How many times do you remember asking your family to do something exciting and met with the response 'someday' and the something turns into 'never happened'? I have tried to replace 'someday' with a concrete date tied to a plan of action. My daughter asked me to take her to a Green Bay Packer's game and I almost said someday but instead told her that I would take her in September of the year in which she graduated. I told her that I would get better seat levels based on her grades and I started saving, finding additional streams of revenue, and investing properly. She surprised me by being the class Valedictorian and I surprised her with tickets on the fifty yard line, tickets to see the Wisconsin Badgers the day before, and wined and dined her like there was no tomorrow. My son earned a Boar hunting trip in Florida and I am saving to take my wife on a luxurious twenty fifth anniversary trip. We can always get absorbed by work-how often can we make a difference for a loved one.