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Topic: Suicide  (Read 3373 times)


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« on: August 14, 2016, 07:20:42 pm »
"What needs to be said over and over again about suicide? ...suicide is a disease; that it takes people out of life against their will; that it is the emotional equivalent of a stroke, heart attack, or cancer; that people who fall victim to this disease, almost invariably, are very sensitive persons who end up for a myriad of reasons being too bruised to be touched; that those of us left behind should not spend a lot of time second-guessing, wondering whether we failed in some way; and, finally, that given God's mercy, the particular anatomy of suicide, and the sensitive souls of those who fall prey to it, we should not be unduly anxious about the eternal salvation of those who fall prey to it."
-- Margaret Atwood

This was printed on the back of a memorial printout for my wife's cousin who took his own life one week ago.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2016, 07:25:12 pm »
Pray for him!  I believe it is a sickness!  That is so pitiful!  I am so sorry for the family!


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2016, 08:48:43 pm »
"What needs to be said over and over again about suicide? ...suicide is a disease; that it takes people out of life against their will; that it is the emotional equivalent of a stroke, heart attack, or cancer; that people who fall victim to this disease, almost invariably, are very sensitive persons who end up for a myriad of reasons being too bruised to be touched; that those of us left behind should not spend a lot of time second-guessing, wondering whether we failed in some way; and, finally, that given God's mercy, the particular anatomy of suicide, and the sensitive souls of those who fall prey to it, we should not be unduly anxious about the eternal salvation of those who fall prey to it."
-- Margaret Atwood

This was printed on the back of a memorial printout for my wife's cousin who took his own life one week ago.

I am terribly saddened for your family. I hope you find strength & peace in this tragic time. Suicide is looked down upon but it is a disease no one is better then the other and not everyone deals with mind issues the same.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2016, 08:57:49 pm »
So very sad! I am so very sorry for your loss. I will keep him in my prayers.  :heart:
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Re: Suicide
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2016, 05:24:42 pm »
No doubt it is quite sad and many that committ it are not in right state of mind.

However Almighty God views it as self murder and it is only HE who sees the heart condition of the victim to decide if he can be forgiven for it because of his mind-set.

I also am sorry for the families loss.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2016, 07:48:32 pm »
Yes very tragic and unfortunate. God gives us  :peace: that surpasses all understanding. HE doesn't force it on you. You need to receive it.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2016, 06:09:39 pm »
It is not a disease.  People are so foolish.  Calling "suicide" a disease is a slap in the face to the people who really have a real disease.

Hitch, if you are saved when you die you will go to Heaven it does not matter how you die.  And God does not "decide" which sins to forgive and which ones not to.  No where in the Bible does it say you go to hell if you kill yourself.  That is just something people say.  But if you ask where in the Bible it says that the response is oh I don't know but it is in there.  No it isn't.

Sometimes people just get so depressed and they don't see any other way out.  Still not a disease.  Everybody wants to call everything a disease these days.  Makes me wish they had a real disease so they knew what it was like to deal with one.  😡😡😡


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2016, 06:59:25 pm »
I don't want to join the debate about whether or not it is a disease, but it is certainly tragic. The unfortunate thing is that many suicides can be prevented if there's intervention. Simply reaching out to people, and showing them that they care can sometimes deter suicide. Also, paying close attention to large amounts of stress.

A friend of mine from college committed suicide within the past 6 months. I was devastated to hear about it, and also felt guilty of not reaching out to him sooner.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2016, 07:02:57 am »
Country Girl,dust doesnt go to heaven.Thats what happens at death.God told Adam dust you will return to.

Only 144000 people go to heaven and rule with Jesus.The righteous will inherit the earth.I am not sure what your definition of hell is but it isnt some firey place where people are tormented.

Job recognized he would need a resurrection to live again.He told God when you call i will answer.

Jehovah didnt create man to die and go to heaven.Otherwise why would he bother warning them of penalty of sin.He told them to be fruitful and take care of the earth.They disobeyed and brought death to the human race and cursed was the ground on their account.Referring of course to A&E.
God has let Jesus be the judge of his kingdom or governement.He will judge.He said a sick people need a Dr.I came to call sinners and he died a ransom death for forgivness of them.

Judas sinned against holy spirit.NO forgivness for that sin.Jesus said it woulda been better off if he wasnt born.So how can you say God doesnt decide what sins to forgive?LOL!!

Examine your religeons teachings!!

Jesus said,he that endures to the end will be saved.What makes you think you are in a saved condition now???

Its NOT ok to kill others but killing yourself in your SO CALLED saved state is OK!!!???LOL!!

As i stated earlier you or i have no right to be the judge of someone who kills themselves.BUT the command is,THOU SHALL NOT KILL!!Life is very precious to God.He will be the one to decide the frame of mind the victim was in to either forgive the sin or not!!
« Last Edit: August 17, 2016, 12:15:29 pm by hitch0403 »


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #9 on: August 17, 2016, 07:10:50 am »
If you really want to get technical, then countrygirl12 is correct = suicide itself is an ACTION not a disease. But the depression and feeling of helplessness that lead a person to commit suicide absolutely and most definitely IS a disease. Recognizing that fact is not a slap in the face to anyone suffering from any other physical disease.  Pain is pain regardless of where it comes from.  I think it is a true slap in the face to anyone contemplating suicide (or to the loved ones they leave behind) to tell them that depression is not a "real" disease or to imply that it is just a funk that they need to get over/get out of.


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #10 on: August 17, 2016, 07:32:08 am »
If depression is called a disease and it leads to suicide....CERTAINLY suicide can be referred to the same way.But there are cures for disease and depression that lead to recovery.

Many dont take that road.Thats why only God can see the heart condition <NOT MAN>of the sin.

The apostle Paul went on a killing spree for the wrong reason.Jesus blinded and punished him to see the truth.Look what he turned into!!

Aaron worshiped Idols after succumbing to peer pressure from the Israelites.He knew God didnt approve of that and tried to use it in true worship.Moses spoke on behalf of him to God and God saw his heart was good but blinded.God forgave him while 1000s died in worshipping golden calves!


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2016, 08:20:10 am »
Whether you call suicide a "disease" or a mental illness seems kind of trivial. 

The person suffering from depression, mental illness that is so deep and so dark that the only way they see out of it is taking their own life is REAL suffering just as much as someone suffering from the disease of cancer or heart disease or any other malady that has been defined as a disease.  Calling suicide a disease is NOT a slap in the face of someone with cancer, etc.

I've lost family members to cancer---one is suffering from stomach cancer right now----and I've lost a brother to suicide.  SUFFERING and pain is intense for both.

I agree with UGetPaid, the person suffering is not just in a "funk".  They cannot just "get over it or out of it".   They need help/treatment/medicine just as someone with a "disease" needs medicine/treatment etc.

I lost my brother to suicide.  We did reach out to him but were not able to save him.  My heart still breaks knowing that he was tormented mentally to such a state that suicide was the only way out that he saw to take. 

Do take action and reach out to anyone who needs help....not all will take the help....or they will take help, but have everyone convinced (doctors and counselors as well as family/friends) that they are stable and at a better place mentally and are NOT going to do anything....and then they do take that final is heartbreaking for ALL people who love them...the parents, the siblings, the spouse, the children, the nieces and nephews...and this pain stays around for years because even though we know David had help, we still feel like we let him down. 

I do believe David is in heaven which is a comfort.
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Re: Suicide
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2016, 12:29:58 pm »
If people thought God didnt view suicide as murder and then went to heaven...the suicide rate would go up 10 fold.

Why view it as a disease then?It would be a blessing!


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2016, 07:29:32 pm »
so sorry for your loss


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Re: Suicide
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2016, 08:43:02 pm »
Sorry to is very tragic indeed.

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