Sorry i omitted Joes answer when i asked him about all Vietnam War.......he said....
That was another place, another time...cold war era (don't even know if you were alive then?)
We went to aid an ally to stop communism...yes it should of been handled differently but lesson learned the hard way, and a lot of corruption....
Again CG......go take a reading see things that arent only care what you have to say and most of the time be controversial.
Obviously his answer to my question the deaths bothered him...but he tried to cover it up the best way without making government look like the bad guys......
A million uncalled for deaths is kinda hard to sweep under the rug!!
LOL. You do exactly what you are accusing me of. You want to insult me because you disagree with me.
You only care about what you think and what you have to say. And like you accuse me of most of what you say is controversial.
So many you need to go take all the classes you say I need. Along with an attitude class. You want to jump down everyone's throat and can't handle someone having a different opinion. If you don't respect this country, it's flag or what it stands for then why don't you go live somewhere else?
Showing respect for our flag is not worshiping it. Big difference.
Fits you to a T!!
“Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14) Moreover, people deceive themselves in religious matters. Proverbs 14:12 states: “There exists a way that is upright before a man, but the ways of death are the end of it afterward.”
I know you dont acknowledge Gods name.There is a theme through-out the bible that says,Jehovah will NOT share his glory to any other false gods.
The bible clearly says Satan is the ruler of this system right now.He offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world for an act of worship.Jesus told him Jehovah is GOD and refused.
3 Hebrews refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzer idols and were saved by God when he tried to kill them.
Rev 4:11 reads Jehovah is only 1 that deserves that honor cos HE created life <us>
You seem to only know 1 verse in the bible.I suggest you make yourself famiiar with the rest of the book and be taught by Gods people...NOT Babylon the Great.
Over 20 million attend The Memorial each yr worldwide.A command Jesus gave after he dismissed Judas.Do you get at least 20 to attend a bingo game at your Babylonish church?
Dont flatter yourself.If Gods people see you arent interested in the truth,they will obey Jesus command and dust their feet and bid you save your effort buying more flags.