did not confront him.  I did ask a friend that is a cop about it and he said if you are in public you have no expectation to privacy.  Still does not look like random people could legally take my picture or video me but apparently if I don't like it I can stay at home.  I gave an example earlier of something involving police in a yard a few houses down.  Another neighbor was in the road and her own yard videoing what was going on.  As she was not on the property where it was happening and videoing from the road and from her own property there was nothing anybody could do to stop her.  I am not sure what I would do in your situation.  Honestly, I would probably put my own camera up and point it so it videoed her yard.  Did you not say your son is a cop?  Ask him what you can do?  Probably nothing.  Like I said, I would never let the dog out alone.  And honestly I would probably walk around the property and make sure nothing had been thrown out for her to eat that could hurt her.

Yes my son is a cop, but in a different state.


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2020, 10:06:27 am »
Put up some sort of obstruction on your property that blocks what the camera can record. Since she is clearly a problem, you're gonna have fight her crazy with some crazy of your own!
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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2020, 10:08:13 am »
seems to me that the camera pointed in your direction is invading your privacy.    Other than to get a lawyer I don't know what to do about it

tjshorty that is what I was thinking as well but I guess it's not UGH

There is nothing you can do.  We were walking through a parking lot a while back and somebody took our picture.  I did not confront him.  I did ask a friend that is a cop about it and he said if you are in public you have no expectation to privacy.  Still does not look like random people could legally take my picture or video me but apparently if I don't like it I can stay at home.  I gave an example earlier of something involving police in a yard a few houses down.  Another neighbor was in the road and her own yard videoing what was going on.  As she was not on the property where it was happening and videoing from the road and from her own property there was nothing anybody could do to stop her.  I am not sure what I would do in your situation.  Honestly, I would probably put my own camera up and point it so it videoed her yard.  Did you not say your son is a cop?  Ask him what you can do?  Probably nothing.  Like I said, I would never let the dog out alone.  And honestly I would probably walk around the property and make sure nothing had been thrown out for her to eat that could hurt her.

Yes my son is a cop, but in a different state.

Oh.  It is sad at how little rights you actually have.


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2020, 10:10:16 am »
Wow!  What a terrible neighbor!!  Is your dog really barking excessively or is she just a crazy neighbor??  I would talk to the police about whether or not she can point her camera into your yard.  Seems like an invasion of privacy, but I'm not sure if there's anything legal you can do about it.  How attached are you to your home?  Maybe consider moving?  Good Luck!

No we never allow our dog to bark excessively but that is what she is telling the police. We are assuming that she has the camera into our yard for the simple fact of trying to catch our dog outside alone or barking excessively. Even the cop pretty much said that she doesn't have a leg to stand on. This woman is someone who is just trying to control the neighbor hood. She has gone 4 doors down to complain about someone using their leaf blower. She has gone over to another neighbor to stop playing her music so loud because she doesn't like Spanish music. She  obviously has issues.

Yrs ago I listened to a scanner.  A woman called the law on a neighbor dog for barking and since it was 911 they had to respond.  The cop goes to the house and when he finishes the call he says I had a talk with the dog. I told him to stop barking. lol


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2020, 10:11:50 am »
Wow!  What a terrible neighbor!!  Is your dog really barking excessively or is she just a crazy neighbor??  I would talk to the police about whether or not she can point her camera into your yard.  Seems like an invasion of privacy, but I'm not sure if there's anything legal you can do about it.  How attached are you to your home?  Maybe consider moving?  Good Luck!

That is insane. Why would you sell your home and move because somebody was a bad neighbor? The next neighborhood could be worse. I think the more people are locked in their homes the worse stuff like this is going to get. And the worse people are when they are in public as well when they don't like what others are doing.


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #23 on: August 01, 2020, 11:41:58 am »
not sure about the camera..understand the dog barking though..we have a neighbor whose dogs bark at a fly...and when he starts he will bark for hours non would think he would get tired and quit barking for a minutes..but this dog literally will bark for hours non stop...and they do not even come out to see if something is wrong or anything...maybe the cameras are pointed to the end of her property line and it looks like it may be on yours..hopefully...good luck

Usually dogs that bark constantly at everything are bored, not getting enough exercise and/or attention. It makes me so mad when people get a dog and then just leave it in the back yard day in and day out. Why would you get a dog if you're just going to ignore it?!  >:(


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #24 on: August 01, 2020, 12:27:27 pm »
I wonder why people thinks it's ok to listen to a damn dog barking all the time.  My next neighbor has a dog that starts barking each time I go outside.  It's annoying and the owners are idiots.
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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #25 on: August 01, 2020, 12:32:09 pm »
Put up some sort of obstruction on your property that blocks what the camera can record. Since she is clearly a problem, you're gonna have fight her crazy with some crazy of your own!

That is a good idea and that will really *bleep* her off LOL


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #26 on: August 01, 2020, 12:35:21 pm »
All dogs bark, that’s what they do.  Right now I have 5 and they spend most of their time inside.  I have 2 little ones (less than 10 pounds) so when the dogs go out one of us goes out too, we have hawks.  If they bark longer than a few minutes we bring them in.  If your dog is outside all the time, please bring him in, but if he occasionally barks I doubt anyone can do anything, all dogs bark.  As far as cameras pointing at your house, that’s creepy.  Maybe you can contact someone in your city to see if that is legal, it might be an invasion of privacy.  Good luck!

That is what we are trying to tell her Nancy (all dogs bark) She is never alone and we are always playing with her. The cop even told us that if she calls in another complaint he will tell her to just move. She likes to say that she's been here 16 years...well sister I have been here 63 years and she is THE worst neighbor we ever had !!


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #27 on: August 01, 2020, 01:34:30 pm »
I wonder why people thinks it's ok to listen to a damn dog barking all the time.  My next neighbor has a dog that starts barking each time I go outside.  It's annoying and the owners are idiots.

I dont get it either but that is not our dog...I dont get how people can lie about a dog barking all the time...our neighbor is pathetic that way. Yet she screams in her house and has this ungodly witches laugh that is sooooooooooo annoying !!


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #28 on: August 01, 2020, 11:33:53 pm »
Hmm legally your neighbor cannot have a camera pointed into your yard or anyone elses thats invasion of privacy. She can have it pointed at her fence. She could be sued for that. If the dog is barking during the day not a thing your neighbor can do about it. If your dog is barking after 10 at night than she could legally rightfully complain and possibly have something done about it.

You are wrong about pretty much everything you said.  Not sure where you are getting your info.  You cannot sue somebody for having cameras that capture somebody else's yard. Even door bell cameras usually will capture video across the street.  NOTHING you can do about it. I have a neighbor that lives down the street and she has cameras pointed at the road and she monitors EVERY car that goes up or down the road. There is nothing that can be done about it.

Where do you get this magic time of 10:00? If a dog barks CONSTANTLY no matter what time of day or night it IS there is something you could do about it. Obviously that is not the case here. It also I guess depends on where you live. Some places have stricter laws about noise. Technically a dog barking is not any different than kids screaming all day long in the yard. 
You are wrong you can sue over anything in general doesn't mean you will win. You are right about the camera issue. You could put something up on your property to block the view of the camera. Other than that only thing you could do is ask the owner to not have the camera pointed at your back yard its up to them to comply or not. They don't really have to. As for the 10 pm deadline we have that all over the state no loud noises after 10 or you could be fined. That includes pets, kids & other humans making loud noises


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Re: What would you do?
« Reply #29 on: August 02, 2020, 03:44:37 am »
I'm glad we do not have neighbors, we live in the country and that why we have a dog to bark at things.

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