To keep children with allergies etc safe mothers should bring snacks they can have for them
I think some of you are missing something here. It is Sunday School on Sunday morning. The class is only about 40 minutes long. The snack thing started before I took the class. For a while we didn't do it but I finally gave in. They are 3-4 years old so their attention span is like 5 minutes. It is just something to take up a little time. I would never think of sending a snack with my child to Sunday School. Or even that they would eat. lol
Like I sad we usually do a pack of Smarties and that is it. I think I am going to do some pretzel sticks this week.
If I have a new kid I try to ask the parent to make sure because some kids can die from eating certain things. And if I was a parent I would not think my child would be fed in Sunday School. Well in today's world probably so but you get the drift. Also, if I were a parent and I took my child with allergies any where new I would make sure the adults knew not to feed them unless the kid is old enough to tell them no.
I know the oldest boy told somebody they didn't drink anything but water.