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Topic: MY anniversary  (Read 10175 times)


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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #105 on: June 14, 2020, 10:42:11 am »
Donnamarg, I have 3 questions and please believe me, I mean no disrespect.  I don’t know a lot about JW is it true you don’t celebrate Christmas, your own birthdays, and you will not stand for the national anthem?  Again, I am just curious no disrespect intended
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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #106 on: June 14, 2020, 02:22:34 pm »
Donnamarg, I have 3 questions and please believe me, I mean no disrespect.  I don’t know a lot about JW is it true you don’t celebrate Christmas, your own birthdays, and you will not stand for the national anthem?  Again, I am just curious no disrespect intended
Hi Nancy.I will do my best to answer you and USE the bible to help.

12/25 is NOT a date in the bible and the bible never mentions it should be celebrated as Jesus BD.Right after Jesus dismissed Judas at The Supper,he told the other 11 to keep remembering that night <Nisan 14 Passover.He knew he would be executed and die that day.His death means much more to the human race  then his BD.His death ransomed us back from death and sin that we all got from Adams disobedience to God.What he went thru that day surely showed the LOVE that Jehovah and Jesus had for mankind.Thats why John 3:16 is one of the most quoted scriptures in the bible.

I will send u links RE birthdays and nationalism.Thanx for asking.

The bible is clear that the TRUE God Jehovah warns us about pagan celebrations that got started by pagan gods.

2 birthdays are also mentioned in the bible.They both ended up in executions.John The Baptist one of them

Go read the 2nd chapter of Mathew how the astrologers followed a star and it ended up with King Herod murdering all the 2 yr olds in Bethlehem.The celebration in this world of the nativity scene turned into a murderous spree.

Go read in Exodus how Jehovah dealt with Israel after God saved them from the Egyptians and then they worshipped false gods.Some graditude eh?He punished them rightfully so.

Also the birth of Jesus said there were sheperds in the field.12/25 in Bethlehem is a cold  rainy season.Sheperds wouldn't be out in that.EL NINO????LOL!

But we know the EXACT date each yr of Passover <Nisan 14 Jewish calendar>Jesus death,cos he commanded us to memorialize it....supported by the  bible.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2020, 05:25:55 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #107 on: June 14, 2020, 03:08:23 pm »
Donnamarg, thank you for answering me.  I will read what you told me to.  As I said I know nothing about your religion and I was curious .  Again, I meant no disrespect in my questions.
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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #108 on: June 14, 2020, 03:13:35 pm »
Donnamarg, thank you for answering me.  I will read what you told me to.  As I said I know nothing about your religion and I was curious .  Again, I meant no disrespect in my questions.
Nancy it was a pleasure to answer U.Feel free whenever.

Im sure U have a bible.Lots of the explanations are referenced by it.Im happy to provide them if need be.

Thank you.


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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #109 on: June 21, 2020, 05:29:41 pm »
New International Version
Jesus gave them this answer: "Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.

John 5:19

BTW,trinity NEVER mentioned in bible as 12/25 isnt either.
The concept of the trinity is codified again and again. The verses I provided is one proof of thousands.
Very true,i and the father one in justice,love and wisdom.The Word was with God.He spoke for Jehovah and was with him as his master worker <in reference to Jesus> in creation.Let US create man.

Isaiah 42:8  I am Jehovah, that is my name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

So what do you do with John 17:5

 "And now, Father, glorify me in your presence with the glory I had with you before the world began." The Son shares the Father's glory, because they share the same essence in the Godhood.

Rev 4:11   “You are worthy, Jehovah* our God, to receive the glorya and the honor and the power,c because you created all things,and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”

Incidentally, in view of the existence of so many called gods, does it not establish the need for The God, the Almighty God, to have a distinguishing name, that is, Jehovah?

There are no other gods. Only the one true God exists.

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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #110 on: June 21, 2020, 05:36:18 pm »
Donnamarg, I have 3 questions and please believe me, I mean no disrespect.  I don’t know a lot about JW is it true you don’t celebrate Christmas, your own birthdays, and you will not stand for the national anthem?  Again, I am just curious no disrespect intended
Hi Nancy.I will do my best to answer you and USE the bible to help.

12/25 is NOT a date in the bible and the bible never mentions it should be celebrated as Jesus BD.Right after Jesus dismissed Judas at The Supper,he told the other 11 to keep remembering that night <Nisan 14 Passover.He knew he would be executed and die that day.His death means much more to the human race  then his BD.His death ransomed us back from death and sin that we all got from Adams disobedience to God.What he went thru that day surely showed the LOVE that Jehovah and Jesus had for mankind.Thats why John 3:16 is one of the most quoted scriptures in the bible.

I will send u links RE birthdays and nationalism.Thanx for asking.

The bible is clear that the TRUE God Jehovah warns us about pagan celebrations that got started by pagan gods.

Celebrating the birth of Christ has nothing to do with paganism, but Jehovah Witnesses are a superstitious lot. They fear Satan in the details, while they invite him in wholeheartedly via the Watchtower's teachings. I'm sure Jesus would quote Matt 23:24 about them. "You blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel."
2 birthdays are also mentioned in the bible.They both ended up in executions.John The Baptist one of them

Go read the 2nd chapter of Mathew how the astrologers followed a star and it ended up with King Herod murdering all the 2 yr olds in Bethlehem.The celebration in this world of the nativity scene turned into a murderous spree.
This is incredible. LOL It's like saying, I got a cold once on my birthday, so all birthday parties are EEEEEEEEEVIL!. Lol. Superstitious nonsense...
Go read in Exodus how Jehovah dealt with Israel after God saved them from the Egyptians and then they worshipped false gods.Some graditude eh?He punished them rightfully so.

Also the birth of Jesus said there were sheperds in the field.12/25 in Bethlehem is a cold  rainy season.Sheperds wouldn't be out in that.EL NINO????LOL!

But we know the EXACT date each yr of Passover <Nisan 14 Jewish calendar>Jesus death,cos he commanded us to memorialize it....supported by the  bible.

How do you know what the weather was like on Jesus birthday? Were you there? lol

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!


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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #111 on: June 21, 2020, 05:48:05 pm »
Another question (and who knows- I may have asked it during my uninterrupted decade of proving the Watchtower false)

If the name "Jehovah" is as important as the JWs insist it is, and if Jesus is not equal to the Father as the Watchtower suggests- why then Phil 2:10 says "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth," I thought Jehovah was God's name? Why then will every knee bow to the name of Jesus?

(I can already smell the Watchtower tract hitch has coming up, which will display the same tired excuse they have every time Jesus is shown in the bible being worshiped as God- 'He's only accepting it on God's behalf.'  Well, let's cut to the chase and let me already remind you, Peter, Paul and the Angels all came in God's behalf and refused worship!)

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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #112 on: June 21, 2020, 07:05:18 pm »
Another question (and who knows- I may have asked it during my uninterrupted decade of proving the Watchtower false)

If the name "Jehovah" is as important as the JWs insist it is, and if Jesus is not equal to the Father as the Watchtower suggests- why then Phil 2:10 says "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth," I thought Jehovah was God's name? Why then will every knee bow to the name of Jesus?

(I can already smell the Watchtower tract hitch has coming up, which will display the same tired excuse they have every time Jesus is shown in the bible being worshiped as God- 'He's only accepting it on God's behalf.'  Well, let's cut to the chase and let me already remind you, Peter, Paul and the Angels all came in God's behalf and refused worship!)
When we say a prayer to Jehovah we end it in Jesus name.He is The Word of God and his begotten son elevated to King of Jehovahs kingdom after he gave his life as a ransom.God chose Jesus to die and ransom mankind and vindicate Jehovah as TRUE God and prove the devil claims false.

Jesus was born and died as a man.Jehovah always was and will never end.Jesus proved he was mortal and the bible says he was firstborn of all creation.Jehovah doesnt die.He always was and was never created.He is the creator.

Lemme also remind you there is NO other sect in this world preaching Gods kingdom on earth as it is in heaven to rule.Jehovah will take out a people for his name.All who call on the name of Jehovah will be saved says the bible.

And a reminder Psalms 83:18 KJV says Jehovah is most high.

Now get ur 30 posts another way.Dont bother us anymore.You are only here to make the EZ $$$ via forum and getting a buck for your ck posting.You dont care for the surveys or try to get a nickel for PTC.FC let you down...tsk tsk.

Over the yrs starting with Hitch we put up a lot of good witnesses Re Jehovahs kingdom.Trust me,i know many dont support it.The bible tells us destruction will be quite prevalent at Armagheddon.I realize you are a debating dimwit...CG seems to think i am the debater.I know there have been some over the yrs that have appreciated hearing the truth.Sad to say you arent one of them.So go your merry way and leave us alone.We really have NO use for your kind.Your signing in a few Xs over a few months only shows where U stand with FC and what i already said.

So IOW......take a hike!!!Go argue with CG...U guys as i have said are cut from the same rag!!

If UR that sure you have the truth or the bible figured out why do U keep pestering us with questions?You cant stop what Jehovahs organization is doing or teaching.You wanna die refuting the truth,i hope for your sake and CGs Hell isnt a literal place.

« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 07:31:22 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #113 on: June 21, 2020, 11:08:12 pm »
so much in fighting, please try to be civil to each other.


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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #114 on: June 22, 2020, 09:39:53 am »
so much in fighting, please try to be civil to each other.
I guess u missed Nancy and i speaking?


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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #115 on: June 22, 2020, 09:53:11 am »
so much in fighting, please try to be civil to each other.

Not going to happen.  It is all he knows how to do.


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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #116 on: June 22, 2020, 10:09:06 am »
so much in fighting, please try to be civil to each other.

Not going to happen.  It is all he knows how to do.
I guess U missed my chat with Nancy too?

Keep making a fool of yourself.MANY here know what UR!!


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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #117 on: June 22, 2020, 10:28:01 pm »
Another question (and who knows- I may have asked it during my uninterrupted decade of proving the Watchtower false)

If the name "Jehovah" is as important as the JWs insist it is, and if Jesus is not equal to the Father as the Watchtower suggests- why then Phil 2:10 says "That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth," I thought Jehovah was God's name? Why then will every knee bow to the name of Jesus?

(I can already smell the Watchtower tract hitch has coming up, which will display the same tired excuse they have every time Jesus is shown in the bible being worshiped as God- 'He's only accepting it on God's behalf.'  Well, let's cut to the chase and let me already remind you, Peter, Paul and the Angels all came in God's behalf and refused worship!)
When we say a prayer to Jehovah we end it in Jesus name.He is The Word of God and his begotten son elevated to King of Jehovahs kingdom after he gave his life as a ransom.God chose Jesus to die and ransom mankind and vindicate Jehovah as TRUE God and prove the devil claims false.

Let me stop you right there. How could Jesus have paid the price to ransom us? If He is merely a created spirit being- the angel Michael, in the JW bizarre reasoning- what makes Him worthy enough to pay for our sins? Couldn't another Spirit being do it? If Jesus isn't equal to the Father as the Son, why couldn't any old angel be the sacrifice?

Jesus was born and died as a man.Jehovah always was and will never end.Jesus proved he was mortal and the bible says he was firstborn of all creation.Jehovah doesnt die.He always was and was never created.He is the creator.

Jesus was born as a Man. That much we can agree on. But His existence didn't begin there. (I could quote a thousand verses that I already have- John 1:1 would do, if the JW translation didn't corrupt it. Frankly read any part of John for this fact)

Though Jesus died in the flesh He lived on in the spirit until He was Resurrected on the 3rd day. The flesh died and as was prophesied, He took it back on the 3rd day.   

Lemme also remind you there is NO other sect in this world preaching Gods kingdom on earth as it is in heaven to rule.Jehovah will take out a people for his name.All who call on the name of Jehovah will be saved says the bible.
Again, you can beat your chest till the cows come home, but if you're preaching false doctrine, you're only opening the highway to hell for the poor souls that fall for your heresy.
And a reminder Psalms 83:18 KJV says Jehovah is most high.

Now get ur 30 posts another way.Dont bother us anymore.You are only here to make the EZ $$$ via forum and getting a buck for your ck posting.You dont care for the surveys or try to get a nickel for PTC.FC let you down...tsk tsk.

Over the yrs starting with Hitch we put up a lot of good witnesses Re Jehovahs kingdom.Trust me,i know many dont support it.The bible tells us destruction will be quite prevalent at Armagheddon.I realize you are a debating dimwit...CG seems to think i am the debater.I know there have been some over the yrs that have appreciated hearing the truth.Sad to say you arent one of them.So go your merry way and leave us alone.We really have NO use for your kind.Your signing in a few Xs over a few months only shows where U stand with FC and what i already said.

So IOW......take a hike!!!Go argue with CG...U guys as i have said are cut from the same rag!!

If UR that sure you have the truth or the bible figured out why do U keep pestering us with questions?You cant stop what Jehovahs organization is doing or teaching.You wanna die refuting the truth,i hope for your sake and CGs Hell isnt a literal place.

Honestly, If I was only here for the lousey $3, I probably would've left long ago. I refuse to let you poison the mind of others with your false doctrine.

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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #118 on: June 22, 2020, 10:30:58 pm »
so much in fighting, please try to be civil to each other.

Not going to happen.  It is all he knows how to do.

Yes. How many times was hitch left alone to his own devices only to return to harassing people?

I've let the subject drop before, but he's compulsive. He sees everything through the Watchtower's glasses, so he'll repeatedly bash people who won't agree.

It's why he was banned in the first place.

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Re: MY anniversary
« Reply #119 on: June 22, 2020, 10:32:50 pm »
If you were off for a year what made you come back?

His ego.

I can't believe his ego allowed him to be away for so long, but hitch wasn't always this bad. An atheist called falcon 9 was worse and hitch spent most of his time clashing with him.

Google JediJohnnie and May the Force be with you!

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