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Topic: Weird cures for headaches  (Read 3239 times)


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2021, 09:56:19 am »
As far as I know I have never had a migraine headache, just regular headaches.  I'm glad I don't have migraine headaches because I have heard they are so painful.


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2021, 12:12:26 pm »
Okay the pickle is good for you. tell her to eat cucumbers peel it just incase they are bitter. boil cabbage and then drink the water yep. and get her to take good-type=brand of fish krill salmon oils high dose fer a while. Get this pill brand called Cognium that you have seen on tv, it is for memory and such, a protein that your brain takes-in I think it works :glasses-nerdy: If these don't work really you need to go to the Doc's. You know can be caused from your eyes, or your ears, or your teeth and or even your feet.  or she maybe sensitive to everything in her world I hope for the best for you.


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2021, 02:47:50 pm »
I always drink plenty of fluids and try to rest if it is really bad.


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2021, 11:35:12 am »
A nice, warm shower.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2021, 02:46:56 pm by beatsdrop »


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2021, 12:45:32 pm »
some of these cures for headaches seem rather unusual. especially the dill pickle juice and the peanutbutter.
But if they work tha't great! I am glad i don't get many headaches anymore! :rainbow: :rose: :peace: :wave:
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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2021, 03:23:10 pm »
rubbing the area between the thumb and the index finger - I think it relieves the stress.


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #21 on: August 01, 2021, 07:28:35 pm »
Peanut Butter for headaches?  I have never heard of that cure.
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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #22 on: August 01, 2021, 09:44:56 pm »
If you pinch the skin between your thumb and index finger it's supposed to get rid of a headache.


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2021, 04:55:29 am »
Some of these are interesting and I agreed weird cures for headaches. I stick with extra strength tylenol which works well for me.


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #24 on: August 02, 2021, 03:45:41 pm »
My wife sells doTERRA essential oils and they work wonders on a lot of different ailments. I don't know what is included, but there is an oil blend called Past Tense that does a bang up job on headaches. She has it in a roller ball applicator bottle and just a small roll across the back of the neck usually knocks that headache out pretty quick!


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #25 on: August 03, 2021, 07:16:07 pm »
My wife sells doTERRA essential oils and they work wonders on a lot of different ailments. I don't know what is included, but there is an oil blend called Past Tense that does a bang up job on headaches. She has it in a roller ball applicator bottle and just a small roll across the back of the neck usually knocks that headache out pretty quick!
I saw your post here UGP and i looked up the site cos my spouse gets some bad headaches.I ordered the roll-on thats was around $12.50.

Ill keep you posted with results.


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2021, 05:55:19 am »
I saw your post here UGP and i looked up the site cos my spouse gets some bad headaches.I ordered the roll-on thats was around $12.50.

Ill keep you posted with results.

Please do! Different people have had different levels of success with it.

There is an oil blend called Tri-Ease that has helped my daughter with allergies and very sensitive urticaria on her skin when other more conventional medicines wouldn't touch it.

And there is another blend called DigestZen that works wonders on upset stomach, nausea, and indigestion. You rub a bit of it on your belly (it smells like black licorice) and it is amazing how quickly it can help. I had bad nausea when I needed gallbladder surgery several years ago and that oil blend was a tremendous help to me.

Many other oils and blends for lots of different ailments and issues. I hope your spouse has some success with the Past Tense!


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2021, 07:11:49 am »
I saw your post here UGP and i looked up the site cos my spouse gets some bad headaches.I ordered the roll-on thats was around $12.50.

Ill keep you posted with results.

Please do! Different people have had different levels of success with it.

There is an oil blend called Tri-Ease that has helped my daughter with allergies and very sensitive urticaria on her skin when other more conventional medicines wouldn't touch it.

And there is another blend called DigestZen that works wonders on upset stomach, nausea, and indigestion. You rub a bit of it on your belly (it smells like black licorice) and it is amazing how quickly it can help. I had bad nausea when I needed gallbladder surgery several years ago and that oil blend was a tremendous help to me.

Many other oils and blends for lots of different ailments and issues. I hope your spouse has some success with the Past Tense!
Thanx.Might consider the product for nausea.My son gets it quite a bit.

I had my first gall bladder attack in 2011.I rode it out for about a yr and a yr later had another attack and had the belly button surgery.Might be worst pain i ever had.I couldnt wait till they shot me up with pain killers and i hate drugs thats how severe pain was.

Ill keep you posted.Does your wife make $$$ selling the products?


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2021, 09:12:25 am »
This was interesting reading of the many different ways to help with headaches.  Usually when I get one it is dehydration or hunger.  My daughter gets horrible migraines, she has a prescription to take as soon as she feels one coming on.   


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Re: Weird cures for headaches
« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2021, 08:10:58 am »
Ill keep you posted.Does your wife make $$$ selling the products?

She makes a small amount, but not much. Mostly she earns rewards points that she can then use toward reducing the pricing of future orders that she places. She could make a lot more than she does, but she does not like to be pushy in trying to sell and she never charges people the full retail amount that she reasonably could. She often gives away tiny bottles of free samples for people to try first before they invest anything in it because she wants folks to know that it works for them before they shell out $$$ on something they might later consider to be snake oil. And for many of the people who buy from her regularly, she often only charges them the wholesale price that she is able to get it for (or at a very small markup) rather than the full reasonable retail markup that people seeking pure profit might do.

Her rationale is that she is still getting something out of it since she gets reward points for the volume ordered - so as long as her own supply and shipping costs are covered, she is usually happy enough with just that. It's not the best business model in terms of profit, but it's also just a side gig and not her primary income. So if she is happy doing it that way and she has several regular repeat customers - then I figure it is up to her to decide how she handles it all.

It is also set up like a pyramid model where she can sign people up as 'wellness advocates' under her if they are interested and would buy enough product to make it worth their while to sign up that way. Then she would get a partial credit for any sales/orders they make. Some people hear "pyramid" and immediately think it must be a scam MLM or ponzi scheme - but in this case the product works and is a benefit to a lot of people who order it. She kind of just leaves it up to folks to sign up if they decide it is worth the cost - or just buy the oils from her directly at a relatively cheap overall price.

(LONG answer to a very simple question!) ;)

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