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Topic: Female Draft - Pro or con?  (Read 11768 times)


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #60 on: April 12, 2016, 10:54:50 pm »
All but one of the 9/11 attackers were Saudi nationals.  So why did we go to war with Saddam Hussein/Iraq?
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.  So why did we attack Iraq?
Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11.  So why did we attack Afghanistan?

The statement I made about going to war to protect the poppy fields came directly from my congressman.  He assured me, in one of his official newsletters, that the poppies are doing just fine, now that we are there to protect them.

And yes, I understand that there is real evil in the world.  What I also understand is that we nurture and fund way too much of it.

In Syria, right now, there are militias funded, trained and armed by the CIA, fighting against militias funded, trained and armed by the Pentagon.

Tell me how that makes any sense at all??

You dismiss Major General Butlers' pamphlet as an "old piece."
If you honestly think that anything has changed since then, you haven't been paying attention.
Talk to some veterans today, you'll hear the same story.

Ever hear of the Monroe Doctrine? Or Manifest Destiny?
Ever researched how Hawaii became a state?

We are not who we think we are.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #61 on: April 13, 2016, 11:53:07 am »
All but one of the 9/11 attackers were Saudi nationals.  So why did we go to war with Saddam Hussein/Iraq?
Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.  So why did we attack Iraq?
Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11.  So why did we attack Afghanistan?

The statement I made about going to war to protect the poppy fields came directly from my congressman.  He assured me, in one of his official newsletters, that the poppies are doing just fine, now that we are there to protect them.

And yes, I understand that there is real evil in the world.  What I also understand is that we nurture and fund way too much of it.

In Syria, right now, there are militias funded, trained and armed by the CIA, fighting against militias funded, trained and armed by the Pentagon.

Tell me how that makes any sense at all??

You dismiss Major General Butlers' pamphlet as an "old piece."
If you honestly think that anything has changed since then, you haven't been paying attention.
Talk to some veterans today, you'll hear the same story.

Ever hear of the Monroe Doctrine? Or Manifest Destiny?
Ever researched how Hawaii became a state?

We are not who we think we are.

Believe it or not, paints, I actually have the same question about the invasion of Iraq, but your claim that Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9/11 is absurd.  Al-Quaeda was based in Afghanistan and maintained terrorist training camps there with the full assent of Afghanistan's Taliban gov't.  So yes, Afghanistan had something to do with 9/11; your denial of that just shows your determination to believe the worst about the country you claim to love.

As for Maj. Gen. Butler's pamphlet, I didn't dismiss it.  I was just surprised you didn't link to information related to the modern incidents we'd mentioned.  However, Butler's talk about war being for the profit of business and "international bankers" did give me pause.  "International bankers" is code for Jews and figures prominently in the rantings of anti-Semites.  I'm suspicious of the motives of anyone who uses the term.

Syria is a mess, with no easy answers to its terrible civil war.  However, your implication that the war is America's fault is delusional.  Russia and Iran are big players in Syria.  Russia has deployed troops there to support the gov't of Bashar Al-Assad.  Iran has sent in its Hezboallah surrogates to do the same.  But America is the problem.  Typical, paints, typical.

Yes, I've heard of the Monroe Doctrine, Manifest Destiny, and how Hawaii became a state.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #62 on: April 13, 2016, 08:26:31 pm »
Concerning the Taliban and Al-Quaeda, see

Also, from an Army Ranger:

Controlling the oil in the Middle East-

I don't think the international bankers Butler spoke of were Jewish. I've also found no evidence of his being anti-jewish.

As to the international bankers, see this:

Syria is a mess.  Whether it's a mess we made is debatable.  I do know the CIA was training Syrian rebels in Jordan in 2013.

What would you expect Russia to do?  If Russia attacked an ally of ours, would we just stand by?

And Russia wasn't the one who bombed a hospital.  That was us.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #63 on: April 14, 2016, 07:44:51 am »
Concerning the Taliban and Al-Quaeda, see

Also, from an Army Ranger:

Controlling the oil in the Middle East-

I don't think the international bankers Butler spoke of were Jewish. I've also found no evidence of his being anti-jewish.

As to the international bankers, see this:

Syria is a mess.  Whether it's a mess we made is debatable.  I do know the CIA was training Syrian rebels in Jordan in 2013.

What would you expect Russia to do?  If Russia attacked an ally of ours, would we just stand by?

And Russia wasn't the one who bombed a hospital.  That was us.

You're not anti-war, paints.  I mention Russian involvement in Syria and do you go off on them?  NO!  You give them a pass.  America made them do it by attacking Syria.  That's your excuse for them.  Only, America didn't attack Syria.  Syria's civil war arose out of the anti-gov't protests that erupted there as part of the Arab Spring.  That was in 2011; so, if the CIA was training Syrian rebels in 2013 that was two years AFTER the war had already started. But I know you don't care.  Your explanation will be that the CIA engineered the Arab Spring to start a war in Syria so it could train rebels to fight in the war it secretly started, all to provoke Russia, and let America bomb a hospital.  Yeah, that's it!  And of course the bombing of the hospital had to be premeditated.  If Syria had oil and poppy fields, you'd really be off the chain!

Every war, every evil in the world, is America's fault.  That's what you believe, paints.  That's the only framework by which your left-wing brain can explain the world.  America is the big baddie on the block.  If others do wrong, it's only because they were provoked by us, the Great Satan.  You are on the same page as the mullahs in Iran, yet you get indignant at any questioning of your patriotism.  Go figure.

And before you ask, no, I don't believe "my country, right or wrong".  I just don't believe my country is all wrong, all the time.  You do.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #64 on: April 14, 2016, 08:39:16 am »
Concerning the Taliban and Al-Quaeda, see

Also, from an Army Ranger:

Controlling the oil in the Middle East-

I don't think the international bankers Butler spoke of were Jewish. I've also found no evidence of his being anti-jewish.

As to the international bankers, see this:

Syria is a mess.  Whether it's a mess we made is debatable.  I do know the CIA was training Syrian rebels in Jordan in 2013.

What would you expect Russia to do?  If Russia attacked an ally of ours, would we just stand by?

And Russia wasn't the one who bombed a hospital.  That was us.

You're not anti-war, paints.  I mention Russian involvement in Syria and do you go off on them?  NO!  You give them a pass.  America made them do it by attacking Syria.  That's your excuse for them.  Only, America didn't attack Syria.  Syria's civil war arose out of the anti-gov't protests that erupted there as part of the Arab Spring.  That was in 2011; so, if the CIA was training Syrian rebels in 2013 that was two years AFTER the war had already started. But I know you don't care.  Your explanation will be that the CIA engineered the Arab Spring to start a war in Syria so it could train rebels to fight in the war it secretly started, all to provoke Russia, and let America bomb a hospital.  Yeah, that's it!  And of course the bombing of the hospital had to be premeditated.  If Syria had oil and poppy fields, you'd really be off the chain!

Every war, every evil in the world, is America's fault.  That's what you believe, paints.  That's the only framework by which your left-wing brain can explain the world.  America is the big baddie on the block.  If others do wrong, it's only because they were provoked by us, the Great Satan.  You are on the same page as the mullahs in Iran, yet you get indignant at any questioning of your patriotism.  Go figure.

And before you ask, no, I don't believe "my country, right or wrong".  I just don't believe my country is all wrong, all the time.  You do.

Dwana, we have been at war for most of the years we have been a country.
We instigate wars, we foment rebellions, we assassinate democratically elected leaders in other countries because they don't fit our business model. Or because they don't want to do business with us.

The world does not belong to us. 

Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset, with ties to Saudi Arabia, and the Bush family.
Al-Queda was/is CIA. 
Saddam Hussein, CIA asset, also ties to Bush.

As I said, we are not who we think we are.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #65 on: April 15, 2016, 07:39:04 pm »
"Dwana, we have been at war for most of the years we have been a country.
We instigate wars, we foment rebellions, we assassinate democratically elected leaders in other countries because they don't fit our business model. Or because they don't want to do business with us.

The world does not belong to us.

Osama Bin Laden was a CIA asset, with ties to Saudi Arabia, and the Bush family.
Al-Queda was/is CIA.
Saddam Hussein, CIA asset, also ties to Bush.

As I said, we are not who we think we are."

Thank you, paints, for confirming everything I've said about you.  Now go get your one-way ticket to Tehran.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #66 on: April 16, 2016, 06:07:09 am »
Glad to have made you feel vindicated, dwana.

Doesn't make what I've said any less true.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 10:16:31 am by paints »


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #67 on: April 18, 2016, 10:28:00 am »
"Glad to have made you feel vindicated, dwana."  Thank you, paints.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #68 on: April 18, 2016, 10:31:10 am »
"Doesn't make what I've said any less true."  Your "truth", paints, is that America is the devil.  All wars, all evils in the world are caused by her.   The mullahs would love you; probably already do.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #69 on: April 19, 2016, 11:18:43 am »
My truth, dwana, is documented.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #70 on: April 20, 2016, 06:36:13 am »
My truth, dwana, is documented.

So you're admitting that you do believe America is the devil?  And if you believe so much in truth, why do you refuse to acknowledge the good that America does and has done?


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #71 on: April 20, 2016, 08:00:19 am »
My truth, dwana, is documented.

So you're admitting that you do believe America is the devil?  And if you believe so much in truth, why do you refuse to acknowledge the good that America does and has done?

Not what I said.  I said what I post as truth is documented. 
We were speaking of war.  There is no good to be acknowledged in war. 


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #72 on: April 22, 2016, 10:16:02 am »
"We were speaking of war.  There is no good to be acknowledged in war."   Yes, paints, we were speaking of war AND your penchant for blaming America for all of it.  You say you're anti-war but your failure to denounce wars waged by any country but the US proves that it's really America, and not war, that you hate.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #73 on: April 23, 2016, 07:59:43 am »
So what you're saying is that if I agree that the answer to every one of Americas' problems is "kill kill kill!!!!" I'd be a good American?
Yeah, no.

Wars are a dullards way to tie his shoelaces.


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Re: Female Draft - Pro or con?
« Reply #74 on: April 25, 2016, 09:09:24 am »
"So what you're saying is that if I agree that the answer to every one of Americas' problems is "kill kill kill!!!!" I'd be a good American?"  Seriously, paints?  That's not what I said and you dang well know it.  Nice try, though, at trying to confuse the issue.  Unfortunately for you, such tricks don't work on me.  What I said was that you're not anti-war, but anti-American, and your one-sided moralizing and denunciations prove it.  And I stand by that.

When I stated that the Russians and Iranians are big players in Syria you responded by giving the Russians a pass, claiming they were only defending their ally from--surprise!--big, bad America.  You're cut from the same cloth as the anti-war fakes of the '80's who sanctimoniously condemned America's involvement in El Salvador's civil war but said absolutely nothing against the Soviets' far deadlier war in Afghanistan.  I soon understood that what the "anti-war" crowd back then really opposed wasn't war but war against communism.  Wars fought to impose or maintain communism, such as the Soviets' war in Afghanistan, were perfectly ok with the "peace" crowd.  I became utterly disgusted with their hypocrisy, as I am now with yours, paints.

In short, true pacifists oppose war, even in the name of causes they support, and condemn all players in it equally.  Fakes, on the other hand, exploit anti-war sentiments to achieve other goals and/or put a virtuous face on national or political hatred.  You're not a true pacifist, paints.

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