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Topic: What is this world coming to?  (Read 7632 times)


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #30 on: May 13, 2019, 07:23:42 am »
This is the most peaceful and safest time in human history. We hear about these things more now with the unlimited access through the internet, but this isn't anything new.

You have got to be kidding!  What world are you living in?  This is not the most peaceful or safest time in history. Not at all.  The mass shootings and killings did not use to happen.  The random attacking strangers because of their message on their shirt or hat is not something that has always happened.

It absolutely is the safest time in human history.

Not really caring what a random fake website link says.  I am looking at reality.  When I was a kid it was safe for a kid to walk to school, to play out side, heck to BE AT SCHOOL, to go to church, to go out in public. There is no way any sane person can look at the crime we have in the world today and say it is safer today than it was 30 years ago.

Even 20 years ago you did not have to worry about someone walking in to a church and killing a bunch of people.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #31 on: May 13, 2019, 07:24:48 am »
The world is coming to an end, Jesus is on his way and the world will be so different.  People get your house in order.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #32 on: May 13, 2019, 09:23:59 am »
This is the most peaceful and safest time in human history. We hear about these things more now with the unlimited access through the internet, but this isn't anything new.

You have got to be kidding!  What world are you living in?  This is not the most peaceful or safest time in history. Not at all.  The mass shootings and killings did not use to happen.  The random attacking strangers because of their message on their shirt or hat is not something that has always happened.

It absolutely is the safest time in human history.

Not really caring what a random fake website link says.  I am looking at reality.  When I was a kid it was safe for a kid to walk to school, to play out side, heck to BE AT SCHOOL, to go to church, to go out in public. There is no way any sane person can look at the crime we have in the world today and say it is safer today than it was 30 years ago.

Even 20 years ago you did not have to worry about someone walking in to a church and killing a bunch of people.

Violent crime has plummeted from 30 years ago, but information on violent crimes has skyrocketed. Ignorance is bliss. You weren't actually safer 30 years, you just felt safer because you didn't have the internet and social media reminding you of the evils of the world.

Even 30 years ago was nothing compared to a century before that, which was nothing compared to a century before that and so forth. Look at some of the evils of the 1400-1500's and ask yourself if things are really that bad now. Look at the genocides that have occurred throughout human history. Is some nut attacking someone for their hat because they're a "*bleep*" really as bad as what the actual *bleep*'s imprisoning random people on the streets for any number of reasons and committing mass murder? There's plenty of issues today, but some things need to be kept in perspective.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2019, 11:20:39 am »
This is the most peaceful and safest time in human history. We hear about these things more now with the unlimited access through the internet, but this isn't anything new.

You have got to be kidding!  What world are you living in?  This is not the most peaceful or safest time in history. Not at all.  The mass shootings and killings did not use to happen.  The random attacking strangers because of their message on their shirt or hat is not something that has always happened.

It absolutely is the safest time in human history.

Not really caring what a random fake website link says.  I am looking at reality.  When I was a kid it was safe for a kid to walk to school, to play out side, heck to BE AT SCHOOL, to go to church, to go out in public. There is no way any sane person can look at the crime we have in the world today and say it is safer today than it was 30 years ago.

Even 20 years ago you did not have to worry about someone walking in to a church and killing a bunch of people.

Violent crime has plummeted from 30 years ago, but information on violent crimes has skyrocketed. Ignorance is bliss. You weren't actually safer 30 years, you just felt safer because you didn't have the internet and social media reminding you of the evils of the world.

Even 30 years ago was nothing compared to a century before that, which was nothing compared to a century before that and so forth. Look at some of the evils of the 1400-1500's and ask yourself if things are really that bad now. Look at the genocides that have occurred throughout human history. Is some nut attacking someone for their hat because they're a "*bleep*" really as bad as what the actual *bleep*'s imprisoning random people on the streets for any number of reasons and committing mass murder? There's plenty of issues today, but some things need to be kept in perspective.

lol. Yeah whatever.  News or no news things like school shootings and church shootings did not happen 30 years ago.  I am not ignorant.  You are free to believe what you want and I am free to believe what I want.  And reality says the world is worse today than it was 30 years ago.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #34 on: May 13, 2019, 04:58:24 pm »
It has always been like this. It is just reported more on the news. If you read your history, people have been killing each other forever.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #35 on: May 13, 2019, 07:51:03 pm »
It is very sad. It seems as if I am always hearing new horror stories.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #36 on: May 14, 2019, 05:19:43 am »
Husband killing wives, mothers and fathers killing their kids, road rage. NOT the world I grew up in  :(

Things are only going to get worse until Jesus comes back.  Then it will get a lot worse. Thankfully we the Christians will not be here to endure that.

It isn't just killing.  It is everything.  People are so mean and evil and vindictive.  People just look for reasons to get somebody else in trouble, keep them from getting a job, or try to get them fired from their job.  I don't like the world we are living in any longer.
Now i get why we developed the space program and went to the moon.

What is this suppose to mean?
Did i stutter?

Yes you did. Your comment makes no sense.  You are not as hidden as you think you are.
I w-w-w-will do my b-b-best not to.The space program line was just sarcasm to how wicked the world is.But you knew what i meant.Anything to disagree.Hidden?Care to explain?I have nothing to hide.

No, I had no idea what you meant.  But you DO know what I mean by being hidden.  You seem to want to troll my comments and have some smart remark to make to everything I say.  Didn't take long to figure out who you are.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #37 on: May 14, 2019, 02:25:04 pm »
Your post is comforting to me that I am not the only one concerned over the rampant evil in the world now.  There may have been bad stuff when I was growing up but not on this level.  Very scary and very sad.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #38 on: May 14, 2019, 03:50:24 pm »
I feel thankful that I live in an area where I can leave my door unlocked day or night.  We can leave the keys in our car and there are lots of kids that walk home from school.  I do see all of the horrible instances of people being killed for no good reason.  I just try my best to keep a positive attitude about the world and look for the good in people rather than focusing on the negative.  There is still a lot of love in the world.  Hopefully the love and peace will take over the negative attitudes.    :peace: :heart:


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #39 on: May 14, 2019, 04:35:26 pm »
Let's not forget the sense of "entitlement" that our young have... drives me nuts!


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #40 on: May 15, 2019, 06:12:03 am »
It has always been like this. It is just reported more on the news. If you read your history, people have been killing each other forever.

Yes there has been crime for eons.  But not until the last 20 years or so did you have the mass shootings like you do today.  Or just random people killing for no reason. Things are getting worse in the world around us.  Yes it is more reported so you hear about more but there are also more bad things happening.  Until recently you would never have even thought about some crazy idiot walking in to a church and killing every one they could.  Or even a school.  When I was in school that never entered my mind.  But today, it is something all the kids have to think about.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #41 on: May 16, 2019, 05:13:19 am »
Unfortunately people have become immune to the killing. I blame the video games that are so realistic. In real life there is no reset button. 

You know I thought the same thing. I wish the violent ones was never invented

That violence is called sin and it started in the Garden of Eden.  Cain killed Able and it's continued ever since.  It isn't video games, it's the evil of man's heart and the rejection of God in our society and families.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #42 on: May 16, 2019, 08:35:30 am »
Unfortunately people have become immune to the killing. I blame the video games that are so realistic. In real life there is no reset button. 

You know I thought the same thing. I wish the violent ones was never invented

That violence is called sin and it started in the Garden of Eden.  Cain killed Able and it's continued ever since.  It isn't video games, it's the evil of man's heart and the rejection of God in our society and families.

No but the video games where kids and even adults constantly kill real looking humans and run over people with cars and find as many ways as they can to kill people....   There is even one where the goal is to r-a-p-e and kill as many women as you can.  The more violent the way you kill them the more points you get.

And the violent movies where that is all they see is murder and gore.  Over and over.  It does effect your mentality.  And it not only desensitizes people but also gives people ideas. 

How many times have things happened that was basically a copy cat of something that had happened in the movies?  So yes, it is because of evil in man's heart but there are things that effect that.  But you cannot blame the video game because people have free will and they make choices.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #43 on: May 16, 2019, 09:00:35 am »
In my world, I do have crazy people too, be careful all the time, sometimes ignorance with the kindness will save you.


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Re: What is this world coming to?
« Reply #44 on: May 21, 2019, 01:05:01 am »
Husband killing wives, mothers and fathers killing their kids, road rage. NOT the world I grew up in  :(


I ask myself that all the time and can never quite get an answer. Why can't we all just live in peace? I suppose when we are able to answer that question this world will be a better place. :angel11: :peace: :heart:
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