so proud of all the young men who served during this time.
There was a program on WABC channel 7 a few weeks 10-11PM on soldiers being interviewed in Vietnam on how they either saw or participated in going into villages and murdering woman and children.
I was channel surfing at the time and this caught my eye.Im sorry it did.
And then you have HIPPOCRITES that support this killing and then create a bible topic!!LOL!
Jesus said those that draw the sword will DIE by it.Their ticket to *ell has been stamped!
My kingdom is NO part of this world said Jesus.Plain as day.And whole world lies in power and ruled by the devil.Plain as day explains bible.
Finally did something i support locking your bible verse.Hippocrite.Go read about your murderous brainwashed friends.
Lock this one too...murderers.
Hell means the common grave for mankind.I knew what i meant.If you wanna believe in a monster god be my guest.
I have a son named Eric and he was born 1980.....i guess you guys cant get em all right all the time.And trust me i dont care to post in your topic did us all a favor.You thought i was gone.Just remember the lyrics to the police song every breath you take.Piece of cake.And remember i dont care about referrals or making $$$ here even tho i have acct with close to cashout i might finalize.
Just remember cos i posted a scripture in your topic JJ you and Herman instigated.Next time keep your tongue under control.I realize its especially hard for Herman cos she yaps and complains about everything.Could you imagine her in heaven?She would try to tell God and Jesus what to do and call em pansy snowflakes if the disobeyed.
I don't want to get into this mess, but I just have to say one thing.
You should be ashamed of yourself. Your behavior, name calling and temper tantrums are giving JW's and Jehovah a bad name. This is NOT how you witness to people and NOT how you honor Jehovah. This is embarrassing.
Ok, two things: it's spelled "hypocrite".
Exactly. But there is also another thing. This person CLAIMS to be JW and screams how our (everyone he does not like) their "ticket to HELL not h*ll has been stamped. JW do not believe in Hell. lol
I was actually thinking about this earlier and you are 100% correct. No matter what religion you are thumping you are not going to get anyone to listen to you by screaming, name calling, and putting down. I believe the Bible 100% and the way it says it not how the leader of some said religion interprets it or what THEY say it means.
I have also never called people names or put them down for not being a Christian or for rejecting God's Word. They will answer for that one day and I am not going to argue about it.
HIPPOCRITS. LOL. I totally missed that.
Give it time. All his new accounts will also be deleted. I find it laughable that he was screaming he doesn't care about this site. But yet he refuses to accept he was banned and keeps making new accounts with new names. And within two posts everyone knows who it is. This person has some real anger issues. And has posted they will continue to stalk me and Jedi. Guess he isn't smart enough to know that there is a line you can cross and legal action can be taken.
He better get right with God and wake up and realize HELL IS REAL and it IS what the BIBLE SAYS IT IS. Denial is not going to keep his fate from happening.
You have to be a pretty pathetic sad person to stalk, bully, and harass people you do not even know on the internet. lol
Oh well, I guess have fun while you can.