A few weeks banner not updated......Maybe.
3 + months of $200?I dont think so.Im not pulling a CG with you to disagree.....thats just the way it looks to me...and with virus rampant in some of his earlier posts........
If the banner goes back to $ 2047 after 180 days he didnt claim it then.
I'm not trying to be difficult either, but I am telling you that my banner has
consistently shown over the past several
years that my earnings and receipt have been $86 off. It is not because I have earned $86 unclaimed - it is because the banner does not recalculate when surveys are initially awarded and then later rejected.
It's not about the banner not being updated/caught up. From now until eternity (unless they make an adjustment to how the earning banners are coded), both mine and NRAJoe's banners are always going to have that discrepancy and neither of us have that much earned and unclaimed.
If he hasn't been around since April, then we are already about 4 months in. Take a look again in October and even if he resurfaces in the meanwhile I guarantee that the amounts on his banner will still differ by $200 (or whatever NRAJoe's difference is).
If I am wrong and his banner amounts reset due to six months of unclaimed earnings - I will eat crow and admit to all. But based on my own experience with my banner reports I know that is not the case. And I know this because I keep very accurate records of my earnings across all sites and it always bothered me that my public posted banner for Fusion Cash was
not accurate and there was no way for me to force a reboot or reset or anything else to make it accurate.