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Topic: Day in the life of a survey taker  (Read 966 times)


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Day in the life of a survey taker
« on: September 19, 2016, 02:24:57 pm »
This post is MY OWN OPINION and it may or may not even be true, but I promise if you read it with an open mind and and truly understand for yourself that I am only giving you FREE ADVICE!

Today's topic is about Making Money and how I feel. This post applies to newbies, veterans, seasoned people on Fusion cash and even people helping share information with other's online.

Do you wake up every morning with a sense of urgency or do you struggle with the fact its another work day and your rushing to get the kids on the bus or if your going to be stuck in traffic or even if the boss will yell at you because your late.

That's the best part I feel about working from home and being a survey taker. It allows me the freedom to work when, where, how and long I want based on what is going on that day. Yes kids are my life and Yes I do have a work life as well but what I love most about being a survey taker is it's extra money I can earn and stick back for fun things I want to do or go shopping.

What is a survey taker if your new, a survey taker's job is to constantly do survey's one right after another and make as much money as you can. Will you get rich...nope. Will you make enough to get a good check...yes because on Fusion Cash they allow you up to 180 days or (4 months) to cash out.

I start each month with a goal of making $2.00 per day. I start each and everyday checking my email  for those of you who wish to contact me. As I check my email I get the daily email which gives me $0.02 for doing a little CAPTCHA. Then I watch 5 video's which gives me $0.05 to build on and that opens up my paid-to-click which gives me another $0.15. Once I collect my $0.22 cents I begin my day by seeing what survey's are available.

Survey's on here range from $0.10 - $5.00 depending on how much you have to do. I do around 50 to 60 a day and I always keep track of what credits me and what doesn't and at the end of each day I see if I reached my goal of $2.00 for that day.

Now with that said how do you as a new person feel about survey's? Are they boring, are they to long, do you feel like your never qualified? Chances are if your like me 50-60 a day takes a while and at best some I get credited and some I am discredited for but I still walk away and say I tried.

That's how I feel about survey's, I know this post might bore people and believe me survey's are not for everyone but if you try them with an open mind and are willing to do your best than chances are you will succeed and make money online.

If you like or love this post please by all means "hit" that thank you button over to the left there under my picture and you too will see I am only human and I am willing to help you make money online.

For What It's Worth!
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 06:17:56 am by Dvessella1983 »


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Re: Day in the life of a survey taker
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2016, 04:36:56 pm »
You need to remove your email address


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Re: Day in the life of a survey taker
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2016, 06:18:27 am »
You need to remove your email address



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Re: Day in the life of a survey taker
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2016, 03:20:45 pm »
I love this post. I also love money while staying home!  ;)


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Re: Day in the life of a survey taker
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2016, 06:09:43 am »
I have been unemployed for awhile and stumbled across the survey community in May. I have been building a fairly good income through trial and error of survey taking. I found sites that pay and work hard at those sites.
I really enjoy the surveys and also the product testing. In July, I spent two weeks testing a carpet cleaner. They shipped the product to me, I completed a total of three 5 minute surveys and shipped the product back. I made $55 for doing that.
I've spent countless hours testing survey sites and quite honestly, some are just not that good. I discovered FC a couple months ago and have already done a cash out and believe I can do one once a month if I'm vigilant.

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