Sorry hitch0403, you are banned from using this forum!
Enjoy your ban. The use of the forum is a right, not a privilege. You have had multiple warnings - yet you still attack other members while using the cover of religion to justify your actions. You are no longer allowed to use our forum.
This ban is not set to expire.
Well, you can't say hitch hasn't been 'enjoying his ban'. He's even coming up with 'theme songs' for all his new aliases! LOL!
Ugh. This is getting ugly. Jedi, I'd like to suggest to just ignore him. Feeding into his posts does not appear to help. Like I say on FB a lot, just scroll right on by. FC has an excellent rating on BBB, I doubt he can change that. I'm worried that FC may decide to ban you also, just because you keep egging it on so to speak. Please, just ignore him, as hard as it may be at times.
I appreciate your concern. I have to say, I've come to the point where I think I've said all there is to say with hitch. I have to admit I've considered putting him on ignore (I actually got so fed up with falcon9 back in the day for using the exact same tactics hitch is using, that I put him on ignore for the last few months before he was banned)
The only reasons I haven't put hitch on ignore, is for one thing, he has so many sock puppet accounts, he's just gonna keep popping up as a 'new member' making the ignore function irrelevant. And of course, the other reason is to refute his bad doctrine.
While, I'm not really concerned with being banned, (since I'm not the one breaking the TOS) I do think the back and forth barb trading has gone as far as it can. FC knows about hitch and has continued to ban him, so it's not like they're letting him back in. From here on I'm mostly going to address the religious topics he's created and not continue the constant back-and-forth barb trading he seems to live for.
We all need to put our hankies away now JJ.
We have no prob discussing the bible with you.Just do it in good taste.You wanna support Jesus?Recognize his most dominant quality was humility.Satan makes himself an angel of light.Please stop turning yourself in to that too.
The 16th of Acts is a good reminder to us how the apostles were beaten for the sake of the truth.Its going in Russia now.It will come to a climax and God will step in soon.The writing clearly on the wall.
You live for debate.We dont need to convince you to agree with what we support.There are others reading the forum too.We want you to use ignore.You all say you will use it and dont.You wanna try and ban us,you will reap what you sow.Keep peace and it stays that way.
I love the way hitch refers to himself as 'we'. Reminds me of Mark 5:8-9
Jesus had already said to the spirit, “Come out of the man, you evil spirit.”
Then Jesus demanded, “What is your name?”
And he replied, “My name is Legion, because there are many of us inside this man.”
It would explain a lot. lol
It's not that I love debate, I love correcting wrong doctrine, so that people will be saved. Obviously, when your beliefs don't have a scriptural leg to stand on, you won't enjoy the discussion as much.
I think the biggest question is Why hasn't hitch put ME on ignore? Is it because his ego won't allow it? People in glass houses.....