Anyone can buy plants yr round and enjoy the beauty of Gods creation in their home without associating it with the pagan belief it has something to do with Jesus BD.
NONE of the traditions of Xmas has anything to do with Jesus BD.If God would have wanted us to know day he was born a man he would have told us in his word as he did Passover.Its simply NOT there.
Again, I'm going to remind you of a passage I told you years ago at this point.
Romans 14:5-6
" In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable. Those who worship the Lord on a special day do it to honor him."
What do you do with this verse? I sincerely would like to know- though I imagine the Watchtower has long since discarded it from it's teachings.
The Apostle Paul CLEARLY states under inspiration of the Holy Spirit, that those who choose to honor Christ in a special holiday are clearly allowed. It doesn't need to be 'Commanded' in scripture to be a viable holiday to the Lord.
And later in verses 10-13,
"So why do you condemn another believer? Why do you look down on another believer? Remember, we will all stand before the judgment seat of God. For the Scriptures say,
“‘As surely as I live,’ says the Lord,
‘every knee will bend to me,
and every tongue will declare allegiance to God.’”
Yes, each of us will give a personal account to God. So let’s stop condemning each other. "
Paul also points out that we must not think any LESS of a brother who observes or does not observe a special holy day. Which means (as I've pointed out to you countless times) you don't NEED to celebrate any Christian holiday, but you also have no right to condemn anyone who does. (Y'know, like you routinely calling us pagans, Babylonians & basically Satan)
You & the Watchtower are in serious error and I hope for your sake you realize this before you need explain yourself to a Higher Authority.
It is you who misses the point.Jehovah says,quit touching what is unclean.If celebrations etc began with false gods,God makes it clear how he feels about it.I will not give my glory to other gods Jehovah says.
Jehovah is the author of the bible.There is ABSOLUTELY nothing commanded to memorialize Jesus BD.Just his death.
It is fine to worship on ANY day of the yr,just do what is acceptable to God.When you mix pagan with truth it is a NONO in his eyes.You cant serve 2 masters says bible.
Aaron tried to use worship of Jehovah with false gods.God was displeased with him for doing that.Moses spoke up for him.God listened.But he knowingly knew of his error but still tried to make it look like he was pleasing Jehovah.Aaron gave in to peer pressure like so many do in this world.Fear of man is a snare.
Many Jews answered to a higher authority who you do not even know what his name is.
If you cant discern what is going on in this world,preaching in 240 lands,96000 congrgations,Millions of hrs will answer to Jehovah who is the higher authority.
And then you ask,why do you condemn what we believe?Right before your eyes you know what Jesus said RE false worship.He had NO problem saying they were from their father the devil.
Rev 4:11 explains why ONLY Jehovah deserves to be served.We dont exist if it were not for him.Plus all the good thngs in llife he gave us....biggest one being watching his son tortured and dying on behalf of us.
Even a fool can ask the question,what the hec does Santa,xmas tress,mistletoe originate with Jesus birth?Nothing in bible.Its all manmade and satanic.Pagan.Jehovah doesnt share what Satans rule is.The bible saysSatan blinds many and turns himself into an angel of light.He does it with all these pagan celebrations.And then you ask why?LOL!
Seriously,how can one say they read bible everyday and NOT understand what they are reading?You are wasting your time...go read a jokebook.The heart condition is what matters and yours is in outer space.
All your beliefs are NOWHERES in the bible.You sure you arent reading another book?
Some good advice for you.Bow your head and humble yourself before Jehovah and ask him to help you understand his word.He will know if you mean it.
The earth stands forever and righteous will dwell in it.God didnt create the earth for nothing.He made it to be inhabited.And yet Satan blinds many RE heaven and hell after death.144000 do go to heaven and rule with Jesus,but the greater crowd will live on earth.
If you cant comprehend any of this,seriously quit wasting your time reading whatever you are reading.
Are the ND born again xtians fulfilling Math 24:14?LOLLLLLLLL!!!Or for that matter the rest of Babylon the Great?
The apostle Paul thought he was doing the right thing,killing Xtians.Until Jesus blinded and humbled him.So again dont give me this you can do whatever you want or celebrate whatever you want.There are Gods rulz in the bible.Just like Christendom claims to teach from it but teach manmade/Satanic doctrines.
Ill say it again,how does 1 say they read bible everyday and their beliefs are NOT in it?LOL!!
BTW TY for helping us give a good witness.
Lemme add,there is nothing wrong bowing our heads and thanking God for sending Jesus to earth to eventually die for us.It wasnt his birth,or resurrection that ransomed mankind from Adamic sin.It was his death.
And to those of you that think putting up decorations of a nativity scene.....go read 2nd chapter of Mathew and see what really happened.And Jehovah made Jesus king of kings and Lord of Lords.Do you think they want him to be depicted as a poor babe in a cowstall?
Go read the bible and see how Jesus is suffering on a torture stake and cries out to his father,"why have you forsaken me?"The agony he must have been in.
Its tough to get on everyones case here.Satan has blinded many and many hold fast to their traditions.But there are some that wanna know the truth.Jehovah reads everyones heart and knows the type of person we are.