I think it’s past due! Panicking because I never had this problem before! Usually the check would arrive before I expect it to arrive! I don’t recall when I cashed out because for the first time (I think), I didn’t posted that I’d cashed out! I think I cashed out around late November 2018 or early December 2018. There’s a check worth $35.23 floating out there somewhere! I think I’m past the 65 days waiting period. Please, any help would be appreciated!😭
It does not matter WHEN you cash out. If you cash out on the 11th of January you will get paid on or around the 20th of Feb. It is always around the 20th of the following month. So if you cash out on Feb 1st you will get paid on March 20.
Not sure why you ask us for help. We cannot help you. The moderators do not read and respond to help issues. You need to submit a support ticket.
You can go to your account section and look at where it says awaiting cashout and it will tell you if you actually have a cashout coming. I done it once and didn't hit the last confirm button so they cashout never happened. You can also see what you have been paid. If it says you were paid then the check may have gotten lost in the mail. Not sure they would replace it. I think it says they are not responsible for lost or stolen checks. This is not a job. Not actual employment so if that is the case you are probably just out. This is why it is better to use the direct deposit or PayPal. No matter how you are paid there is still a record (as far as taxes) so there is no reason to be afraid of PP or DD.
And even if you cashed out in Nov it is not past 65 days. Nov cash-outs pay on Dec 20th so that is not even 30 days late yet.