The holidays is the best time of year for scamming according to the scammers, themselves. People are more distracted, in a hurry, and looking for a bargain.
Common scams:
1. Technology creates imposters. Don't use public WiFi. Your signal can be intercepted by the bad guys and your identity stolen! Use well-known websites, not obscure ones, for shopping and inputting credit card info.
2. Speaking of credit cards, use them instead of debit cards. Debit is linked to your checking while credit cards usually have some safeguards built in for a period of time.
3. If you give to charity, you might want to research how much goes to the actual charitable work and how much to administration/fundraising.
4. Don't leave stuff in your car while you shop...not even your trunk. Bad guys often sit in their car and watch and then just pop your trunk.
5. Ask to sign off on deliveries. Bad guys sometimes follow delivery trucks and wait until the package is left on the porch. You could also ask for the package to be delivered to a neighbor's address after asking if they will accept delivery if you are not going to be home.
6. Monitor your accounts every few days. What is the balance and what have been the withdrawals? Identity thieves can easily empty your accounts.
7. Leave your home exterior and interior lit up like a Christmas tree. Lighting is a deterrent to thieves.
8. Watch out for your neighbors. Unusual 911. Better that then a home invasion, a burglary, or worse!