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Topic: Demons or Mental illess  (Read 4770 times)


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #15 on: October 19, 2017, 03:21:49 pm »
I knew a lady who had a little boy, she said he was evil from the time he was born. I saw many things this kid did and yes i believe he was or had a demon. This child loved to see even bugs suffer, I mean sick stuff as in take a fly and pull off it's wings, then watch. Yet times he was nice to be around, creepy feeling even as a little guy.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 03:45:28 pm by sbenkoski »


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #16 on: October 19, 2017, 04:59:40 pm »
Mental illness is already not taken seriously enough without people trying to say their possessed with demons.  Mental illness is real and craziness like this will further prevent it being taken seriously enough for more widespread diagnosis , treatment and awareness
Do u need a reminder?
New International Version
We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.1John 5:19

As i said in an earlier post i am aware man himself thru imperfection and bad habits can contribute as well.But my perception here is many under estimate the power of Satan and rebellious angels.The ol seeing is believing line eh?Well if u support bible then u know Satan and his hordes are real.You cant just believe part of it.Friendship with this world is enmity with God says the bible.With good reason.Cos HE has nothing to do with the garbage that goes on,but yet many blame him too.

Maybe you need a reminder of realities of life . People claiming that everything is because of demons is what has caused people to be killed because of exorcisms being preformed on people that had very real physical and mental conditions that should have been treated by medical professionals and not religion
Listen just say if you support bible or not.The scripture is there for reference.All the violence that goes on in this world isnt just manmade!

Rev 12:12 New International Version
Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."

Let me also say the bible DOESNT support religeons that perform these rituals.They are detestable to GOD!!They originate with Satan,Gods enemy.So you wanna blame the religeons for this learn that Satan is behind that too.The scripture reads,THE WHOLE world is under his influence!Including false religeon!

You know the parable Jesus gave Re trees that give good fruit and others that give rotten fruit?What he meant was examining others the same way.You will know them by their fruit.One EX is how God has made it manifest with all the sexual scandals that have come to light!!When i was a child this was unheard of!!NOW its outta control.You see ads in the newspapers lawyers looking for cases if you were abuse by a priest or bishop!!

« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 05:22:49 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #17 on: October 19, 2017, 05:13:01 pm »
I believe demon possession happens, and  I believe that mental illness could be reason for someone's actions also. The problem is that many times it's not easy to decipher what the individual's issue is.


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #18 on: October 19, 2017, 06:35:51 pm »
Mental illness is already not taken seriously enough without people trying to say their possessed with demons.  Mental illness is real and craziness like this will further prevent it being taken seriously enough for more widespread diagnosis , treatment and awareness
Do u need a reminder?
New International Version
We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.1John 5:19

As i said in an earlier post i am aware man himself thru imperfection and bad habits can contribute as well.But my perception here is many under estimate the power of Satan and rebellious angels.The ol seeing is believing line eh?Well if u support bible then u know Satan and his hordes are real.You cant just believe part of it.Friendship with this world is enmity with God says the bible.With good reason.Cos HE has nothing to do with the garbage that goes on,but yet many blame him too.

Maybe you need a reminder of realities of life . People claiming that everything is because of demons is what has caused people to be killed because of exorcisms being preformed on people that had very real physical and mental conditions that should have been treated by medical professionals and not religion
Listen just say if you support bible or not.The scripture is there for reference.All the violence that goes on in this world isnt just manmade!

Rev 12:12 New International Version
Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."

Let me also say the bible DOESNT support religeons that perform these rituals.They are detestable to GOD!!They originate with Satan,Gods enemy.So you wanna blame the religeons for this learn that Satan is behind that too.The scripture reads,THE WHOLE world is under his influence!Including false religeon!

You know the parable Jesus gave Re trees that give good fruit and others that give rotten fruit?What he meant was examining others the same way.You will know them by their fruit.One EX is how God has made it manifest with all the sexual scandals that have come to light!!When i was a child this was unheard of!!NOW its outta control.You see ads in the newspapers lawyers looking for cases if you were abuse by a priest or bishop!!


This may be a foreign concept to you but you can be a Christian and still believe in science and facts.

Sexual abuse isn't something new. It's been happening since the beginning of time but it just wasn't reported and if it was it wasn't punished.


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #19 on: October 19, 2017, 07:34:47 pm »
What do science and facts have to with this?LOL!And how are they a foreign concept to me?Is that a dig that i use the bible to illustrate meanings?

I know what xtian means.1 that follows Jesus teachings.We find out about Jesus thru the bible.Do you have another pipeline to him?Cos it seems you wanna dispute what i say from the bible.

Please dont downplay the sexual scandals in the church.I was brought up a catholic and can remember as far back as 50 yrs ago it may have been going on but NO one knew of it and something like gays being married in church was NOT even thought of.

The world has gone mad since 1914 when WW1 began.The generation Jesus spoke of when he answered his disciples when this satanic system would end started in that yr to those that first witnessed it.

Mathew the 24th chaptor if you can pull yourself away from you lab!

And sadly,yes i understand how science helped Satan influence mankind in creating the A-bomb and other weapons to kill 1000s.

Its EZ to see why Jesus told Pontious Pilate his kingdom was NO part of this world and he taught us to pray,"Let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.FACT!!!!!

« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 09:07:38 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #20 on: October 19, 2017, 09:40:15 pm »
Mental illness definitely exist...demons, well, that depends on your faith.  I think people with no mental illness (people with sound minds) will be able to resist demonic influences.  It's when you're mentally ill that you lose your defense and cannot fight against bad influences.


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #21 on: October 19, 2017, 09:58:20 pm »
Mental illness definitely exist...demons, well, that depends on your faith.  I think people with no mental illness (people with sound minds) will be able to resist demonic influences.  It's when you're mentally ill that you lose your defense and cannot fight against bad influences.
Adam and Eve were created perfect.There was NO flaw in Gods creation.Yet selfish desires caused them to disobey.While many factors can also contribute to mental impairment,many have been deceived such as A&E!!We all need to be on guard from the devils machinations.And still put up with our imperfection that makes us err too.


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2017, 07:07:03 am »
there is a devil


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #23 on: October 20, 2017, 11:05:38 am »
What do science and facts have to with this?LOL!And how are they a foreign concept to me?Is that a dig that i use the bible to illustrate meanings?

I know what xtian means.1 that follows Jesus teachings.We find out about Jesus thru the bible.Do you have another pipeline to him?Cos it seems you wanna dispute what i say from the bible.

Please dont downplay the sexual scandals in the church.I was brought up a catholic and can remember as far back as 50 yrs ago it may have been going on but NO one knew of it and something like gays being married in church was NOT even thought of.

The world has gone mad since 1914 when WW1 began.The generation Jesus spoke of when he answered his disciples when this satanic system would end started in that yr to those that first witnessed it.

Mathew the 24th chaptor if you can pull yourself away from you lab!

And sadly,yes i understand how science helped Satan influence mankind in creating the A-bomb and other weapons to kill 1000s.

Its EZ to see why Jesus told Pontious Pilate his kingdom was NO part of this world and he taught us to pray,"Let your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.FACT!!!!!

It has to do with mental illness is real and you can't blame everything on the devil and demons. You can actually see some mental illnesses show up in brain scans and can be compared to "normal" brains

You're downplaying things not me. Sexual abuse has been going on whether people were openly talking about it or not. You want to believe that it's something current but its not. People just didn't believe that these men in power were capable of molesting and/or raping children or women in their congregations. People knew it was going on but it was either just accepted or too taboo to speak openly about it

50 years ago a lot of things wouldn't have been thought of that are commonplace now. 50 years ago there would be no internet to educate yourself. 50 years ago many churches wouldn't marry interracial couples. 50 years ago I would've had to go to segregated everything .


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #24 on: October 20, 2017, 02:34:53 pm »
I truly believe there are demons walking this earth everyday.  I believe they try to tempt us to do evil in a lot of different ways.  I often pray for God to remove the demons from my mind and soul when I'm really troubled or upset.  Works for me.


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #25 on: October 20, 2017, 03:11:26 pm »
Ladavia...i dont disagree that mental disease exists!!I said in many of my posts that thru imperfection and bad habits one can do harm to themselves.

And im not looking to argue with you but it seems to me you are down-playing the devil.You call yourself a xtian and i have used the bible to point out how Jesus certainly speaks of his existence and what he is capable of doing.

And yes i know sexual situations have gone on forever.Sodom and Gomorahh happened right and that was long ago.I just wanted to point out from the yr 1914 how much more this world has gone mad and the scripture in Rev:12 points it out as well as Jesus in Math 24.


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #26 on: October 20, 2017, 10:09:39 pm »
Mental illness is already not taken seriously enough without people trying to say their possessed with demons.  Mental illness is real and craziness like this will further prevent it being taken seriously enough for more widespread diagnosis , treatment and awareness
Do u need a reminder?
New International Version
We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one.1John 5:19

As i said in an earlier post i am aware man himself thru imperfection and bad habits can contribute as well.But my perception here is many under estimate the power of Satan and rebellious angels.The ol seeing is believing line eh?Well if u support bible then u know Satan and his hordes are real.You cant just believe part of it.Friendship with this world is enmity with God says the bible.With good reason.Cos HE has nothing to do with the garbage that goes on,but yet many blame him too.

Maybe you need a reminder of realities of life . People claiming that everything is because of demons is what has caused people to be killed because of exorcisms being preformed on people that had very real physical and mental conditions that should have been treated by medical professionals and not religion
Listen just say if you support bible or not.The scripture is there for reference.All the violence that goes on in this world isnt just manmade!

Rev 12:12 New International Version
Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."

Let me also say the bible DOESNT support religeons that perform these rituals.They are detestable to GOD!!They originate with Satan,Gods enemy.So you wanna blame the religeons for this learn that Satan is behind that too.The scripture reads,THE WHOLE world is under his influence!Including false religeon!

You know the parable Jesus gave Re trees that give good fruit and others that give rotten fruit?What he meant was examining others the same way.You will know them by their fruit.One EX is how God has made it manifest with all the sexual scandals that have come to light!!When i was a child this was unheard of!!NOW its outta control.You see ads in the newspapers lawyers looking for cases if you were abuse by a priest or bishop!!


He sounds like a psychopath.


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2017, 10:11:01 pm »
I quoted the wrong posts.


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2017, 10:12:01 pm »
I knew a lady who had a little boy, she said he was evil from the time he was born. I saw many things this kid did and yes i believe he was or had a demon. This child loved to see even bugs suffer, I mean sick stuff as in take a fly and pull off it's wings, then watch. Yet times he was nice to be around, creepy feeling even as a little guy.

He sounds like a psychopath.


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Re: Demons or Mental illess
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2017, 10:55:21 am »
I believe in both.
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