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Topic: Ever had a stalker?  (Read 1732 times)


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Re: Ever had a stalker?
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2019, 01:00:02 pm »
not that I know of,,,,   so if I do they are very good at it  :)


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Re: Ever had a stalker?
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2019, 01:47:04 pm »
There was a guy who use to walk by my house every single day but I thought nothing of it, I just thought he was going to work. One day I was coming out of a CVS and he happened to be standing out front of the store with a box of chocolates. As I was walking past him he said "hey, your license plate number is" and he rattled off the number. I said how do you know that. He told me that he has been watching me for a year and he tried to get the nerve up to tell me that he thought I was the prettiest woman that he has ever seen that doesn't need makeup. We chat for a bit in the parking lot and he told me that he was a Harvard professor and blah blah blah. After he told me what he wanted I NEVER seen him again....he told me too the clothes I use to wear and what he likes me in, a bit creepy if you ask me.

WHY would somebody say hey your license plate number is.....

That is just stupid.  As for saying stuff about your clothes and all that I would have gotten away as soon as possible.  I did have a neighbor that told me he had lusted after me and he said you don't know it but when you are outside I am always watching you.  Not going to put on here how I took care of that.  But he did decide that looking at the ground if we were both outside was in his best interest.

I will also add he ended up with cancer and before he died he did apologize to me for things he had done and things I did not know he had done.

I guess that was just his way on letting me know that he was watching me. He told me we had a mutual friend so I kind of trusted him then, and yes I gave him a ride home. Sounds like my stalker was nicer than yours ha ha lol

lol.  I just would be speechless if somebody walked up to me and said I know your tag number.  That sounds like a cheesy lame pick up line.  I do not trust anybody.  Years ago I gave a ride to a "friend" just someone I use to work with. But today I probably would not even do that.  You don't really know anybody.  And people are crazy.

At least mine did apologize before he died. :D

How do you know that before mine passes he wont apologize? yee of little faith ha ha ha ha na na nana na LOL

I guess he could. lol
Most times that is very unusual.  I think the only reason this guy did is because he found out he was eat up with cancer.

Put it this way, my son was about 13 when this all happened and he is 37 now, so maybe the guy passed already, he never apologized the rat ba***** oh well. Did you forgive your stalker?

I did.

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