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Topic: Year 2020  (Read 4774 times)


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #30 on: July 06, 2020, 09:42:56 am »
My condolences for the loss of your dad

This is the worst year ever!  My dad passed away, I've had a hard time trying to settle his estate, I was in a car accident that totaled my car (not my fault), my mother has been hospitalized a few times and isn't doing well, and I lost a good portion of my vision in one of my eyes due to a medical condition.  I am so READY for this year to be over!!!! 


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #31 on: July 06, 2020, 10:29:03 am »


Every time I think about this 2020 covid19 year in retrospect, I wonder how many times has it happened in my daily shopping routine, that people next to me either in line or while searching for products on the shelf have coughed or sneezed and I just said "Bless You" !!! Must be a million!  Now I do not even get close enough to the other shoppers or turn away to avoid them in the aisles completely!  (I haven't caught the flu or even a cold from this in the past, but I'm sure someone else has!)

I have never had the flu either. I have never wanted people to cough or sneeze on me. I don't turn and run to avoid meeting people in an aisle.

This is the worst year ever!  My dad passed away, I've had a hard time trying to settle his estate, I was in a car accident that totaled my car (not my fault), my mother has been hospitalized a few times and isn't doing well, and I lost a good portion of my vision in one of my eyes due to a medical condition.  I am so READY for this year to be over!!!! 

I do not get this line of thinking. I hear people say this all the time. Like magically in Jan 2021 it is a new year and everything will just be hunky dory. A lot of what is going on was planned.  I don't think things will ever be what we once knew as normal. Things will only get worse until the return of Christ and then it will get even worse for the ones who are still here. People laughed at Noah too.  And you see what their fate was. The Bible is clear. And it means what it says. You can sugar coat things and change it to mean what you want it to but that does not change the Word of God!
Jesus NEVER left.The kingdom established in heaven 1914 with the ousting of Satan and woe to the earth since then.

Obvious to see who back this scripture up.

Matthew 28:19, 20

19  Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations,a baptizing themb in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20  teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.c And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.

Cant be any more clear who is alerting the world taught by Jesus to preach Gods kingdom <government on earth as is in heaven backed by a people who represent Gods name Jehovah in 240 lands
« Last Edit: July 06, 2020, 11:00:13 am by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #32 on: July 06, 2020, 11:01:23 am »
Covid cases are going up cause people arnt wearing masks when they should.  Or social distancing. It's a crazy year for sure.

lol Masks do not have anything to do with it. They have said repeatedly that wearing a mask will not keep you from betting sick.  As far as social distancing that needs to be banned from vocabulary. You are free to stay home. Some people can't. If you believe that virus will float through the air 6 feet then just stop you are crazy.  A sneeze can travel as much as 30 feet. I guess we all stay home with what we have and slowly one by one you die. Because you can't breathe where somebody else has or touch anything somebody else has touched.

Haha. You do know that over the weekend, the "experts" claim the virus is airborne. It attacks people in bars, restaurants, offices, markets and casinos. These "experts" have no idea of the cause only that they want to make everyone's life miserable.  Now masks are indispensable and people will have to start wearing them indoors. Of course, they want the ventilation systems upgraded with new filters to minimize recirculating air and maybe use ultraviolet light to kill viral particles. Why don't we just die and get it over with now?  No, this is another way the government can force people to buy these ventilation systems if they don't have one or upgrade if they do. It's sickening.

What are they going to do when the next virus comes from China. It has already raised it's ugly head.


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #33 on: July 06, 2020, 11:35:53 am »
Covid cases are going up cause people arnt wearing masks when they should.  Or social distancing. It's a crazy year for sure.

lol Masks do not have anything to do with it. They have said repeatedly that wearing a mask will not keep you from betting sick.  As far as social distancing that needs to be banned from vocabulary. You are free to stay home. Some people can't. If you believe that virus will float through the air 6 feet then just stop you are crazy.  A sneeze can travel as much as 30 feet. I guess we all stay home with what we have and slowly one by one you die. Because you can't breathe where somebody else has or touch anything somebody else has touched.

Haha. You do know that over the weekend, the "experts" claim the virus is airborne. It attacks people in bars, restaurants, offices, markets and casinos. These "experts" have no idea of the cause only that they want to make everyone's life miserable.  Now masks are indispensable and people will have to start wearing them indoors. Of course, they want the ventilation systems upgraded with new filters to minimize recirculating air and maybe use ultraviolet light to kill viral particles. Why don't we just die and get it over with now?  No, this is another way the government can force people to buy these ventilation systems if they don't have one or upgrade if they do. It's sickening.

What are they going to do when the next virus comes from China. It has already raised it's ugly head.

Yeah, I saw that. I could only shake my head and think well you idiots I knew that a long time ago. The flu is airborne too.  I saw that about the ventilation and a doctor told us a couple weeks ago if you have the AC on that the air is circulating and that everyone in the building is possible going to be exposed if one person is sick.

I had not thought about that the government will force buildings to upgrade the ACs. It is all about control And it is scary at how easily the people who are buying this are being manipulated. It is like they have been brain washed. This is not about a virus and it never was. It is about control. The death rate is less than the flu. Less than 1% are hospitalized. People need to stop believing what the media spoon feeds them and do some research of their own.  Thankfully more and more people are waking up and seeing what is going on.

And you are right about the "next virus" lol  I started a thread about it. Now they are saying there are 2 of them. smh Maybe the ones pushing it can get it and die and the rest of us can go on with life. 


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #34 on: July 06, 2020, 11:56:30 am »
it been a goo year so far ??? ??? ???


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #35 on: July 06, 2020, 01:18:16 pm »
Covid cases are going up cause people arnt wearing masks when they should.  Or social distancing. It's a crazy year for sure.

lol Masks do not have anything to do with it. They have said repeatedly that wearing a mask will not keep you from betting sick.  As far as social distancing that needs to be banned from vocabulary. You are free to stay home. Some people can't. If you believe that virus will float through the air 6 feet then just stop you are crazy.  A sneeze can travel as much as 30 feet. I guess we all stay home with what we have and slowly one by one you die. Because you can't breathe where somebody else has or touch anything somebody else has touched.

Haha. You do know that over the weekend, the "experts" claim the virus is airborne. It attacks people in bars, restaurants, offices, markets and casinos. These "experts" have no idea of the cause only that they want to make everyone's life miserable.  Now masks are indispensable and people will have to start wearing them indoors. Of course, they want the ventilation systems upgraded with new filters to minimize recirculating air and maybe use ultraviolet light to kill viral particles. Why don't we just die and get it over with now?  No, this is another way the government can force people to buy these ventilation systems if they don't have one or upgrade if they do. It's sickening.

What are they going to do when the next virus comes from China. It has already raised it's ugly head.

Yeah, I saw that. I could only shake my head and think well you idiots I knew that a long time ago. The flu is airborne too.  I saw that about the ventilation and a doctor told us a couple weeks ago if you have the AC on that the air is circulating and that everyone in the building is possible going to be exposed if one person is sick.

I had not thought about that the government will force buildings to upgrade the ACs. It is all about control And it is scary at how easily the people who are buying this are being manipulated. It is like they have been brain washed. This is not about a virus and it never was. It is about control. The death rate is less than the flu. Less than 1% are hospitalized. People need to stop believing what the media spoon feeds them and do some research of their own.  Thankfully more and more people are waking up and seeing what is going on.

And you are right about the "next virus" lol  I started a thread about it. Now they are saying there are 2 of them. smh Maybe the ones pushing it can get it and die and the rest of us can go on with life.
FC members,please note how CG ended this post.She wants to go on with her life while others die!!

And yet she thinks shes going to heaven.

I know one thing.She has some kind of virus in her brain.Could U imagine if that was contagious?For sure we would all need mercy!!


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #36 on: July 11, 2020, 09:38:55 am »
Agree, so many things have happened and the year isn't even over yet. Hope that it will trend positive soon.


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #37 on: August 01, 2020, 08:36:56 am »
Yeah, I really detest this year.


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #38 on: August 01, 2020, 10:39:54 am »
This year i feel has been one of the worst years in a long time.. and when you think it' s finally over something else is happening.. How crazyyyy.. Everything is getting messed up and emotional.. and people are getting offended and things are changing.. and what are your views on all this???  Personally I myself have no words...
Well, people are gonna be offended by something at some point but now, I guess there is a realization as to just how easily or easier it is or has been to get what they want regardless of how it impacts the lives of others. I mean, when do people really care about anyone but themselves?
"Let me ask you something. If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #39 on: August 01, 2020, 12:34:09 pm »
2020 has been very trying for everybody.  I hate it because wearing masks is awful.  Trying to breathe with a mask on is horrible.  Freedom to do what I want has ended. 
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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #40 on: August 01, 2020, 01:29:50 pm »
This year has been for sure challenging for me mentally and emotionally. It felt like all of the sudden the world turned upside down. Up until March 13th I went into work at my job and then our governor issued a stay at home order and my work went remote and it was never the same. In May I graduated with a college degree, but couldn't have a regular graduation ceremony. It frustrated me at first but then I dealt with it because I was pleased with myself for completing a degree program during this time. I was laid off from my job June 30th and now I'm trying to figure out what to do next. I will be relieved when this year is over.


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #41 on: August 01, 2020, 01:37:15 pm »
To me this has been the worst year of my life.  First the virus and you can't go anywhere or do anything.  Try explaining to a 4 year old grandson that you can't take him to the park so he can play.  Then to make matters worst that same grandson passes away on Easter Sunday and I miss him so much.


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #42 on: August 02, 2020, 10:34:23 am »
This year has been for sure challenging for me mentally and emotionally. It felt like all of the sudden the world turned upside down. Up until March 13th I went into work at my job and then our governor issued a stay at home order and my work went remote and it was never the same. In May I graduated with a college degree, but couldn't have a regular graduation ceremony. It frustrated me at first but then I dealt with it because I was pleased with myself for completing a degree program during this time. I was laid off from my job June 30th and now I'm trying to figure out what to do next. I will be relieved when this year is over.

At least your job was able to "go remote".  I don't get you saying you will be relieved when this year is over.  What makes you think Jan 1 of 2021 everything will magically just be hunky dorey and all will be great?  I have heard a lot of people say that and I don't know why they think next year will just all of a sudden be better.  It could be a lot worse.


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #43 on: August 02, 2020, 10:36:35 am »
To me this has been the worst year of my life.  First the virus and you can't go anywhere or do anything.  Try explaining to a 4 year old grandson that you can't take him to the park so he can play.  Then to make matters worst that same grandson passes away on Easter Sunday and I miss him so much.

As far as I know our public parks never closed.  Of course we were also never under a mandated lock down. Some businesses were closed.  There are several parks and one is not too far from me.  Don't recall seeing too many kids playing there but there are no signs saying not to be on the equipment.  A lady down the street has her grandkids and they have stopped going to the park but that is just because she does not want to be around other kids.


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Re: Year 2020
« Reply #44 on: August 02, 2020, 11:18:06 am »
 >:(  It is certainly hard to find the words.  I am 66 and never could have envisioned all that is going on right now and not just the virus.  There seems to be so much like you said and it goes from one thing to another.  For those who find comfort in prayer like me, that is all I know to do.  That and I'm staying home except for once or twice a month to go to the store for food.

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