Maybe there is a reason that others do not understand as to why some Americans don't. I don't think it is to disrespect anyone. Clearly if they had a BIG problem with the national anthem being said they would walk out of whatever function this was going on at.
A true follower of Jesus will pay Caesars things to Caesar and pay things back to God.When Gods laws were compromised the apostles said we must serve God before man.But also remember they didnt burn the flag.They remained neutral and still respected God has allowed man to have laws so total chaos wouldnt happen until Gods kingdom rules.
There is a difference between walking to a restroom during the national anthem during a ballgame and blowing up a federal building!
Your response is invalid. The flag was created to inspire national unity & create a separate identity from Britain & this my friend is why it was created. The modern meaning of the flag forged in 1860 symbolizes American nationalism. And today has become a huge symbol of Americanism. Fun fact since most people don't even realize what the flag is about or different meanings of each American flag that was made- The US flag (since made during the war) has been modified officially 26 times since 1777.
You would have no unity if you werent alive!!
Rev 4:11 You are worthy, Jehovah* our God, to receive the glory+ and the honor+ and the power,+ because you created all things,+ and because of your will they came into existence and were created.”
Let me remind all of you again what Jesus said,My kingdom is no part of this world...and let me remind you what Jesus told Satan after the devil offered him all the kingdoms of this world......He told him to go take a hike,Jehovah is only to be worshipped.......and lemme remind you all again the apostle John says the whole world lies in power of wicked one.......
If you all wanna praise the USA for Kaep being a millionaire,then dont forget to remember there are also many starving and poor because of politicians and religeous leaders too in this country!!
And violence and predjudice!!!LOL!!!I dont need to go furthur.
Some here say they support bible.You cant be at table of demons and say you still serve God.This system is in for a rude awakening.
3 Hebrews refused to bow down to King Nebuchadezzars idols and God remembered their loyalty and love!!Jehovah commands NO idols!!!The flag is an idoll and represents Satan as ruler!
You can still be kind and love your neighbor and your taxes and be a law-abiding person.Dead objects are NOT worthy of veneration!!And this dead object represents Gods enemy Satan!!