Watched protests at a Town Hall meeting. A woman screamed that her representative wasn't listening to them. They certainly are and that's why the repeal and replace Obamacare and that's they reason for the Town Halls, to get input. But not at that Town Hall. All they did was yell and carry on.
Then there's the President. Attack, attack, attack. No matter what he, his administration, or his family does, they're attacked. It's totally disgusting. Even when he makes a joke, they attack him. Nothing like this happened with Obama. The hatred for this whole administration by both the House, Senate, and people is disgusting. Let them alone to see what they can do. They're too impatient. People are screaming because repeal and replace hasn't been done yet. They don't realize that it takes time to get the best plan put together. People are screaming because he's deporting illegals and criminals, which is the LAW. judges are now making law, which is not their job. I hope he can stop that from happening.
As for Ivanka's clothing line, who the H*** cares that she wore her own design during the inauguration? Nordstrom, K-Mart, and all those other stores who are dropping her line are definitely doing it for political reasons, nothing more, nothing less.
If the Hollywood elites want to be so outspoken in their hatred, let them run for office...especially Meryl Streep and Madonna. They'd find out that it's not easy. I used to have a lot of respect for Meryl and loved her movies because she's so talented, but I've lost all respect for her now, along with Martin Sheen, Robert DeNiro, and all of those who turn award shows into political shows.
As a last remark, I did not support Trump during the campaign or even want to vote for him, but Hillary had too much baggage for me to honestly vote for her. But now that Trump is president, he needs to be given a chance, support, and respect, like all other presidents I didn't vote for Obama, but I didn't cry, scream, and protest. i gave him a chance.
Oh, boy...I really went off on a rant! Sorry, but it's sickening. I've never seen this country so hateful.