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Topic: Working Online  (Read 6571 times)


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #15 on: April 05, 2018, 12:33:54 pm »
I've checked into a few "work from home" ads but when I've seen you have to buy some kind of kit, list or whatever I just close my browser.  Its a shame there are so many scams out there.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #16 on: April 05, 2018, 03:11:08 pm »
I believe it's very rare to find something legit but I certainly would like to do it maybe a couple days a week.  I have no intention of buying anything for this.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #17 on: April 06, 2018, 06:01:32 am »
I've checked into a few "work from home" ads but when I've seen you have to buy some kind of kit, list or whatever I just close my browser.  Its a shame there are so many scams out there.

I have a co-worker who knows I am looking for a job and she told me about a site her boyfriend had joined.  She says you pay x amount of money a month and they tell you about jobs in your area.  I told her I was not paying money to any site to tell me about jobs in my area that are listed for FREE other places.  She got mad and rolled her eyes and huffed.  One of the reasons I want out of where I am. lol


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #18 on: April 06, 2018, 06:04:32 am »
I believe it's very rare to find something legit but I certainly would like to do it maybe a couple days a week.  I have no intention of buying anything for this.

I am not paying money to any site to tell me about how to make money online.  Most of it is just BS and double talk and basically sites like this one.  The only person making money is the ones selling the info. 


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #19 on: April 06, 2018, 06:22:02 am »
Have to agree with you countrygirl, most work at home jobs are scams,  or you can make money, but no where near enough to live on.
                                                                     Oh home jobs,was thinking of something else.   Fusion Cash is considered working online whether you make a lil or a lot.
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Re: Working Online
« Reply #20 on: April 06, 2018, 06:30:54 am »
There was a time when I "worked online" - it really was absurd.  I spent every waking moment with a laptop in front of me... registered w/200+sites.  I would leave the apartment for appointments for kids, grocery shopping and church.  Other than that I was "working".  Living paycheck to paycheck was an understatement. It wasn't good for me physically or mentally.  I know people who now work from home too - but they have been with X company for many years.  I still work from home.  Not just survey sites.  But also my own little side bakery gig.  However I'm also working full time where the consistent bread and butter flows from.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2018, 09:58:09 am »
I believe there are, but I think a lot of these jobs are involved in talking to people on the phone, which I'm not interested in but if you are I think you can find something legit with further research.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #22 on: April 06, 2018, 10:03:18 am »
I don't believe in the ones that say you can make an insane amount in a short time.  The next time someone says they work online ask exactly what they do.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #23 on: April 06, 2018, 10:25:44 am »
I hear so many people say "oh I work online".  I wonder if there are really any legit jobs where you can work online and from home and get paid.  And I mean a real job.  Not I draw a check off the government and that pays my bills so I do surveys and call that my job to have some extra spending money.

I have a full time job but would love to quit and be able to work online.  Most of the things I have found thru google searches seem to be nothing but scams.  Or they are just flat out lies.  Kind of like sites like this one that say you can make thousands of dollars a day working for 20 minutes.  ::)
Oh there are real jobs out there that pay you all right... about 2 months ago I was working as a chat text expert and made $5000 in 2 months and then they changed the pay rate and then I was making $1000 per month, still good but $2500 per month was better! lol ... I was with them for 7 glorious months and then they canned me because of unsatisfied customers (not towards me ) against the company I was assisting with. They took it out on the techs and the techs had to maintain a perfect customer satisfaction rating. I really wish they took me back,...oh well. lol ... AND this was extra income on top of my FULL TIME job! :)
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Re: Working Online
« Reply #24 on: April 06, 2018, 01:06:48 pm »
I have a friend in Scottsdale AZ who sits at home and plays games and makes 80K a year working from home for CVS , as a system admin. And watchdog.  But he has worked for them for 20 plus years now. He used to be at a office but I guess its more cost effective to have some of their people work at home.

Jobs like that are hard to get.  There was someone local who got a job doing medical transcription from home but I found out she had worked in the ER for over 20 years.  And I live in a small town so there are not an abundance of medical transcription jobs.  Actually pretty near none.  No doctors carry around tape recorders any more. I saw one that one time he was doing that.  Now they carry their laptop around with them and enter the into in right then and it goes into the BIG system that is accessed every where in the US.

Doesn't matter if you live in a small town. it does matter if you are experienced in Medical Transcription. I did it for 20 years. I took a course, got a job at the local hospital for 4 months but had to leave because my mom fell and broke her hip. So i got a job with a national company doing MT plus I worked for a local patent and trademark attorney and also picked up independent doctors AND the local hospital that I had to leave. I did okay being paid by the line and full benefits, but national companies siphon the life out of you and not a good place to go anymore. i used to make big bucks and then they started outsourcing to Pakistan, India, and other 3rd world countries because they were cheap labor. So our wages went down to 2-4 cents a line. Just not worth it especially when they sent the work out and you were left with crap or nothing. There were days I sat my whole shift doing nothing except checking for jobs.  I was a workaholic, worked 7 days a week, at least 12 hours a day, sometimes longer. Loved every minute of it. When I wound up with my sarcoma, everything went down the drain. i had my P&T attorney of 28 years and my one doc of 17 who stood by me and waited for me to get back in shape. Lost everything else.

There are other jobs out there where you can work at home but you have to be very careful. Amazon Mechanical Turk is a place where you bid on jobs to do. WAHM has some base jobs but you have to be careful there, too.  I don't bother anymore. No one wants to hire someone who has been out of work for 8 years. I keep looking but nothing happens.  Don't care much but miss that great money. :) 


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #25 on: April 06, 2018, 01:12:23 pm »
I have a friend in Scottsdale AZ who sits at home and plays games and makes 80K a year working from home for CVS , as a system admin. And watchdog.  But he has worked for them for 20 plus years now. He used to be at a office but I guess its more cost effective to have some of their people work at home.

Jobs like that are hard to get.  There was someone local who got a job doing medical transcription from home but I found out she had worked in the ER for over 20 years.  And I live in a small town so there are not an abundance of medical transcription jobs.  Actually pretty near none.  No doctors carry around tape recorders any more. I saw one that one time he was doing that.  Now they carry their laptop around with them and enter the into in right then and it goes into the BIG system that is accessed every where in the US.

That is because of Obama's law. They had to start doing it via laptop themselves or PA's doing it. Doctors were given an incentive rebates for the special programs that were available and docs were forced to use instead of dictating. If they didn't switch within a certain amount of years, they would lose that rebate and be forced to pay full price for the program.  The programs were more like a multiple choice questionnaire and very rigid. You couldn't add extra info to it and I don't know any doctor that really likes it.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #26 on: April 06, 2018, 02:24:41 pm »
Trying to find a legit company in which you could work online from home is very scarce.  So many of them are scams or they want you to pay them in order to work for them.  Are they out of their minds?
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Re: Working Online
« Reply #27 on: April 06, 2018, 04:39:36 pm »
There may be, but I have never run across any; most of them seem like scams indicating that you can make outrageous amount of money in a day or week! my motto is if it sounds to good to be true then it is not. I think the only way would be if someone is perhaps with a business  and they do tele commute work from home at times; or maybe some of the call center jobs might be viable for some; but for me who already wears hearing aids don't think they would be a good fit for me.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #28 on: April 07, 2018, 07:17:44 am »
I certainly understand.  I always feel like if you have to pay for it then it may not be legit.

I've checked into a few "work from home" ads but when I've seen you have to buy some kind of kit, list or whatever I just close my browser.  Its a shame there are so many scams out there.


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Re: Working Online
« Reply #29 on: April 07, 2018, 09:58:12 am »
No you will not make a fortune on this kind of "work" online.  I don't know if some of the ones advertised are legit or not.  I haven't pursued any of them.

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