I might open the door, but the screen door is locked and a can of wasp spray right by the door. Yep it works. Never open the door to a stranger I say.
A can of wasp spray by the door? Are you seriously that scared of life? I would not open the door if I had to think I was going to have to potentially blind anyone who comes to the door.
There could be a legit reason some one you do not know could knock on your door. Ignoring them altogether would be better than opening the door and getting scared and blinding them or causing serious medical problems for life.
That reminds me of the young girl who had wrecked her car in the middle of the night, and NO she did not have a cell phone, and she went to a near by house and knocked on the door trying to get help. The idiot MAN did not even open the door he just SHOT thru the door killing her standing on his front porch. Because she did not have any right to be on his porch or knock on his door. smh
They didn't say they open the door and immediately wasp spray every stranger without even asking what they want...
Anyway, you could always put a wasp label on a squirt bottle of water :p
My point is why do you need wasp spray by your door to spray people who may come to the door. That tells me you are easy to scare and could spray someone who was just either asking for help, bringing you something, or had a legit reason to be there.
Two things - first a few years ago an elderly couple went in to our local Lowe's and purchased 2 cases of wasp spray for the SOLE PURPOSE of using like mace if someone came to their home and they felt threatened. If you are that scared then you will be easily scared. Just because a stranger knocks on your door doesn't mean they want to steal from you, or are trying to sell you something. You do not have to let them in your home and I do not blame anyone for not doing that. BUT you could listen to them and call 911 if they need help.
Second, it has been a while but an elderly person in my home town who did not have a lot someone came to her home and dropped off a box of food. She did not know them. What if these people trying to do a good deed had been met with gun fire and died on the porch or shot in the face with wasp spray and ended up blind because they were trying to do something good for someone.
Like I said, I don't open the door if i do not know the person. But I usually will go to the door and ask thru the door who they are.
It is sad that we are to a point in this world that you absolutely cannot trust anyone any more.
And if it is someone with ill intentions they deserve wasp spray in the face. lol