Gauging the success of my children: Daughter received one 'B' (online gym class) and all A's, all the way through her graduation with a full ride at one of the top three engineering schools in the country (magna *bleep* laude), High School Valedictorian, Tennis captain, Soccer captain, Deca president, School Council President, marching band Abassador, first chair in the State orchestra/band with an invite to play for the city symphony, first place(with her team) for new substance development at the Komstanz International Materials conference, Fluent at a post graduate level in the Chinese language and currently designing missile defense systems for the government; Son maintained a three point eight cumulative at a prestigious private school, multiple D1 and D2 college scholarship offers for his excellence in Lacrosse, currently sitting with straight A's, also fluent in Chinese, on track to finish a double major in international business finance and economics, invited to serve a second internship with the largest bank in the world; both kids contribute a percentage of their income and time to charity...I would say that Love, patience, devotion, guidance, direction, attention, fair treatment seemed to have worked fine for my family much more than physical discipline. Sparing discipline was not a form of hatred (wherever that misquote came from). They have been taught to feel compassion and empathy for those that are less fortunate. I am quite certain that they would communicate a need for money rather than feeling compelled to rob a bank and feel, strongly, that (due to a deep respect for all things living-instilled by me) the taking of a life would only happen if there life was at stake. I can say that, without a doubt, blame would never be thrown on me/my wife if they were to encounter shortcomings.