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Topic: Walmart dot com  (Read 7478 times)


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Walmart dot com
« on: January 16, 2019, 04:07:33 am »
Has anyone ordered from walmart dot com and had it SHIPPED TO THEIR HOME?  I am not asking about shipping to the store where you still have to get out and go to the store and pick it up.

I have heard mixed reviews.  Seems more are negative than positive.  I have heard people say they ship each item individually and also heard people say they throw everything together and it is not packed very well.  For example if you order detergent it is thrown in with other stuff where it gets tossed around and if the detergent lid comes off or the bottle bursts it ruins the items in the box.

Also do your items tend to come in 2 days as promised?

I have looked at it and noticed items seem to be priced higher than in the stores so you actually ARE paying for the shipping.


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2019, 04:50:36 am »
I order some of my stuff online [Ex:Detergent,Pre-workout powder,House hold items etc.] and it ships pretty safe to my area with no open lids and such. It just depends on the delivery service and the actual place its being sold from. Note: Not all items are sold by Walmart its like Amazon it provides other sellers as well. As for me 85% of the time it arrives safe to my front door with what I ask for and no damage and with 2 days if it was provided with the stuff I bought. There were a few times were my delivery provider just toss my package from a distance just to save time I did returned the damage item which wasted my time driving and waiting in the return line in Walmart. If it does not arrive within 2 days contact them maybe they will somewhat be generous like Amazon and offer something as an apology. Best of luck if your planning to order!


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2019, 08:14:17 am »
No, I have not had anything shipped to my house, sorry to here that.


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2019, 08:36:59 am »
I order some of my stuff online [Ex:Detergent,Pre-workout powder,House hold items etc.] and it ships pretty safe to my area with no open lids and such. It just depends on the delivery service and the actual place its being sold from. Note: Not all items are sold by Walmart its like Amazon it provides other sellers as well. As for me 85% of the time it arrives safe to my front door with what I ask for and no damage and with 2 days if it was provided with the stuff I bought. There were a few times were my delivery provider just toss my package from a distance just to save time I did returned the damage item which wasted my time driving and waiting in the return line in Walmart. If it does not arrive within 2 days contact them maybe they will somewhat be generous like Amazon and offer something as an apology. Best of luck if your planning to order!

I was not aware that all the stuff doesn't actually ship from Walmart and that other sellers are on the site.  Thank you for that info.  I will look at that when I place an order.


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2019, 08:57:45 am »
I have ordered from Walmart many times, and if the website says an item should arrive in two days, that is what happened. I only had an issue once (an opened bag of chips because something crashed into it) but it wasn't a big deal. I recently tried Walmart Groceries and was satisfied with that too.


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2019, 09:35:04 am »
A lot of my family has their groceries shipped and they love it. I can't believe it's free.

One warning: my mom bought something (a baby toy) that turned out to be very bad quality and damaged so she wanted to return it, and it turned out to actually have been shipped from a third party so Walmart itself would not take it back or handle the return process which was a nightmare. So make sure everything you buy there is Walmart itself and not a third party, and you should be fine.
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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2019, 10:14:45 am »
I have ordered from Walmart many times, and if the website says an item should arrive in two days, that is what happened. I only had an issue once (an opened bag of chips because something crashed into it) but it wasn't a big deal. I recently tried Walmart Groceries and was satisfied with that too.

The groceries thing is not available in my town.  I probably would not like that because esp with vegetables I like topic my own out.  Or other stuff like bread or milk I get the softest bread or latest date on milk.  That will not happen with an order filler.

A friend said he daughter does that and she saves a ton of money.  She is not tempted to pick stuff up because she is just walking thru the store seeing stuff.


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2019, 10:15:38 am »
I have ordered from Walmart many times, and if the website says an item should arrive in two days, that is what happened. I only had an issue once (an opened bag of chips because something crashed into it) but it wasn't a big deal. I recently tried Walmart Groceries and was satisfied with that too.

That is not available where I live.  A friend said her daughter saves a ton of money using the groceries thing because she is not tempted to pick stuff up browsing aisles online as opposed to walking thru the stores.


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2019, 10:17:41 am »
A lot of my family has their groceries shipped and they love it. I can't believe it's free.

One warning: my mom bought something (a baby toy) that turned out to be very bad quality and damaged so she wanted to return it, and it turned out to actually have been shipped from a third party so Walmart itself would not take it back or handle the return process which was a nightmare. So make sure everything you buy there is Walmart itself and not a third party, and you should be fine.

THANK YOU!  I did not know this.  I will be sure to look for that info.  I honestly think that if it is a third party seller it should be in a separate part of the site so people know.


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2019, 11:44:30 am »
I order from Walmart all the time and I have never had a problem with anything I always get my shipment when promised And nothing has ever been not packaged well or broken when I receive it and I’ve never had any problem returning something that I decided I didn’t want or was wrong or whatever I’ve never had an issue out of them whatsoever


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2019, 03:43:58 pm »
I have actually ordered quiet a bit from walmart.. It seems to be my go to place on most of my shopping.
I haven't had a bad experience yet.. But i have heard of people having bad experiences and or their boxes
not arriving in very good condition or the items in the box.. I think alot of it depends on your location and how the drivers are.. we use to have a mail lady deliver our packages all over the place and this was out in rhome texas and she was absolutly nuts.. She would probably deliver the mail a total of 4 to 5 times a day because she doesn't know how to look at addresses properly i do remember once she even said when the mail arrived she was on the wrong street and would have to come back.. So i think alot of the time how the items arrive depends on your location and carriers..
But anyways.. I like that there is the option to ship the items all together or as they come.. I usually click altogether unless a item is going to be delayed majorly then i click seperatly.. And again i think it's location and the person packing the boxes they ship at walmart because sometimes my items will arrive with wrapping paper and bubble wrap and sometimes it will arrive with just all the items i ordered in a box all together. Nothing has ever been just torn up and broken so as far as that goes i can't really relate that to you.. But When i did order my fan last year it shipped directly from the manufactor not walmart at all and it arrived pretty early and in prestine condition with everything included instructions and all..


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2019, 06:07:37 pm »
I have in the past but didn't realize it was not coming from Walmart until after it was delivered and was charged shipping and other charges. Then I saw that it was from a partner site and could not return it to Walmart. I won't order from them again.


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2019, 06:43:02 am »
I have actually ordered quiet a bit from walmart.. It seems to be my go to place on most of my shopping.
I haven't had a bad experience yet.. But i have heard of people having bad experiences and or their boxes
not arriving in very good condition or the items in the box.. I think alot of it depends on your location and how the drivers are.. we use to have a mail lady deliver our packages all over the place and this was out in rhome texas and she was absolutly nuts.. She would probably deliver the mail a total of 4 to 5 times a day because she doesn't know how to look at addresses properly i do remember once she even said when the mail arrived she was on the wrong street and would have to come back.. So i think alot of the time how the items arrive depends on your location and carriers..
But anyways.. I like that there is the option to ship the items all together or as they come.. I usually click altogether unless a item is going to be delayed majorly then i click seperatly.. And again i think it's location and the person packing the boxes they ship at walmart because sometimes my items will arrive with wrapping paper and bubble wrap and sometimes it will arrive with just all the items i ordered in a box all together. Nothing has ever been just torn up and broken so as far as that goes i can't really relate that to you.. But When i did order my fan last year it shipped directly from the manufactor not walmart at all and it arrived pretty early and in prestine condition with everything included instructions and all..

Thanks.  I will look for the option about shipping together or separate.


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2019, 06:44:06 am »
I have in the past but didn't realize it was not coming from Walmart until after it was delivered and was charged shipping and other charges. Then I saw that it was from a partner site and could not return it to Walmart. I won't order from them again.

I probably will stick to Amazon.  At least there you know where it comes from.  If you look anyway. lol.  I never would have thought of this.  I thought if it was that it came from WALMART.


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Re: Walmart dot com
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2019, 11:13:09 am »
We have not had any problems ordering from Walmart. I did not know they had third parties sellers.

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