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Topic: Another disgusting man  (Read 6727 times)


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2017, 08:43:13 am »
I can't believe these people have gotten by with this sick degenerate stuff they are being accused of - ridiculous that people have no morals or ethics.  I think the world is going to you know where in a hand basket as my grandma used to say.  Evil so evil.  And my sons don't understand why I don't want grandchildren.


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2017, 11:06:13 pm »
If the stories are true about all these men, that's karma, but I think a lot of it is hysteria. I've heard of some innocent accidental touches and women called it sexual assault.   

Most of these women don't know the meaning of sexual assault.  Complimenting a woman on her looks or what she'w wearing isn't sexual assault. How can a hand on the shoulder be sexual assault? One woman accuser said Trump came in her dressing room while she was naked. No, it was proven in her OWN WORDS that she had a robe on, so she wasn't naked unless she opened her robe and flashed him.

There needs to be evidence like in the case of Franken. Can't just take their word for it. look at some of the careers and lives ruined in the past because of  lies. Duke LaCross, Tawana Brawley, the lie that started riots in NY and a man lost his business, which ruined his life. Others have a vendetta against a man because they just don't like him.  It could also be political.  If political, I wouldn't doubt if some are being paid to lie.

As for Mario, that doesn't seen right. I don't know if I believe that one. Oh, and let's not forget that women can sexually assault men, too.  Will men come out? Some have, but their stories were pushed into the background because they aren't women. Is that fair?


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2017, 11:58:43 pm »

Why am I NOT surprised that you do not believe the women? Most of what you post is ignorant and rude. I rarely respond to your posts because I find you annoying.

Many women DID come forward, but the times were different, and no one was listening.

Also, in different times, a woman was actually blamed for whatever event occurred.

Heaven's no, let's never place blame where it belongs, on the offending party.

I also think that this is the only good side effect of a Donald Trump presidency. We have a President who jokes about grabbing women by the genitals and kissing them without their permission as if they are nothing but playthings to be tossed aside after he gets tired of them.

Therefore, women who would normally keep silent are now coming forward and saying "enough!"

Stop talking because every time you speak, I.Q. points fall to the floor.

There's one, ooh, here's another one . . .

« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 12:01:43 am by kaat1220 »


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2017, 12:12:45 am »

Trump is on tape, bragging that he got away with walking into the changing rooms of the Miss America Pageant while the women were dressing. He also bragged that he loves beautiful women and that when he sees one, that he just starts kissing them. I heard this tape, and the words coming out of this man's mouth.

Women assaulting men DOES happen, but it is virtually unheard of. And yes, there may be a few cases here or there where the woman lied or got the wrong idea but those cases are rare.

Women know what sexual assault is, know when it is happening, and the last thing we need is other women calling the victims "hysterical."

I have to believe in other women. Women do not get together and decide to start accusing people of sex crimes for no reason.

Men have been in power for a very long time. To think that sexual abuse is rare is not only naive, but it is cruel.

Every woman who makes an accusation deserves to be heard.

Karma being what it is, be very careful. One day, you, your daughters, sisters, mothers, and friends could be victims.

THEN, you will be on the wrong end of comments like yours and Country Girl's.

Just saying . . .
« Last Edit: December 16, 2017, 12:22:30 am by kaat1220 »


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2017, 08:28:33 pm »
So many of the same allegations truly makes me wonder if they are truthful or do we just live in a perverted world with never having a voice and now all of a sudden women from all over are growing a huge set of cajones! Very sad!
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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2017, 11:46:40 pm »
Back in my younger days when a  man got fresh with you, we took care of it right away. The laws were not there yet to really protect us. That is why many men got slapped and taken care of  by our selves. Now it is a lot different. When my niece was being stalked, at work and at home  she came to me and I told her to take care of it now. Don't put it off. She went and  reported it. The man continued to do it. Now it  is going  to go to court and she has kept all of the messages he  sent her and  the court is now considering  how much they can charge the creep with. I don't understand  why they have waited so long.  If you can't  prove  it why put your self out there. You had better be able to prove it. But I think some are being paid for it.

I'm curious as to what age you are. I'm 35 and I didn't grow up in a culture where that was socially acceptable. I am def not saying anything against you. I think that women should have the capabilities to stand up for themselves, whether that be telling a guy off or having to get physical. And I applaud your advice to your niece and wish her luck at her trial.

However, where and when I was growing up standing up to a guy would not be allowed. You would simply go home and tell your father or the other man in your life. And you definitely would not be encouraged to go to the police. I do not agree with that statement, but that is how things were and how they still mostly are down south. I believe that the men in the family should protect their women, but it is also important for a woman to stand up for herself and be able to. Both my son and daughter will be enrolled in self defense. I should be able to interchange the words son and daughter with the following sentence: if my ___ cannot defend his/her self then my ____ will defend them. I except my children to defend each other and I defend my spouse as he defends me. Family should always protect each other.

As for the women who are pouring out of the word works now with accusations, a lot of them had the capability to leave but didn't want to. They could have left Hollywood and gotten regular jobs. They could have stopped modeling and gone to work somewhere else. They didn't and at the time that was the contract. Sleep with the guy in charge and get the job. Everyone knew that's how it went back then. They sold themselves to get ahead. It was wrong but not wrong at the time. I am glad that they are changing the ways, but these women got paid from their 'assaults' by getting the careers that they wanted. They could have come out at the time, no one would have believed them. Back then, they had two choices. Accept the assault and get the promotion, job, etc. Or leave.

I don't condone it because it was the only choice at the time. Women are still sleeping with men/women to get what they want, only now they are crying out about it b/c they can get fame/money out of it. Men need to stop letting it happen and women need to be smarter about what situations they put themselves in. I am a female, but I don't think that a girl in a tube top and mini skirt walking drunk home from a bar by herself is safe whatsoever. A girl in full hijab walking home from the library late at night isn't safe either. It doesn't matter what you wear, it's the situation you put yourself in. Wear what you want but realize that what you wear does make a difference. it's not 'asking for it' to wear something provocative. It is asking for it to assume that you are going to be safe if you go home with a stranger, walk home in the dark, etc. In this day and age we have cell phones, security guards at clubs, etc. If you are out by yourself, you need to protect yourself. The same goes for guys as well.

To sum up: the times are changing, some women are telling the truth, some are trying to get money, and society is trying to change for the better but it takes time for all of us to get the message, believe it, and change our feelings. For crying out loud, we're still fighting racism today. Everyone thinks that as soon as there's one change, the rest of society will change asap. It doesn't work that way. Everyone should protect each other, but until we all catch up to that, everyone needs to protect themselves.


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2017, 11:47:38 pm »
Let's also not forget that women are predators as well. I.E. Melanie Martinez.


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2017, 05:42:33 am »
I think its funny how everything was aimed at trump and failed but the accusers are the ones busted.  I'd like to see bill Clinton answer for his bad behavior.


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2017, 06:09:31 am »
I think it is crazy to bring up something that happened 20 years ago.


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #24 on: December 17, 2017, 02:19:51 pm »
I think the difference b/w Trump and Clinton is that American got mad at Clinton for him an affair with another willing adult. Trump, on the other hand, really enjoys bragging in a negative manner about his bedroom exploits with women. Whether true or imaginary. Trump should keep his mouth shut and Clinton needs to keep his pants up.


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2017, 03:33:34 pm »
We lowered the bar when Bill Clinton was elected President (twice!) after the information came out about his sexual escapades.  Unbelievable!  The highest office and honor in the USA should not have belonged to someone with his morals.  So, if the President can practice that type of behavior why would anyone else think it was wrong for them to do the same?


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #26 on: December 19, 2017, 03:56:34 pm »
I love that women are saying "ENOUGH !!!!"  My gender from our teens onward is filled with "guys guys" being aholes,trash talking,using and abusing women...The saying goes "Payback is a b***h" Many guys are guilty of some wrongdoing towards women but when it's abuse or harassment,threats and such then it's a whole different level. Worst I ever did was ignore the woman I loved and made her feel sad  because I was angry at myself for screwing up our relationship,so we're all guilty of something. Live and learn because all of life is a learning experience.

lol.  Women are just as bad or worse than any men.  They do whatever they want to try to get ahead and then cry rape.  Or they cry some lie about sexual whatever to try to get money.


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #27 on: December 19, 2017, 03:57:49 pm »
If the stories are true about all these men, that's karma, but I think a lot of it is hysteria. I've heard of some innocent accidental touches and women called it sexual assault.   

Most of these women don't know the meaning of sexual assault.  Complimenting a woman on her looks or what she'w wearing isn't sexual assault. How can a hand on the shoulder be sexual assault? One woman accuser said Trump came in her dressing room while she was naked. No, it was proven in her OWN WORDS that she had a robe on, so she wasn't naked unless she opened her robe and flashed him.

There needs to be evidence like in the case of Franken. Can't just take their word for it. look at some of the careers and lives ruined in the past because of  lies. Duke LaCross, Tawana Brawley, the lie that started riots in NY and a man lost his business, which ruined his life. Others have a vendetta against a man because they just don't like him.  It could also be political.  If political, I wouldn't doubt if some are being paid to lie.

As for Mario, that doesn't seen right. I don't know if I believe that one. Oh, and let's not forget that women can sexually assault men, too.  Will men come out? Some have, but their stories were pushed into the background because they aren't women. Is that fair?

It isn't assault but a man doesn't have the right to make sexual comments to a woman.  But she needs to take care of it right then not wait 20 years and say oh he said and done this to me and he needs to give me money.


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #28 on: December 19, 2017, 04:26:13 pm »
I think the women should be heard, but honestly I think being heard so many years later in most cases is a little bit ridiculous. They should speak up immediately.


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Re: Another disgusting man
« Reply #29 on: December 19, 2017, 04:55:32 pm »
Mario Batali has just been accused of groping women in his restaurant and tv show.  He has left the Chew daytime show and Food Network has pulled his show.  What’s going on lately, it seems like everyday you hear about another person being accused.

I just hope everyone being accused has actually done the crime that they are being accused of (as sad as that was to put into words) This is a movement for everyone in the world to have the courage to speak up if something has been done to them. So many people are ashamed or fearful of speaking out against someone who has sexually abused them.

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