Psychics and fortune tellers are for entertainment purposes ONLY! If you think you are a psychic or fortune teller you are a loon and full of
Sorry you feel that way and btw your wrong. I know a lot about psychiatry and don't think you do so I will let you in on something, People who have emotional issues can sometimes have psychic abilities and be able to know future events. It's something called being very sensitive - My take humans only use 10% of their brains and not everyone does and most use less.
You don't think Psychics have the ability to tap into parts of their brain so called "normal" people can't?
Think about aliens - more advanced, more gifted - I WONDER WHY!!!!!!!!!!
You can't say "you're wrong I know a lot about this subject" and then go on to prove absolutely nothing about your stance.
PROVE IT. Prove it. Prove it. Will you prove it? Do you know how many studies have been done on the subject of psychics, clairvoyance, etc.? Do you know how many of those have yielded any conclusive, positive evidence? None of them. So please, share with us your proof (I already asked for it once, this is the second time).
If you can't prove that you have some extra ability to see into the future more than the average person, then please stop telling people they're wrong when they call you deluded or loony. The burden of proof is on those who claim to have this extrasensory ability. If they can't, then they are justifiably called deluded.
The "only use 10% of the brain" is a myth that was debunked quite some time ago by neurologists. The idea that we only use 10% of our brain is laughable at best. Kind of amazed that people still throw that figure around like it has merit. We may be only using 10% of our brain when we're at rest or not doing anything requiring more use, but the majority of the time, our brain is being heavily used. It's also true that not every part of the brain is in constant use, but neurologists and the evidence at hand shows throughout the average day 100% of the brain is used for various tasks.
Another clarification is that only 10% of the cells in our brain are neurons. The rest are known as glial cells and support neurons. We know A LOT about neurons and how they work, but the functions of glial cells are largely unknown. You could say we only know about 10% of how our brain works, but it's plainly false to say we only use 10% of our brain. Simple medical tests prove that completely false.
So no, I don't believe some people have this crazy, extrasensory ability to tap into other parts of the brain to see into the future. The average person uses their entire brain throughout the average day...why would you be any different? And if you are, please prove it.
Please don't reference aliens as proof of your claim. Do you think about your posts before you write them? You're using something that nobody even knows exists (much less knows a single thing about) as evidence to support your psychic abilities. Do you not see an obvious problem with that? Use your psychic abilities to see my replies so that you don't make nonsensical statements in your posts -.-