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Topic: Do you hate your job?  (Read 3246 times)


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #30 on: August 01, 2018, 09:14:16 am »
No way! I work at home and i am my own boss.I like my job.


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #31 on: August 01, 2018, 09:55:21 am »
YES! I hate my job. Like you, I have a ton of downtime. And even when I do have work, it's really boring work. I've been at this place for 13 years, and they don't give pay raises. The only reason I stay is because I have good hours and lots of PTO. But I just can't do this anymore. As soon as my husband finds a better paying job, I'm going to start looking for something else.

Eight hours with nothing to do for days on end is torture.


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2018, 01:06:30 pm »
No way! I work at home and i am my own boss.I like my job.

When you say you work from home - do you mean a real job or do you call taking surveys your job while you draw a check off the government? Not being mean, but I know people who get a check which pays their bills and they do surveys and say they "work from home". Taking surveys is not a job.


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2018, 01:11:47 pm »
YES! I hate my job!! I'll admit it. I work in billing at a hospital, and it's so freakin boring. I have a lot of downtime; that's why I'm on this site. Lol. I work very undesirable hours (until 8:30pm) so it's usually close to 10 when I eat dinner. I also work in an office full of women so there's a ton of gossiping and drama. I just wish these people would grow the h-ll up. I'd love to retire, but I'm only 31 years old, so it's probably about 30 years away, even though I'm saving up money like crazy. My dad retired at 49, but he was a government worker with a pension. I am not, but I have a 401K and I'm holding out hope that I will be a millionaire one day. In the meantime, I'm bored outta my mind.  >:(

First off, men are as full of or more so of drama than women.

If you hate your job so bad then get another one. I am surprised you are able to sit on this site all shift.  Most companies would fire you if they knew you played on the internet when you are suppose to be working.

It is funny you say you are saving money up like crazy but just a few days ago you started a thread saying you couldn't pay your bills and needed to know how to supplement your income.  If you are 'saving money up like crazy" and don't have the money to pay your bills then there is your solution.

Use your money to pay your bills. Save any extra. Don't hoard money that you need to pay bills you owe now.

Disagree that men are more dramatic than women, but that's the least of our concerns here.

I am working. There's just down time to my job, so I take surveys to keep myself busy.

I am saving like crazy. I never said I can't pay my bills. I'm just looking for other ways to supplement my income so I can pay my bills with money other than what I make at work. I am investing a sizeable chunk of change in my retirement account, but I'm expecting/hoping that pays off one day.

Finally, I'm divorced with no kids. I would love to go back to school, but it's so much money, not to mention I just don't have the time working a full-time job. There's no room for advancement with my current job, so I'm stuck here for at least the time being.  Hate is a strong word, but I really do hate it here. Lol

You could go to school online. But it depends on where you live and what kind of jobs there are in your area. In my area even if you go to college you won't be able to get a job here. You will have to move. And things are getting worse. My town is in trouble. I guess it is good that with your down time you are allowed to play on the internet. To me that would be an awesome job. I sit here for 8 hours and get paid by the hour and then do surveys (which some days I do really well) and get paid for that as well.  Sounds like a dream come true.

As for drama, I guess it depends on the people you are with, there are men I have worked with that are more dramatic than and women every thought about being. People in general seem to like to gossip and cause drama.

Yeah, I would have to move if I wanted a really good job. There are no jobs here, and most of the jobs that are available are given to family members/friends, so I'd need an "in" to get a job in my town. I don't have a computer at home (and don't really want to get one) so online schooling wouldn't be for me. I feel like I've been through college already. I don't want to go to school again. Plus, I have anxiety and depression I deal with on a daily basis. I'd like to get "better" before pursuing any type of schooling, and I know that probably sounds like a weak excuse but my number 1 focus needs to be on me right now.

The downtime at my job may seem nice, but trust me, it gets boring fast. I'd rather just work 8 hours straight and do the surveys in my spare time.

My ex-husband is a drama queen so there are males that like to gossip/create drama, but just being in an office filled with women (and me being a man) I can see how women like to start things. Like yesterday, I called our receptionist "the receptionist," and she took offense to that!! She's an "administrative assistant." I've heard the director call her a receptionist, for God's sake. Today, when I came in, she didn't even say hello to me. Just a very rude person.

Well, I don't think she is rude because she didn't say hello to you. That makes you sound like a drama queen yourself. People are stupid about titles. Admin Assist sounds more professional that receptionist. (rolling eyes here)

Yeah there are no jobs here either and you have to know somebody to get one. I have several apps in at various places but they will go to someone who knows the right person.

I guess I see it from the opposite side. The last job I worked on there were men who were the biggest cry babies you have ever met. They told on everyone and stomped and pitched a fit when they didn't get their way. There were 2 women in the office that were drama queens as well.  So it is a people thing. Not limited to men or women. People in general are stupid.


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #34 on: August 01, 2018, 01:36:09 pm »
That's too bad.  Please try to find something you enjoy.  It will make your life happier and you healthier.


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #35 on: August 01, 2018, 02:13:33 pm »
I love my job which is volunteering to feed the homeless. I'm grateful I can help others.


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #36 on: August 02, 2018, 09:53:23 am »
YES! I hate my job!! I'll admit it. I work in billing at a hospital, and it's so freakin boring. I have a lot of downtime; that's why I'm on this site. Lol. I work very undesirable hours (until 8:30pm) so it's usually close to 10 when I eat dinner. I also work in an office full of women so there's a ton of gossiping and drama. I just wish these people would grow the h-ll up. I'd love to retire, but I'm only 31 years old, so it's probably about 30 years away, even though I'm saving up money like crazy. My dad retired at 49, but he was a government worker with a pension. I am not, but I have a 401K and I'm holding out hope that I will be a millionaire one day. In the meantime, I'm bored outta my mind.  >:(

First off, men are as full of or more so of drama than women.

If you hate your job so bad then get another one. I am surprised you are able to sit on this site all shift.  Most companies would fire you if they knew you played on the internet when you are suppose to be working.

It is funny you say you are saving money up like crazy but just a few days ago you started a thread saying you couldn't pay your bills and needed to know how to supplement your income.  If you are 'saving money up like crazy" and don't have the money to pay your bills then there is your solution.

Use your money to pay your bills. Save any extra. Don't hoard money that you need to pay bills you owe now.

Disagree that men are more dramatic than women, but that's the least of our concerns here.

I am working. There's just down time to my job, so I take surveys to keep myself busy.

I am saving like crazy. I never said I can't pay my bills. I'm just looking for other ways to supplement my income so I can pay my bills with money other than what I make at work. I am investing a sizeable chunk of change in my retirement account, but I'm expecting/hoping that pays off one day.

Finally, I'm divorced with no kids. I would love to go back to school, but it's so much money, not to mention I just don't have the time working a full-time job. There's no room for advancement with my current job, so I'm stuck here for at least the time being.  Hate is a strong word, but I really do hate it here. Lol

You could go to school online. But it depends on where you live and what kind of jobs there are in your area. In my area even if you go to college you won't be able to get a job here. You will have to move. And things are getting worse. My town is in trouble. I guess it is good that with your down time you are allowed to play on the internet. To me that would be an awesome job. I sit here for 8 hours and get paid by the hour and then do surveys (which some days I do really well) and get paid for that as well.  Sounds like a dream come true.

As for drama, I guess it depends on the people you are with, there are men I have worked with that are more dramatic than and women every thought about being. People in general seem to like to gossip and cause drama.

Yeah, I would have to move if I wanted a really good job. There are no jobs here, and most of the jobs that are available are given to family members/friends, so I'd need an "in" to get a job in my town. I don't have a computer at home (and don't really want to get one) so online schooling wouldn't be for me. I feel like I've been through college already. I don't want to go to school again. Plus, I have anxiety and depression I deal with on a daily basis. I'd like to get "better" before pursuing any type of schooling, and I know that probably sounds like a weak excuse but my number 1 focus needs to be on me right now.

The downtime at my job may seem nice, but trust me, it gets boring fast. I'd rather just work 8 hours straight and do the surveys in my spare time.

My ex-husband is a drama queen so there are males that like to gossip/create drama, but just being in an office filled with women (and me being a man) I can see how women like to start things. Like yesterday, I called our receptionist "the receptionist," and she took offense to that!! She's an "administrative assistant." I've heard the director call her a receptionist, for God's sake. Today, when I came in, she didn't even say hello to me. Just a very rude person.

Well, I don't think she is rude because she didn't say hello to you. That makes you sound like a drama queen yourself. People are stupid about titles. Admin Assist sounds more professional that receptionist. (rolling eyes here)

Yeah there are no jobs here either and you have to know somebody to get one. I have several apps in at various places but they will go to someone who knows the right person.

I guess I see it from the opposite side. The last job I worked on there were men who were the biggest cry babies you have ever met. They told on everyone and stomped and pitched a fit when they didn't get their way. There were 2 women in the office that were drama queens as well.  So it is a people thing. Not limited to men or women. People in general are stupid.

I didn't create any drama over her not saying hello, I just thought it was rude imo.

Agree that people in general are stupid. After writing my post, I thought a bit about my ex-husband, who was the biggest drama queen ever. He would be in tears after reading my private text messages. One time, he cried because I didn't do his laundry (heaven forbid he has to do his own laundry). He'd take my phone and go through it looking for things to be offended by ... and you know what they say: when looking for trouble, don't be surprised if you get it. I eventually kicked him out and divorced him. Absolutely no regrets because he annoyed the heck out of me.


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #37 on: August 02, 2018, 01:25:37 pm »
I kind of liked my job when I had one, but now that I am retired, I wouldn't work for anyone else again even if I had no greenbacks left whatsoever.


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #38 on: August 02, 2018, 03:21:17 pm »
After seeing dozens of Hallmark Movies on TV, I would have to reserve that decision until I knew who I was going to be working for (expecially if I was single).


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #39 on: August 02, 2018, 03:30:35 pm »
I love my job!!!!!!! I work at a campground in Florida on the Anclote River, just where it flows into the Gulf.  I make reservations, help campers, ride about in a Golf Cart and I am earning twice as much as I was in New York.  Oh, I work 4 hour shifts.  I am blessed!


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #40 on: August 03, 2018, 01:13:05 am »
my job is doing surveys and that is really good to help with extra income


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Re: Do you hate your job?
« Reply #41 on: August 03, 2018, 12:30:08 pm »
I love my job!!!!!!! I work at a campground in Florida on the Anclote River, just where it flows into the Gulf.  I make reservations, help campers, ride about in a Golf Cart and I am earning twice as much as I was in New York.  Oh, I work 4 hour shifts.  I am blessed!
That sounds amazing. You are probably paying a lot less to live there than New York too.

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