WWE is bad to my standard... The creative plot behind these developments are a complete fail... Apparently wwe stars teaming is the way to go.. It is good to get face time for them but it makes them lose individuality... Wyatt family, League of whatever, AJ styles and Chris Jericho, lucha dragons, etc... Many people say Bray Wyatt should pin the Undertaker to cement the new era of superstars.. However his individual performance is sub par due to him losing to other wrestlers (reign and dean) and can't win without his group's interference... Wish there was a family fued, and he had to beat his own family..Cementing his individuality and a top star.Roman Reigns is a boring wrestler which his only hype move is the superman punch... It is a good punch when he lands on the opponent, but overruse to point tht is cringe to watch. Not sure why Undertaker lost to Brock, when Brock is a inactive wrestler.. If they are making reigns the top guy in wwe, he should win vs him. Lucha dragons as a team is fine, but what is the point of him winning against alberto if all they do is team and have no story plot? They need more individuality... I think the reason why WWE is failing creativity and just pair superstars together is due to one main broadcast and also the John Cena era of him facing off against a team (like Nexus).. Raw is the only wwe main event while smackdown is just an added broadcast... If the company separated the roster, we will have more individuals stars.. People like Dean, Reign, Wyatt, Ziggler, Neville, etc can have their spotlight
If they want Wrestlemania to be hype, they should
AJ Styles vs Undertaker... AJ Styles wins and he cements himself as a top wwe star.. He has the experience and star power due to him coming from the top TNA wrestler. This will obv make Styles as a strong wwe star
Bryan Wyatt vs his family.. If he beats his family either Strowman or the group it will no doubt improve his individual competitor in WWE.. Beating a big guy will boost his individuality as the Undertaker have done in the past
Alberto vs Kalisto... Both are good wrestlers and them facing off, improves their rivalry
Reigns vs Triple H... As a wwe veteran, Triple H can help Reigns as a wwe star