Unbelievable, I did hear back, it stated my account has been deactivated! Would not go into detail what terms of service I violated. I have no clue. I had just cashed out before it was deactivated and I am thinking I had another 2500 coming, not sure. Anyway, I just created another account using my daughters name. We will see what happens now.
So this makes me think there is a reason for the first deactivation. What rule did you break the first time? The IP will be the same so they can tell it is the same person. Not to mention you are lying about who you are.
Dang, you make it sound like I am this evil horrible person. I am not a bad person. Multiple people in the same household can have an account unlike Fusion Cash or other survey sites. My son has one, so does my husband under Swagbucks. They never would go into detail about why the deactivation. I am just proving a point with Swagbucks. We do have one computer in the household . I do have children in my household, just happens I am using one of my kids names. Why not cash out and give them the reward??? Or a gift card for Christmas they may want? Ever think of in that aspect?
Maybe we are doing this because we are down on our luck at them moment and every little bit helps, especially with the holidays coming up. Think of it from someone else's viewpoint before passing judgement and calling someone a liar.
LOL Do you feel better now? I am not passing judgment. And you are lying about who you are. You set up an account in someone else's name. YOU are not the person whose name is on the account. So there ya go.
And I never said you were a horrible evil person. I said it sounds like there was a legit reason for the deactivation. If you are all using the same computer and all have an account and all live in the same household then that is most likely why the account was deactivated. I am surprised they did not deactivate all of them. I know for a fact it happened to someone else.
And just for the record if you are that down on your luck then start turning off the extras like internet, cable, cell phones....
When you post in a public place that you are breaking the rules don't be surprised when someone calls you on it.
I noticed your next post says you deleted the account. Maybe you did. Maybe you didn't. I really don't care either way. Just stating facts.
Not sure what point you were trying to prove. Maybe that you could beat them? Idk. If you really did not do anything wrong then I would email and ask for a specific reason as to WHY the account was closed. Any time I have had an issue with them (all but once) they fixed the problem. The only time they did not they said I emailed the wrong department and told me to send another email to the correct department. I did not want to fool with it so I let it go.