I have a red squirrel who lives in a big tree out in my front yard, next to the 3 black walnut trees that killed off all my garden I spent weeks making and planting. This is no big bushy tailed squirrel it's a tiny red squirrel with a white belly about 1/3 the size of all the others. BUT !! small it may be, it's the tuffest little fart I've ever seen and it makes me laugh all the time. With three trees of walnuts one would think there would be plenty for more than one tiny red squirrel to stock pile for winter. Nope this little animal spends day after day hauling these walnut up to his house, the tree he lives in must have a hollowing because the yard is covered with the nuts when these 3 trees shed the nuts. He starts at sun up and ends when the sun sets to return every day till all the nuts are in his stash or buried in the ground. What's so funny is if another squirrel happens to set foot in his yard, I have no idea how... but you'll see him pop out of no where and the chase is on, this tiny little squirrel runs down any thing that chances by including cats and rabbits and he will run them all the way down the street.... I saw two playing in the tree so maybe there will be babies this spring!!