Have not found this story yet, but I'll keep looking! I did find where my state is being ordered for a second time to close down bars, indoor gyms, indoor movie theaters, water parks
Quote I like to share:
Ferrer said:
" the increase in cases, positivity rates and hospitalizations is "alarming."
"If you're not part of the solution to slowing the spread, you're ending up being part of the problem," she said.
If I can find it I will post a link. Masks do not stop the spread so nice try with that one. The problem is everybody trying to control everybody else. I saw a post somewhere, and have a screen shot of it, where it basically said you need to worry about you. You can only control you. You can control how YOU react to someone else. You choose whether or not to be triggered by someone else. Basically mind your own business and worry about you.
I do not agree that masks and gloves are the new "norm" and that everybody will have to wear a mask and gloves if they are in public, for the rest of their lives. Next time you are out WATCH people with their masks on. I have really been paying attention. They are constantly touching, pulling it up and down, fondling it, rearranging it and then touch everything else. Another reason the mask is useless. With the first being the tiny virus germs can go right through the mask. Believe it or don't. I saw a kid with a mask on in Walmart this past week end and she had her fingers in her eyes every time I saw her. So again, the mask is totally useless.
I actually saw a post yesterday where some idiot ask the dept of health in my state if they needed to wear a mask in their own home.