I'm not a big fan of Yahoo to start with. If I knew then what I know now I would never have signed up with an account.
I've moved most of my more important mail to gmail and outlook. I prefer both of those.
As far as a new format is concerned with Yahoo, all I can say is, here we go again.
What is wrong with yahoo?
All of them update and change from time to time.
I have never had any issues with them.
I don't know that there is actually anything wrong with Yahoo, I simply stated that I'm not a fan of Yahoo. If it works for you and you have no problems, that is great. I don't have problems with them either but Yahoo is just not my preference. I find that other mail formats are a better fit for me.
Not sure why you are angry. Why can't people just carry on a conversation? I just wondered why you dislike yahoo. Several have said oh I will NEVER use them again. Once was enough for me. I just am curious as to what the problem is. I have never had any issues. Never known of any breaches or anything like that with them either. It was just a question.
You said If I knew then what I knew now I would never have signed up with them. That tells me something had to have happened to make you not like them. So I was just curious. What is the problem with yahoo? I have too much stuff with yahoo to change to something else. And MSN isn't safe in my opinion.
I can assure you that I am not angry. The bold lettering was merely to make a point more clear. I like other mail formats better. It is not about having a problem with Yahoo, it is about having a preference elsewhere.
I do believe that Yahoo did have a breach not too long ago. To the best of my knowledge it is not a problem now. I have never had any issues with any of the other mail formats that I use.
You should not have to worry about any problems with Yahoo; don't worry about having to move somewhere else because there is no need to do that. Yahoo is fine, it is a good fit for you.
How do you know what is a good fit for me? It was just a question which clearly upset you. I just wondered what the issue was with yahoo. I am not going to abandon something I use because someone else has a problem with it anyway. Believe me I had no intention of changing from what I have.
I can tell you straight up I would not use hotmail or MSN. I can tell you why. Internet Explorer is full of holes. It is very vulnerable to viruses and people getting in to your system. I use to use them but do not any more. I figure something happened to make you decide to no longer use yahoo. I was just curious what that something was. Not really asking for advice.
I was helping a guy straighten out his computer recently and he was asking about using IE or Yahoo or Firefox. He was told IE was the best. I told him it wasn't and why. So he gets. mad. He clearly has issues and needs to get someone else to help him. He knows this now because like most who help him I refuse to do it again. I know a lot of people do not like Yahoo. And refuse to use it but no one can tell me WHY they do not like them.