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Topic: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart  (Read 1671 times)


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Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« on: May 02, 2020, 04:59:33 pm »
The other day I went shopping at Walmart with gloves and a mask over my nose and mouth and i noticed that half the people there weren't wearing masks or gloves (mostly younger people) and were acting like it was a normal day and  okay to shop like that. 😱

I'm pretty sure they didn't have any medical conditions to make it impossible to wear them, either.

A couple I walked by weren't wearing masks or gloves and were laughing.

I heard the guy say, "They all think they're gonna die." and then he even had the nerve to look in my shopping cart as I passed by them.

It's not any of his business what I buy when I'm shopping.

I don't even know who he is.

He thinks the coronavirus is funny?

Wait until he gets it or someone he knows dies from it.

He won't be laughing then!

Why are so many people being foolish at a time like this?


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2020, 05:45:28 pm »
I have not been to Walmart or Target since this virus has hit and only trying to go the grocery once maybe ever two weeks but you are right people are acting that life is normal and I really don't think it will ever be back the way it was.  So glad that our governor made it mandatory that you have to wear a mask in any retail shop.


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2020, 11:18:03 pm »
I haven't been in a grocery store since I last went to Aldi on March 14th.  I ordered from Kroger through Instacart almost 3 weeks ago but won't be using Instacart again since as middlemen they really jack up the prices, along with a $10 fee and you still need to tip the shopper.  Planning to walk to Aldi's and shop this coming Wed.  Gotta dig up one of my bandanas for a mask


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2020, 12:00:58 am »
Where I live it's mandatory you have to wear a mask to go into any store.


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2020, 03:34:45 am »
I haven't been to Walmart since before the stay-in-place mandate.  That would be one of the last places I'd  like to shop at now.  We're lucky to have our small town grocery store and a Dollar General.  I have only been in the both stores a few times and I don't like to go.  They have disinfectant wipes at the carts, "X's" on the floor to help judge 6 feet distance between shoppers in the checkout lane.
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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2020, 04:29:09 am »
The thing is the ones who are not wearing masks and gloves think, YOU, the ones who are - are the ones who are foolish.

I agree with you on why are so many people acting so foolish. Just not the way you are.  It is just a virus.  The death rate is less than the flu.  People better wake up.  Our freedoms are being stripped away every day.  More and more.  And you will not get them back.

Yeah, this will make you mad.  Get over it.  I have also noticed people are no longer capable of having a conversation any longer unless the person they speak to are in total agreement with them.


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2020, 04:34:27 am »
I haven't been to Walmart since before the stay-in-place mandate.  That would be one of the last places I'd  like to shop at now.  We're lucky to have our small town grocery store and a Dollar General.  I have only been in the both stores a few times and I don't like to go.  They have disinfectant wipes at the carts, "X's" on the floor to help judge 6 feet distance between shoppers in the checkout lane.

What about through out the store? There is no way to stay 6 feet from every one in the stores.  I was at Walmart yesterday and standing at the end of an aisle.  This stupid woman kept taking a step forward and then back. She done this about 3 times and just glared at me.  I just shook my head.  I am thinking hfuiagghadfj you can either suck it up and walk by me or go some where else to shop because I am not moving.  People are ridiculous.  And your silly little masks are not doing any good.  The virus is so tiny it takes a very powerful microscope to even see it.  Guess what - it will go right through your mask.  But hey the dumos succeeded in further dividing the country.


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2020, 04:36:42 am »
The other day I went shopping at Walmart with gloves and a mask over my nose and mouth and i noticed that half the people there weren't wearing masks or gloves (mostly younger people) and were acting like it was a normal day and  okay to shop like that. 😱

I'm pretty sure they didn't have any medical conditions to make it impossible to wear them, either.

A couple I walked by weren't wearing masks or gloves and were laughing.

I heard the guy say, "They all think they're gonna die." and then he even had the nerve to look in my shopping cart as I passed by them.

It's not any of his business what I buy when I'm shopping.

I don't even know who he is.

He thinks the coronavirus is funny?

Wait until he gets it or someone he knows dies from it.

He won't be laughing then!

Why are so many people being foolish at a time like this?

And FYI "coronavirus" is nothing more than a common cold.  Covid19 however is the virus that so many are freaking out about.  You are in the minority.  More and more people are waking up and realizing this is over blown hype.


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2020, 05:33:10 am »
The thing is the ones who are not wearing masks and gloves think, YOU, the ones who are - are the ones who are foolish.

I agree with you on why are so many people acting so foolish. Just not the way you are.  It is just a virus.  The death rate is less than the flu.  People better wake up.  Our freedoms are being stripped away every day.  More and more.  And you will not get them back.

Yeah, this will make you mad.  Get over it.  I have also noticed people are no longer capable of having a conversation any longer unless the person they speak to are in total agreement with them.
Everyone please notice the last paragraph here.She says people cant have a conversation if any dont agree with them.LOL!!

So why doesnt CG shut her big fat mouth cos i know many here DONT agree with her!!

But she keeps yapping away to continually crush the Dems or the JWs?

They should MAKE her wear a mask that prevents her from speaking or typing to prevent us catching the "Countrygirl"virus.LOL!!Only Republicans are immune to it.LOL!!Decendants of Obama and JWS are at a greater risk catching it.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 05:55:07 am by Drutts0643 »


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2020, 05:47:58 am »
I have not been to Wal Mart since the Virus broke out. If I do go, I will be wearing a mask and gloves. I am not taking any chances.


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2020, 07:00:18 am »
I go to walmart all the time and in my area, a mask or face cover is required or they will not let you enter into the store.
For now, I guess this is a good thing to start getting things back to normal


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2020, 07:04:00 am »
A lot of foolish and strange people are shopping everywhere.  No masks seem to be the thing to do even when asked to wear them.  My hubby and I wear ours when we need to go out.  He has to wear one at work. This virus will never go away if people don't either stay at home or agree to wear a mask when out


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2020, 07:12:32 am »
Why are so many people being foolish at a time like this?

There are those that walk around with this veil if invincibility, as if nothing can happen to them. Maybe, possibly that death or harm is something that will only happen to them in the great and distance future so, there is no need to worry about anything right now. That kind of thinking is as you said, foolish.
"Let me ask you something. If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2020, 07:35:43 am »
This particular thread is a good example of when people show you who and what they are, believe them. I bet you can guess who I am referring to due to what they stated, their multiple posts acting like they know it all, and the attitude demonstrated!


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Re: Lots of foolish people shopping at Walmart
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2020, 07:49:08 am »
If I have to go to a store, and it’s rare as I do most curbside or delivery, I wear a mask.  I have COPD and had 2 bouts of cancer.  There is NO way I am going to chance getting this. 
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