ladavia89 ur correct in saying "from the terms of service
Users must log in and use FusionCash on their own personal computer and internet connection only. The use of a FusionCash account on a public or shared computer, or public internet connection is grounds for disqualification. You may not access your FusionCash account on the same computer or internet connection as your referrer, referral, or any other FusionCash user. Violation of this term may be considered grounds for disqualification of any and all users involved."
What if your a person who don't own a computer, or has no access to a computer but in a public or wifi setting? How can the Terms of service disqualify you from your account that way? I am not trying to say that the person should be disqualified I am just asking because what if you travel for work and your a fusion cash member? Or maybe you have a laptop and your retired and all you have is a connection that is not your own because your home is an RV? These are thing's I think need to be validated when making that statement.
Chipmunk90 - good point there> that's what I am saying too! How can you disqualify someone who's only access is public/shared?
From Fusion Cash admin - We advise that you just use FC from home. With that said, you can use a friends' private connection like you described, however, that friend (and anyone else living there) will not be able to use FC as long as they live there. So you (and them) should be quite sure about that before you login.
That to me is not the answer I am looking for - It makes no difference who lives in your home its a wireless connection and your not signing them up as a referral. ll your doing is using an access point in order to do Fusion Cash.
NicoleFusion - good point again!
quietpal - what's that mean that in order for a person to be on Fusion Cash they need to be on there home network with there own Ip address? Whether you use a mobile phone or not your not going to be connected to your home WIFI your on a cellular connection when away.
catherinedwhite - I totally agree with you there. With apps and mobile technology there needs to be a way to do fusion cash even if your away from your own personal network.
I know my response is long but this thread is good and I felt like everyone needed to be addressed and my thoughts added. Maybe fusion cash will reconsider.
However if your struggling with this issue do like crisstar isays and thats do a support ticket and see what the answer will be.