I changed my job about 18 months ago because of a Toxic Environment. I worked for a Government Contract for 20 years, 10 of those where with a Company that was Toxic, they hired us as Subcontractors and treated us as 4th class citizens. The environment was so bad that everyone was stressed and in bad mood.
Then I had a co-worker that left the company and came back 3 years later and took it upon himself to Supervise MY WORK, up to the point that he will go back to every response email that I sent and correct me in front of everyone if something was wrong and also report it, out of his own, everything to the manager. He went back and checked entries, print it out the errors, accumulated 50 or so and sent an email to everyone on the department with my errors, errors that the other people also had and he did not check theirs, it was only me.
As soon as I found a new job a Quit, it so happened that I quit at the same time as the Supervisor going on vacation for a month and someone else for 2 weeks, so it was going to be only the Manager and the Toxic co-worker. Manager got mad and told me that I had to stay until everyone came back (YEAH, RIGHT), he was staying with his favorite worker so I packed and left and never looked back.
It was the best decision of my life, I am too old to be stressed out and having to look over my shoulder to everything a did and make sure that I did not make mistakes since I could not be Human and to be treated like we were not good enough to be there.