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Topic: Another mass shooting  (Read 1917 times)


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2019, 07:21:16 pm »
Maybe it will end when people start treating each other better. It certainly has not been tried yet. >:(


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2019, 10:10:57 pm »
Just senseless and terrible. :(


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2019, 10:01:49 am »
There are surely major problems in this country. Interesting that the demographic usually doing the shooting is male and white.  As I see it, there seems to be problems with entitlement, anger management, intolerance, and dealing with rejection along with, of course, a major mental health diagnosis.

smh.  I also get tired of hearing mental health.  The problem is kids are raised to believe the world revolves around them and they cannot be told no.  Every body gets a trophy. You get every thing handed to you and you do not have to work for it.   So then when they get out in the real world they cannot handle it when things do not go their way.

You may be tired of hearing about mental health, but that does not make it go away.  It is pretty obvious that if you commit crimes like we are talking about, you have issues.  If you cannot regulate yourself, than there is a mental problem.  And if you are on general forums on the internet, you can read a lot of posts where people have issues with the way they express themselves. Some of them I would not want to talk to face to face for fear of the problems mentioned in my original post.


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2019, 02:36:55 pm »
This is so sad sad to hear especially we just back from our vacation there a week ago.


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2019, 03:38:43 pm »
Very sad indeed....


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #20 on: June 02, 2019, 05:35:06 pm »
We have another mass shooting, this time in Virginia Beach where an employee who was fired yesterday came back today and killed 12.  When will this end?

He wasn't fired.  He sent in a letter of resignation on the same day as the shooting.  It really is so sad that people are getting use to hearing about mass shootings.  I think the one fortunate issue is the police were right across the street and got there within minutes.  Had they not, there is no telling how many more would have been killed or injured.  It's so depressing to keep hearing about these shootings.


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #21 on: June 03, 2019, 12:01:21 pm »
It'll never end until we ban guns from all except police.

I totally agree except that we need to add the military but when either of them leave job the gun should be left behind.  I know it is part of the constitution to be able to bear arms but when so many people are abusing the right it should be taken away

Then we need to take YOUR DL away.  Because so many people drink and drive and use drugs and drive. So the only solution is to take your right to drive away as well.


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2019, 12:03:08 pm »
There are surely major problems in this country. Interesting that the demographic usually doing the shooting is male and white.  As I see it, there seems to be problems with entitlement, anger management, intolerance, and dealing with rejection along with, of course, a major mental health diagnosis.

smh.  I also get tired of hearing mental health.  The problem is kids are raised to believe the world revolves around them and they cannot be told no.  Every body gets a trophy. You get every thing handed to you and you do not have to work for it.   So then when they get out in the real world they cannot handle it when things do not go their way.

You may be tired of hearing about mental health, but that does not make it go away.  It is pretty obvious that if you commit crimes like we are talking about, you have issues.  If you cannot regulate yourself, than there is a mental problem.  And if you are on general forums on the internet, you can read a lot of posts where people have issues with the way they express themselves. Some of them I would not want to talk to face to face for fear of the problems mentioned in my original post.

The point is I do not believe it is a mental health thing.  People are evil and stupid.  Then they blame mental health.  I wouldn't want to talk face to face with a lot of people I talk to online because their stupidity is more than I can deal with.


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #23 on: June 03, 2019, 12:19:54 pm »
I don't know. it seems like they just keep happening. I also wish they would stop.


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #24 on: June 04, 2019, 07:10:02 am »
Yes, it's a very sad case here.  It happened in the municipal area many miles away from the tourist area.  I don't understand why people feel they need to do this to innocent people.  Many people are affected by this and the school kids are really suffering.  We are having prayer vigils and will stand strong. 


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #25 on: June 04, 2019, 10:19:04 pm »
There were twenty 6-7 year olds that were killed in Sandy Hook. If children dying wasn't enough to have a mature discussion about guns, I don't there is ever going to be a time.

There should not be a gun ban - it's our second amendment right to bear arms. You're never going to get rid of them. But there could be regulations put into place for law-abiding citizens. It won't stop criminals from getting guns entirely, but it can help.

The guy in Orlando was on a no-fly list but could get a gun and killed 49 people. Obama tried to pass a law that if you were on the no-fly list, you weren't able to purchase firearms. It was just an extra precaution. Only a short time later, the guy committed a mass shooting in the nightclub.

There's a lot that can change; nothing that would affect current gun owners, but future mass shooters. But I don't believe that a mature discussion can take place until everyone is willing to put parties aside.


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #26 on: June 05, 2019, 12:28:57 am »
That is such a tragedy. I just saw that news yesterday and wondered when it would ever stop. My prayers are for the families and I hope the police can do more about future would be shooters. Maybe if someone suspects something they can report it before things get too far gone or maybe some laws can be created that would curb some of this senseless violence. With this happening so frequently you just don't feel truly safe anymore. May peace with all in that community.


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #27 on: June 05, 2019, 11:10:22 am »
It seems as though the people in this world have lost their tiny minds.  Be it any city or state their is death being caused by some sick individual/s.  The changes that I see in this world is mind blowing.  There are Tornadoes where there were never tornadoes etc.  It's scary on so many levels.
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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #28 on: June 05, 2019, 12:06:48 pm »
There were twenty 6-7 year olds that were killed in Sandy Hook. If children dying wasn't enough to have a mature discussion about guns, I don't there is ever going to be a time.

There should not be a gun ban - it's our second amendment right to bear arms. You're never going to get rid of them. But there could be regulations put into place for law-abiding citizens. It won't stop criminals from getting guns entirely, but it can help.

The guy in Orlando was on a no-fly list but could get a gun and killed 49 people. Obama tried to pass a law that if you were on the no-fly list, you weren't able to purchase firearms. It was just an extra precaution. Only a short time later, the guy committed a mass shooting in the nightclub.

There's a lot that can change; nothing that would affect current gun owners, but future mass shooters. But I don't believe that a mature discussion can take place until everyone is willing to put parties aside.

There are already too many "regulations" being shoved on the law abiding citizens.  It is like you said the criminals are not big on obeying the law anyway and THEY are the ones who do stuff like this.  Not the law abiding citizens.


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Re: Another mass shooting
« Reply #29 on: June 05, 2019, 12:08:24 pm »
It seems as though the people in this world have lost their tiny minds.  Be it any city or state their is death being caused by some sick individual/s.  The changes that I see in this world is mind blowing.  There are Tornadoes where there were never tornadoes etc.  It's scary on so many levels.

What do Tornadoes have to do with people committing crimes.  The two are unrelated.  I am not sure where you are saying there are tornadoes where they have never been tornadoes.

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