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Topic: Impeached President Thinks Disinfectant and UV light Might Cure Covid-19  (Read 7360 times)


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if that happens then thinning the herd is not such a bad thing


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I really can't stand when people say if you don't like the president send the check back.  That money isn't coming out of Trumps pocket. 
I Heard the president say it and still people defend him. 


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I feel like he was just brainstorming. Thinking out load. Though he should not have said it. You have to think before you speak.


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There are somethings I have learned of them is to just read the comments and keep scrolling.  That's what I am doing here. lol
~~ Nicole Acosta ~~ Proud to be a Work At Home Mom (:
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They actually use UV light in Blood Irradiation Therapy - perhaps that is what he meant, since he is not a scientist & doesn't articulate himself as a scientist would?

"Blood irradiation therapy is a procedure in which the blood is exposed to low level red light (often laser light) for therapeutic reasons. Most research on blood irradiation therapy has been conducted in Germany (by UV lamps), and in Russia (in all variants) while smaller-scale research has been performed in other countries such as Great Britain. The practice itself was developed in the U.S."

This guy has never heard of blood irradiation therapy and certainly can't read to the level it would take to understand it.   If you listen to him at times when he goes off script, all you hear is bullying or language that you would never guess comes from someone who is college educated.  I'm thinking there is a reason Lawyer Cohen was sent to the school to make sure they don't release his transcripts.  His daddy was paying again!


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I woke up that morning to my democrat friend informing me with genuine excitement that the president had told everyone to drink bleach like it's some jim jones koolaid thing. Imagine my shock when I watched the press conference and no one had actually said that? Almost like it was taken out of context... impossible I guess...

If a few people are so stupid that just overhearing someone wondering about the concept of having some way to sanitize the body makes them go out and chug bleach then I'm just amazed they lived however long they did.

You watched and didn't hear that he suggested that injecting a disinfectant might be the answer?  Holy Mother!! What don't you understand?  Maybe a hearing test would suffice!


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You are probably going to get scolded.Some think hes the Messiah.

As one of the more vocal Trump supporters in the forum - this is one of the funniest things you've ever said on here! Nobody believes Trump is anything close to the Messiah! I support much of what he has done (and often call out the misinformation and slanted criticism of things people claim he has done), but I would never consider him to be the Messiah and would vehemently oppose ANYONE who suggested that he was.


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You are probably going to get scolded.Some think hes the Messiah.

As one of the more vocal Trump supporters in the forum - this is one of the funniest things you've ever said on here! Nobody believes Trump is anything close to the Messiah! I support much of what he has done (and often call out the misinformation and slanted criticism of things people claim he has done), but I would never consider him to be the Messiah and would vehemently oppose ANYONE who suggested that he was.
Then you are quite blind.There are people on FC that could care less RE Jesus and would kiss Trumps butt.

I made comparison for it to be NOT taken literally but if u disagree with the above,then again i remind u UR blind and read the forum.

You can tell which members <maybe>care a lot about Trump and could care less RE Jesus.

I also suggest you go back and read what Jesus told Pontious Pilate RE this world.Or do u know how to use a bible?

Prov 18:2 2 Fools find no pleasure in understanding
    but delight in airing their own opinions.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 09:18:04 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Anybody who would buy this line of crap has some serious problems and if you ask me, the fact that the news media reported this to gullible tells me we have way more problems then the virus.  >:(


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Those of you who hate Trump kindly ripup or send back your stimulus checks...hate to see you compromise your principles...

The stimulus check was passed by Congress.  The president knew better than to try vetoing it.  But, of course, with his ego he had to sign a letter for those receiving it in the mail to try to make it seem like he was the only one supporting it and came from his personal bank account.  WTH!


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Those of you who hate Trump kindly ripup or send back your stimulus checks...hate to see you compromise your principles...

The stimulus check was passed by Congress.  The president knew better than to try vetoing it.  But, of course, with his ego he had to sign a letter for those receiving it in the mail to try to make it seem like he was the only one supporting it and came from his personal bank account.  WTH!
That does seem to be the unanimous opinion of FC members.

I guess we will find out in NOV if it was of the country.


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Those of you who hate Trump kindly ripup or send back your stimulus checks...hate to see you compromise your principles...

The stimulus check was passed by Congress.  The president knew better than to try vetoing it.  But, of course, with his ego he had to sign a letter for those receiving it in the mail to try to make it seem like he was the only one supporting it and came from his personal bank account.  WTH!

You seem to be confused, Steve Mnuchin went to Congress on behalf of the President to negotiate a Stimulus package to assist the economy - Congress controls the money, therefore one has to negotiate any bill with Congress to get funding & then it has to be passed through Congress & then to the President.  They negotiated together, then passed through both branches of government.

There is no Trump signature on the Stimulus Check - have you seen it?  It is just IN SMALL simple type on the bottom left:


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Trump is worst kind of person to have been elected in office.  He lies constantly and take credit for anything that someone or another country has done. Whatever happened to him being impeached?  He doesn't care about the people because he simply doesn't give a damn.  Why would he suggest that people can inject themselves with a disinfectant.  Then the next day he says  he was joking.  Did anyone see that he really wasn't joking.  He really is an A$$h$$$.
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I'm living in the Twilight Zone.  Can't wait to wake up from this nightmare.  There's no defending this level of ignorance and stupidity.  What an embarrassment.

No telling how many people are going to try disinfecting their insides  Every time he makes one of these ridiculous statements somebody tries it and dies.  Only take advise from doctors and medical professionals, not this person who thinks he knows averything.

You're right! There's lots of stupid people in this country, especially when they take sarcasm as truth. Look at the one who drank fish cleaner and they weren't Trump fans and Trump never told ANYONE to do that.  It is a fact that hydroxychloroquine  is successful in some people beat the virus. So, he suggested it because of test results from doctors but all of a sudden, Fauci says no and they're forced to stop using it. Why is that? If it works, use it.  Trump asks questions and the media ridicules him. They say for him to listen to the experts. He does, yet the media says he's not listening. Then blame him for flip-flopping  but it's the so-called experts that are flip-flopping every couple days because they don't know much about COVID-19 and they're just flying by the seat of their pants, yet Trump gets the blame because he listens and questions. Geez, the guy can't do anything right!

Have you seen the photos of Fauci and Bill Gates with Bill Gates arguing for HIS agenda and Fauci going right along?  Another thing: Or how about Fauci agreeing with the W.H.O  president, a well-known anti-American and Anti-Trump?
 Fauci suggests doing something and then flip flops a day or two later? He's not to be trusted.

We are shut down. Why? The experts said to do it.  They want us to stay closed UNTIL THERE"S A VACCINE!!! Not going to happen.

BTW, you DO know that Mother Jones is totally funded by George Soros and is one of the most anti-American sites you could ever read, don't you?  The left just won't stop wasting time and money trying to get rid of Trump even though he was elected  via the American Constitution, which the radicals are trying to destroy..

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