While I don't necessarily outright disagree (but I probably do disagree somewhat) with those who say he should just be left to rest in peace, I wonder if people would feel the same way if MJ was not a rich and famous pop star while alive, but instead was some well to do but non-famous person who was accused by many of molestation and ruining lives.
What is it that makes you feel he should be left alone? Just the fact that he has died? The fact that he was wealthy and someone now might try to take advantage of that for a payoff when he can't defend himself?
If he was not guilty of what he has been accused of - he most definitely should be left alone. But if he is guilty of what he has been accused of, does his death and his contribution to pop culture make it okay to ignore years later when the alleged victims are no longer children and are beginning to fully realize what was perpetrated against them?
It's not an easy issue, because there is always going to be somebody who is just trying to make a dishonest buck. But if someone truly has been harmed by a horrible act, they absolutely deserve something whether it is money or something else - I'm not prepared to say. But to be forced to shut up and go away without any closure is doing a huge disservice to them.